One of the things us girls with tighter curl patterns have a real issue with is shrinkage. While shrinkage isn’t that bad and most of us have accepted that it is the nature of the beast with our hair we continue to find creative ways of stretching our hair to give it some length and reduce tangles.
Banding is an oldie but goodie method for stretching your hair but if you are not familiar with it, well we have just the demonstration for you.
This video utilizes two methods of stretching the hair; flat twists and banding. The style is created using As I Am hair products* but of course you can use any good leave in conditioner* and/or any holding product that you have to hand.
You don’t need perfect parts for this style of course but to create a smooth curl remember to twirl the ends of your flat twist. You will notice that the section of hair that is banded is the ends of the flat twists at the back. Banding as she has done with some good ouchless bands* will prevent the hair from shrinking up too much as it dries.
Check out the video from Asiamnaturally.
Some simple tips on banding
1. Band your hair in the evening so that your hair can dry stretched – Stretching your hair overnight really allows it to set properly because if you band and remove them before for your hair is dry, it will shrink right up again, making your efforts in vain.
2. Seal properly – I mention sealing because more than likely you would have added moisture, sealing your hair means using an oil over the moisture to keep your hair hydrated. Sealing your hair properly gives it a natural shine once your hair dries and you remove all the bands.
3. Banding is a great way to start your stretch before you flat iron* or blow dry your hair – Sometimes you have to use way too much heat to get from full shrinkage to straight, so doing a heatless stretch in-between can be very helpful not to mention less damaging.
I’d be so happy if I could get my hair to do this. But alas none of these twist out/braid out options has EVER worked on my hair.
The Real Person!
It’s about practice Jasmine Whitlock. Trust me, they all work but if your hair is really high shrinkage then try double stretch before you start twisting instead of doing it on soaking wet hair 🙂
Im definitely leaning towards natural.
Come on Patty Cake Ross… we welcome you with open arms
I thread with stockings till its dry then twist
I’m going try this
Very cute!!!
My hair looks like I have a perm . Hate it so bad, what can I do. I use Cantu Shea product. Can anyone help me please
Is those braids or twist
Some body I need a hair do on before valtine,”
I want this hair do.
Cute 🙂
OHhhh i can’t to try this one out!!
Very cute!
That is really cute
I love this hair do…
I could never master flat twist outs!
Me neither
Oohh I think I’ll be trying this
a lot of my problems would be solved if I could flat twist
I have to try this!!!!!
Gonna try it 🙂
Love it!!!
my favorite do lol!
Ima try this
Love this look but when I do it to my transitioning hair, it dies by the next day.. So fustrating sometimes my hair is my hair is wavy fine and very dense. Twists and braids just don’t work on my hair at all. 🙁
Thank you guys sooo much for your comments. I sometimes flat twist my hair so that it can stretch in length. Let me know if you need instructions on replicating this style. Again thanks for the comments
Is their something you have to apply on it before you twist it??
i would love to learn how to flat twist can you please help on how to go about it.
I would like to know what you use to pull the hair straight on the sides, are they bobby pins? thanks
I always rock my hair lik that when i take my hair down out if french braids
Its fun and cute
Hey I likey!!! I must try this!!
i really like this but my hair is too thin.
When is the best time to clip your ends?
I love this but flat twists are so hard for me to do. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. 🙁
So this can only be done with natural hair?
No, you don’t have to be natural.
That’s Cute!
<3 absolutely!!!
Its cute but it never works on my hair !!!
Do my hair like that
I need my hair like natural
looks good
thats cute as heck
My favorite run to
ive been with out a perm for 8 months and I really don’t want to cut it it but im running out of ways to do my hair….
love the natural styles,stop cutting my hair on a regular,but continue to be even
Braid-outs are my staple style ’cause they work best for my dense, kinky hair. After braiding my hair up post-wash, I band them for extra stretch as I air-dry. It also keep my braids from getting bends in them as they dry.
Love it.
teach me! please!
So what do I do Yolonda Spead & use
What does thread with stockings mean?
Thats cute
Great job on this. This is one of my personal cutest go-to natural styles to. I like to add a flower to make it pop.
That hair style is super cute! Incorporates 2 of my favorite things!