So, I have a group of about 4 really close girlfriends who I met during my undergraduate college days. Back, then none of us were naturals, even though we’ve all experimented once or twice, but eventually gave up and decided to get relaxers again. I think it also had a lot to do with the college culture as well.
We went to a predominately white institution, so we were already in the minority,so add on natural hair, we would have stuck out even more like sore thumbs.
I know it sounds bad, but back then, I for one was still finding myself, and I wouldn’t have dared to do something that went against the “norm.” However, fast forward to 5 years later and all 5 of us are naturals! It may sound kind of cheesy, but I really do enjoy the fact that all of us are natural. It’s like having a mini support group right at your fingertips.
I remember when I suddenly decided to do the big chop, I had casually mentioned it in our group, but I never actually told them I was going to do it, until I did it and was holding my relaxed hair in my hands like a trophy.
I wasn’t really feeling the chop and was actually having second thoughts on my decision, so thats when I talked to them, and I was immediately reassured and comforted! They said things like “i love it!” and told me how cute my curl pattern was, and I remember my closest friend, Vanessa, even said she was proud of me!
Granted, I still wasn’t totally feeling my chop, hence the reason I started protective styling shortly after, but the reassurance was nice to remind me that it will eventually grow out and it won’t always be short forever. Now, over one year later, they were right, and my hair has grown out to a beautiful length and I have to make myself protective style, especially in the upcoming Winter months, to protect it from the dry cold air.
Even if you don’t have any friends who are natural, or don’t have a group of friends, you can find one! There are tons of various Meetup groups online, and also YouTube has a ton of naturals who have made videos to answer pretty much any question you can think of about natural hair.
So, cheers to naturals all over the world inspiring other naturals!