A few days ago, I saw a video floating around Facebook of a brush that could actually be used as a flat iron*. It was being used on a Caucasian girl, and the comments were so funny because everyone was absolutely sure that the tool could not work on a black girl’s kinks and curls and immediately dismissed it.
Well since then Kimberly Satterwhite a black mom tested it on her daughter’s hair and the results were astonishing. The tool is called Dafni Ceramic Straightening Brush, and Kimberly just grabbed a chuck of her daughters hair, straightened it using the brush while recording the whole thing.
As you can imagine the video went viral and we all want one so bad now! Check out Kimberly’s Facebook video below:
Sometimes things look so good you have to think, “That just can’t be!” And “It’s just too good to be true!” Like how I earn 6 figures as a stay at home mom. I just say, “Let’s just Try it & see”! I understand how it feels to be a total skeptic of something! So I’m going to try out the ‘Dafni Ceramic Straightening Brush’. DOES IT WORK?! You can see for yourself IF In Fact IT Works or not?! This takes the place of flat ironing and saves you MAJOR TIME! I am TOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!NOTE: I was so excited to use this I didn’t wash my daughter’s hair. She does have GEL in her hair I just ran it through really quick to test it. Imagine this on her CLEAN hair! WOW. I’m very happy with this product!
Posted by Kimberly Massengill Satterwhite on Friday, October 2, 2015
It is a ceramic iron* that heats up to about 185 degrees in under one minute. The company responsible for the invention is based in Italy and states that brushing is the “ultimate intuitive way to self style your hair”. According to the Dafni website.
Brushing is the ultimate most intuitive way to self-style the hair, hair is to be brushed and not ironed. Therefore, the DAFNI brush is a natural and convenient way to style both the front and the back of the hair!
Furthermore, the DAFNI brush consists of a unique 3D surface that is substantially wider than a traditional straightener; hence the brush styles very large strands of hair in each stroke and can shorten the straightening time by as much as ten times.
For example, if you would normally straighten your hair in 30 minutes, with DAFNI you will be good to go in about 2-3 minutes. If your hair would normally take 45 minute with a straightener you will achieve your polished look in about 5-6 minutes with DAFNI.
If you want this brush you will have to get on the list at the Dermstore website because it is currently sold out. The brush costs $300.
What do you guys think about this brush? I have to say, I kinda want one!
Noèl Kimmie says
Wow!! I want it
Shannon Swift says
Not for $300 boo?????
Noèl Kimmie says
I tried pulling up more videos for black hair…it’s not many videos period…I’m willing to save up for it once more reviews comes out..
Pamela Smith says
For $300 it better do the job right!!
Shar Smith says
It doesnt and you would still need to flat iron it. I will stick to my nume flat iron lol
Phoenix McGee says
Right lol, I was expecting magic.
Phoenix McGee says
Y’all better show me lol. After watching the video, I’ll stick to my affordable flat irons lol.
Shar Smith says
Shannon Swift says
Yaaaaasssss this is not worth $300 I paid $65 for my CHI n it gets my hair bone straight on ONE PASS she had to brush n brush and it still wasn’t bone straight. I’ll pass
Phoenix McGee says
Right! They trying to get out something new, nope, ya girl be flicking that wrist with them flat irons ?
Le Petite McCullough says
$300 I’ll wait
Shannon Swift says
Okkkkkk I’ll rather pay $75 for an CHI flatiron that gets it bone straight on ONE PASS
Le Petite McCullough says
I heard her hair ripping too.. You have to go over it to many times and 135 heat is not that hot. My flat iron goes 430
Kim Edwards says
There’s some on Amazon for $70. I may give it try for that price, but not for $300. Lol
Jamia St. Clair says
Its 135 Celsius. 365 or something Fahrenheit. Still wouldn’t buy it.
Tonya Johnson says
Lol yeah I’ll wait too
Giavona Jackson says
I bought one eBay for $28.
Lena Bena says
Is this better than a blow dryer brush?
Joi Jones says
Waaaayyyyy too expensive. Thanks anyway.
Margaret Graham says
Nice! !!
Michelle Sibanda says
$300? That’s R3992 (South African Rands)
I’m good thanks
Kae Henry says
That’s 30,000 Jamaican dollars looool. For a brush. I’ll pass
Jamila Kelly says
Yeaaaah they made really nice promises about that newer in styler brush :/
Annetta Richardson says
I loved the instyler not the brush one
Bethany Swint says
You think it works
Tara La'Trece says
I’ve used it.. It works !!
Shannon Pollard says
Seen some on Ebay for about 45$ and under
Whitney Phillips says
It looked like it worked ok. It didn’t seem to get the hair as sleek as I would want mine to be.
