Yes, it’s peppermint essential oil that has been shown to speed up hair growth! I am unashamed to say that I have an unequivocal love for anything peppermint. At 5 years old it was the pretty dangling candy from the tree at Christmas time, and at 15 it was a little blue peppermint candy that I would slip in my purse just in case that boy I liked wanted to spark up a conversation and I needed to make a ‘fresh’ impression.
Then as I got older my reasons for always having peppermint around is much less juvenile but still absolutely necessary. These days, I leave the candy obsessions for the kids but I like to keep the ingredient in the form of an essential oil around in its purest form or added to formulas that can be beneficial to my overall health and hair growth goals.
How is peppermint oil derived?
To extract the oil, the process is simple but the time it takes for this to happen is definitely not ideal for a busy working girl such as myself. To get the oil all you need are peppermint leaves, some form of alcohol to dissolve the oil, water, and a glass jar that can be sealed
The alcohol of choice for many is Vodka, but any high-proof grain alcohol will do. If you are more of a natural nut, like many of us are now, you can use Apple cider vinegar or glycerin as your ‘alcohol’ to do the extraction. You would simply place the leaves in a jar, fitting as much as you can in the container, and then add both liquids. Seal and leave the mixture in a cool place for just 4 to 8 weeks.
Yes folks at least 2 months, depending on how strong you want your oil to be. While DIY is fun and worth the try if you really want to see what you can achieve, many of us opt to purchase our oil and mixes just to save time and make use of the benefits of peppermint oil immediately.
What are the benefits of peppermint oil
The benefits of this oil are widely researched, and a simple google search will uncover a wide array of things including helping with everything from nausea and pain to dental care and stress. The oil contains Vitamin A, & C, calcium, manganese, iron, folate, potassium and copper.
If we were to isolate the benefits of the oil for our hair we would see even more benefits such as the following:
► Stimulates the scalp and hair follicles, which helps to speed up hair growth
► The oil balances the pH on the scalp, which helps with alleviating dry scalp and dandruff
► It prevents lice
► Prevents hair loss because it strengthens the roots of the hair and reduces hair fall
► Adds shine and a natural luster to your hair when added as a gloss
But what we are really interested in is the fact that the oil will speed up hair growth, but how do you add it to your hair regimen?
When to use peppermint oil in your hair regimen to speed up hair growth?
Because peppermint oil is an oil that balances the scalp’s pH, using it on your scalp will not only trick the scalp into creating less oil, it also creates an environment for optimum growth to happen.
You will often hear experts tell you that oils are not moisturizers and in fact when added to your already dry hair can make things worse. While this is true, you can create an environment of moisture retention. When your oil is used in combination with the right amount of water, it can moisturize your hair like no other.
Adding peppermint oil to your hair along with a great carrier oil, covering your hair with a plastic cap, and adding heat to the mix will create the best hot oil treatment money can buy. The oils and the condensation from the heat will not only moisturize your strands but strengthen them as well. All of this will help speed up hair growth.
Typically a scalp that is dry or that has dandruff is unhealthy. There is an overproduction of oil, scalp irritation, and no amount of shampoo can seem to get rid of the problem. Peppermint oil can restore the scalp to healthy with direct application to the affected areas.
The peppermint oil will restore your scalp and it will make it less dry, which eliminates dandruff and flakes all together.
Hair fall is a huge problem for many of us and some women will tell you they have tried everything including seeking professional help to combat excessive shedding.
If you are in the midst of treating, your hair fall we would suggest adding peppermint oil in your regimen along with regular scalp massages. The oil increases the oxygen supply brought to the scalp by increasing blood flow which helps to strengthen the roots of your hair. Your hair follicles will constrict and help you to retain more strands on your head and avoid hair fall.
We saved the best for last because, for one, many of us have hair growth as a number one priority in our hair journey, and two, it wasn’t until 2014 that peppermint oil was formally recognized as a healthy growth aid that will speed up hair growth.
In 2014, a study was conducted which looked directly at peppermint oil as well as minoxidil as it related to growth and hair loss. The results concluded that peppermint oil absolutely without a doubt promotes growth.
3% PEO facilitates hair growth by promoting the conservation of vascularization of hair dermal papilla, which may contribute to the induction of early anagen stage. In addition, PEO effectively stimulated hair growth in an animal model via several mechanisms and thus could be used as a therapeutic or preventive alternative medicine for hair loss in humans.
This is a remarkable find for those of us who have been experimenting with peppermint oil for years and have noticed that the oil is great for growth.
How to apply peppermint oil to your hair
The best way to apply peppermint oil is within a healthy solution of carrier oils, for example, a great oil blend is a mix of carrier oils and a few drops of essential oils including peppermint oil.
Using the mix you can massage your scalp weekly on a set schedule to ensure that you see results. Essential oils are never applied neat to the scalp but work best when used with carrier oils like grapeseed oil, coconut oil or castor oil.
When massaging your scalp, use the tips of your fingers moving in a circular motion to encourage circulation to the scalp.
Another way of using your oil mix worth mentioning is as a hot oil treatment, which can strengthen your hair as well as heal your scalp.
You can also use it to do an oil rinse in the shower which leaves your hair feeling luxurious and moisturized after shampooing.
Further Reading On Essential Oils For Hair
- What Are Essential Oils?
- How to Use Essential Oils For Your Beautiful Black Hair
- Regrowing Thin Edges And Bald Spots Caused By Alopecia With Essential Oils
- Best 6 Essential Oils For Hair Growth
- How To Choose And Blend Essential Oils For Healthy Hair Growth
- What Do Essential Oils Do For Your Hair? – BHI Postcard Tips
- My Top 6 Perfume Fragrance Essential Oils
- Get Your Oil Game Up – 6 Beneficial Oils To Use in Your Regimen
- 8 Oils You Should Be Using In Your Herbal Infusions For Hair Growth
My mother was doing that in 70’s. No. The method is simple.but you use all that. Whats missing is somr main ingredient. But does promote growth. Which see got from her mother
Ask your greatgrand mothers about this
Is only 4 ingredients
yep, been using it for years. and you get max benefits if you mix it with tea trea oil. FYI
Can you use it on dry hair or do you use it after you washyour hair as a conditioner?
you can do both. i used it as part of my daily conditioning routine.
I use peppermint oil in my shampoo and conditioner and I also do peppermint oil mixed with coconut oil and leave it in for about 45 minutes then wash my hair.
Will it mess up bright colors?
I not only apply it to my castor oil but I apply it to my bentonite clay mask.
I believe any essential oil will do it
Tea Tree Oil also speeds up hair growth. Any type of oil with a eucalyptus feel to it aids in hair growth. It opens up your hair shaft.
Peppermint oil
I love the tingling feeling and the smell