Rest assured scientists have tested this theory using some genetically programmed hairless mice. They gave the mice dosages of vitamin D3 and after a period of time the mice showed signs of stimulation in their hair follicles and hair growth.
The tests however have not been extended to human genes to determine if Vitamin D could really curb hair loss in people with low levels of the vitamin. If you have any inclination that you are vitamin D deficient the best thing to do would be to make an appointment to see your doctor and check your levels. A simple test will show what your levels are versus what they should be and the doctor will be able to suggest ways in which you can rectify the situation.
Vitamin D* Sources
Along with advice given to you from a doctor there are a number of naturally found sources for vitamin D if you suspect that you might be deficient. A few include milk, pink salmon, cod live oil, sardines, tuna, eggs, beef liver, mackerel and most ready to eat cereals now come fortified with vitamin D.
The most important source is of course the sun. However, so many of us are living indoorsy lifestyles these days it’s nearly impossible to get enough vitamin D from the sun so supplementation may be a good idea.
My doctor actually told me that he’s only ever come across one African American who’s turned out to have normal vitamin D* levels! It is especially important for darker skinned people who live in the northern hemisphere to supplement with Vitamin D.
Oh and if you are lucky enough to live in sunnier climes, allow your bare skin to be exposed to sunlight for at least ½ hour per day before applying any sunscreen. Yes sunscreen blocks vitamin D production and some scientists have even suggested that their use actually increases the incidence of melanoma! Hmm something to think about.
Justine Jenae S says
Totally agree my hair had stopped reverting back after a press… once i start taking 50,000 ui of vitamin d it started curling again (had to do my big chop again as well)
Bartell Banks says
I too am taking 50,000 ui a week…..And my hair is growing everything is looking UP……My hands didn’t pain and I feel so much better……