For my next flat iron I think I’m going to try the Paul Mitchell neuro smooth. It’s definitely priced better than 300$.
Felicia Johnson says
Yes we do!
Rukiya Nubiannp Chavers says
It’s sold out
Dorothy Swint says
For $300 it better
Lorna Brown says
185 degrees. Nah. I’ll wait till its 450 degrees. And she took to long on a little piece of hair. I got mixed kids and that would take forever
Sherrie Tamara says
It’s in Celsius. I think is more like 450 Fahrenheit.
Lorna Brown says
Oh well that makes a difference. Might try it then.
Nicole Symone J says
Brandy Beavers says
I want this in my life lol
Vickegpiscesmermaidqueen Owens says
$300 hey don’t want to pay much for any hair tool that’s why I’m natural
Vedejah Scroggins says
I just wanna see the comparison between this, a pressing comb, and a flat iron to which is better because 300 is a bit high for 1 styling product does it really work better or is it just something new that everybody has to have
Sophronia Sang says
$300?????? I wonder how generous Santa is feeling this year.
LaTausha Jones says
No Thank you…..
Karen Cauthorne says
This is just the hot comb remixed and not worth $300.
Kimberly Hubbard Nickelberry says
Dont think I want to spend 300.00 ouch
Mickoel La Mudanza Russell says
Antonia Barlow says
I want one!
Nikki LovepeaceandHairgrease Blair says
Just let all the test folks buy it at the expensive price first and then we will see how great this brush is
Nicole Smith says
Yessss !
Makayla Mills says
They’re so cool but so expensive
Nyamal Rundial says
What about coily hair!!??
Roxanne Holmes says
i know right. i can barely get a comb through my hair let alone a brush
LaCondra Antoine says
I want one!!
Jodi Washington says
Thing about a bush is you will still have rough edges and hair near the scalp which will cause breakage.
Yoli says
I’ll wait until it’s cheaper. I do not straighten my hair often enough to pay $300 and to consider flat ironing an inconvenience.
Bee Linda M says
It don’t think it’s designed for all hair textures….because the hair did not look silky and shiny…I would be skeptical of this product…I can use a blow dyer and get the same look.
Charity Mvula Murray says
I want one *forwards link to husband* #christmaspresent
Micole Spicer says
Not for $300!
Elisha Wright says
It’s a no from me.
Nicole Moore Chase says
Ummmmmmmm I saw a video about this brush and then saw the price…$300!!!! No way in Hell.
Sanny Parris says
That iron have to shampoo and wash my hair too. Madness
Kandis Richardson says
Am I the only one that after watching this video thought that she would still need to go in with a flat iron to actually finish this style? I mean…the brush didn’t “break it up” in the way a blower dryer would, but…I wouldn’t compare it with a flat iron…its apples and oranges.
Kandis Richardson says
I meant to say it DID break it up
Mariette Guzman says
What??? 300 That’s one Pricey brush…
Dorecia Fields says
A waist of money use the flat irons
Chandrany Dévaki Ganga says
300 $ ??
Hawthorne Je'ney AnneOli says
My daughter hair is curly-wavy i think it will work prefect for my baby girl hair
Del B. Moore says
Too much $300 thou
Michelle Nicole Charley says
I paid around $200 for my ghd iron and it’s one of my best investments. $300 is not that bad…. It’s all relative to what you got in the bank and how well you think it will work for you.
Shara LovingLife says
Why is it so much ? You can get a great flatiron for half the price
Del B. Moore says
Jerrell Wiggins says
Paying $300 on bills or this brush? Hmmm I’ll pay my bills. Pretty sure there are other companies now making the same type but will drop the price since this is making money anyway. I’ll wait.
Chandrany Dévaki Ganga says
Elise Whitaker says
For $300 this brush better straighten my hair so well I’ll never have to go to the doobie shop again AND as i pull it through my hair it better make my hair grow out of my head while i brush it like my dolls from back in the day
Cb Sampson says
300 oh hell to the no next year when its 29.99
Carmen Martinez says
Reverse psychology…they figure if they say it’s not for black people/ afro texture hair,then some guinea pig will buy it and try it to see if it really doesn’t work on natural afro hair texture! Now they can get more black females as customers and continue to make money off of black women!
Esther Appiah says
I don’t know why they still test straightening hair products on hair thats already dumb straight its a dumb concept . that’s why curly girls don’t buy the products
Purplebutterfly says
Total rip! It did not take $300.00 to make this brush. Certainly not much more than a curling iron or flat iron.