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Whether you have curls, kinks or relaxed hair you will know just how vital moisture is in your regimen. Protein is just as important and can actually make your hair softer.
Hair Facts
• Protein makes up approximately 88% of hair.
• Protein deprived hair can often feel dry and brittle.
• The small amount of moisture in your hair is the main difference between your hair and your nails!
How Protein Helps
New hair grows and is structurally sound with cuticles intact.
Through combing, styling or excessive heat usage, the hair fiber gets damaged and loses strength.
Even with frequent washes, moisture is lost from the hair very quickly and the strand is likely to break.
Oils* slow down the evaporation but moisture is still lost and the hair is left feeling weak.
Treating with a protein conditioner improves the structure of the hair and less moisture is lost leaving hair feeling softer.
Top Sources Of Topically Applied Hair Protein
• Protein Conditioners
• Protein Treatments
• Eggs, Yogurt, Gelatine etc
Severe structural hair damage cannot be rectified by protein conditioners and treatments. They only work for minor damage.
I add a egg in my conditioner,and it makes a big diff.
me too one egg mkes all d diff n some honey