As I began a routine of doing this I saw better and healthier results each time I washed my hair. My curls exhibited less frizz. This is something that I call “curl training” and involves wearing this moisturizing transparent, hair mask for several days before washing your hair.
What this does is train each of your curls on where they are supposed to clump together and lay. It is something that employ twice a week for at least two days and has produced enviable curls that even my mom and sister think was just “my gift from God”.
This is a typical reaction within our community if your hair is healthier or exhibits traits unlike anyone else’s it means you have that “good hair”. I always remind them that it isn’t about having “good” or “bad” hair, it is about taking the time to care for your hair that you should.
It’s about loving your hair enough to believe that it could be healthier and taking the steps to ensure that it receives what is most needed to produce those results. If I never believed that I could have curls, I would never have taken the leap of faith that day to leave the deep conditioner* in my hair that pretty much changed my hair forever.
The most important thing you have to be is open. All the rules I have broken that have given me amazing results have required that I break rules I never thought I would.
Water-only washing was a big one. Same with the deep conditioning*; but at a certain point in our hair journeys, we all have to take the plunge into unchartered territory to discover what will work best for us.
Our hair is unlike anyone else’s, so why should we think that doing the same thing that everyone else does will produce the same results? Make intelligent decisions about what you try on your hair, see my post on why the maximum hydration method failed for me the second time around, and you will find that with natural hair the key is experimentation that leads to hair discovery.
Not washing your conditioner out over a long period of time will weaken your hair. You can over condition hair and make it more porous.
Didnt know that thanks for the tip
She says in the article that she leaves it for two days and then wash and put it back again 🙂
That still can cause over-conditioning.
Im not sure. What about build up?
She uses benzonite Clay to clean her hair
I believe this also
Yea hygral fatigue is what they call it
Can you please share your recipe for your deep conditioner? Thanks for the post!
Exactly what my hair does.
Do you leave your hair in a wash and go state or can you put it up in twists?
Well I plan to keep rinsing mine out (in cool water). They make leave in conditioners for a reason.
Yes…Could you give us the DIY recipe for the hair conditioner, I have been fighting the dryness seems like for ever. I just haven’t found the right conditioner.
I would also like to know the recipe for the deep conditioner you used.
It would be great to know the ingredients in the deep conditioner!!
How do you wash out the Clay?
OMG..So i had just put the deep conditioner in my hair getting ready for the 30 min under the dryer, and my mom saids lets go to the casino…what is a girl to do? so i got the blow dryer and dried my hair 85% not washing out the deep conditioner….WOW my hair loved it…from that point on ive been applying the DC, BD, and may leave in for 1-3 days…so I understand the results that you are talking about I also have low porosity hair…I will include that i do a gelatin protein treatment once a week, just to balance out all the moisturizing…all that being said my hair loves it and always remember to do what works for you..thanks for sharing
What are the ingredients she uses for the leave in conditioner?
Is it possible to leave in a deep conditioner?
Yes!! I love doing this (with regular conditioner) to my 5 year olds hair and she likes it too bc she rocks her curls and it’s quicker!!
I was just telling my friend that I had the same experience when I left my deep conditioner in. I hear & respect the other comments on this post, but like she said we all should continue experimenting and do what is best for our individual hair.