We don’t get too caught up in the number and letter hair typing system here, we prefer simply to dispense advice based on the texture of the hair (fine, coarse etc). But did you know that 4B hair is actually naturally dryer than any other hair type? The reason for this is because of the unique structure of the hair strand it just does not allow for moisture to be held or distributed throughout the hair as it would be in comparison to ‘S’ curls or loose curls, but more about that later.
Lately the chatter in the forums and around the blogosphere have produced insinuations that the 4B category of hair is actually 4A hair when it is dry, un-moisturized and overall not healthy. A shockingly inaccurate and offensive statement if there ever was one.
There are distinct differences between the 4A and the 4B curl pattern which can lead to all sorts of confusion, so lets set the record straight once and for all about what is means exactly to have dry hair, what it means when you fall into the 4 category of hair curl patterns, and the differences between 4A and 4B curls.
What exactly is Dry Hair?
Dry hair is hair that lacks enough moisture and oil to maintain its structural integrity despite what hair category you may fall in. You can identify dry hair when it’s texture feels brittle and the hair is fragile. In this state the hair is very prone to breakage and it is very difficult to retain length as it will eventually break if the dryness is not rectified.
The causes of dry hair are varied and range from poor health such as malnutrition and anorexia to excessive heat styling, dry air in the summer, medications or even excessive washing with harsh products that strip the hair of its healthy oils* and natural moisturizers. All curl patterns behave in the same manner when dry and the ultimate consequence is hair loss.
The Kinky* 4 Curl Pattern Category
The 4 category is known for having very tightly curled structure, this hair type has been described as very wirey and kinky*, cottony or fluffy with or without a visible curl pattern. It is also considered coarse and very fragile with tons of strands densely packed together . What makes the four category scientifically unique is that the hair has less cuticle layers in comparison to other hair types.
Joules says
I’m not going to lie, I always thought I was 4B. I put too much shea butter in it one night while doing my nightly routine and, in the morning, had 4A.
NubianPrize says
Same thing here. I let my hair dry or use a clarifying shampoo that strips oils & I have 4b; Wet,well conditioned hair, or Kinky Curly with or without Knot Today & I have all these little 4a curls. That’s why hair typing can be picky & crazy ; African Americans have a zillion textures.
Sharon Floyd Wright says
Could you send me all the info on the 3 year plan
Markeysha Taylor says
Gotcha thanx I’m definitely 4b
Shay Collier says
Im a 4b but I have some 4a in me lol
Maya Woodall says
This is interesting because i notice my fair cuts all the way up when its dry but oohhhhh baby when its super most and hydrated its like 2c or 3a but wen dry its 3c4a for sure…hire do you determine wat you really have?! How do you ever find out wat your true texture is???!
See Jay says
Go by when it’s moisturize
Joycelyn Lanae says
Your suppose to go by when its dry because that is what your hair want to naturally do. Product it to tame and moisturize hair, so typing hair when it has product in it doesn’t make sense. Typing your hair is how it looks when it grow out of your head and your hair don’t grow out of it head with product on it. My hair looks wavy while wet/moisturized to, but I’m a 3c/4a.
Shawnnita Larkins says
….. well i think I’m 4a when wet but when fully dried i am definitely 4b 🙂
Shannon Johnson says
im 4xyz…lol
Ashley Lawton says
Lol I’m 5
RJ Eustacia says
Oluwadamilola Fadekemi Orenisile says
I’m definitely a 4b
Celeste Jackman says
Well from that pic then im definitely 4b also. Lisa Muhammad check this pic.oh with some 4a random curls at times
Suella Lynch Hooplot says
Terri Fletcher says
The pics are super helpful! Finally, I know that I am 4b!!!
Annette Smith says
I can finally declare myself a mixed chick… 4a and 4b lol
Muriel Oduro says
No pictures of 4c hair?
Medina Christian says
but not only is it different textures its also different colours. not convinced!! unless the brown is before she washed it…lol.
Geraldine Anneni says
Even think my hair is 4c dry and 4b wet lol
Fluffy Ladyj Bun says
im 4b and i have a 4a friend…totally different!!!
dry or wet!!!!!!!
Aceboone Coone says
I’m. 4b
Tonya Brooks DeBrow says
I’m mixed all up mainly 4B, my nap is 4A which seems to be so backwards from the majority. and my front left going up towards the top and center crown I believe is 4C it stays dry and does not grow with the rest of my hair.
Lene Gipson says
4B,today.lol4a last monday.lol
Myeia Reid says
and they say 4C hair is unmoisturized 4B hair http://blackgirllonghair.com/2013/06/is-4c-a-hair-type-or-dry-4b-hair/
Mitzi Juliassaint says
YES! When hair is well moisturized and use of good products it really does change the texture !
Terrie Mattox Lavender says
I’m both I been getting relaxers since I has three and I been natural for a year and my grade has been ruined but I embrace my 4a/4b hair love the twist outs and all just have to find a product that keeps e hydrated for hours..
Totti Ray says
is this a joke? one just looks better taken care of that’s all
Dominique Brewer says
I’m 4b but my daughter is 4a! Lucky her
Jamillah Hall says
When hair is wet &moisturized it shrinks becomes more compact & therefore looks darker.People don’t be so quick to dispute what somebody post if you havnt researched it yourself.
Brittney Gray says
Nooo I’m 4b and my hair never looks like 4a air, moisturized or not
Julie Johnson says
I have a mixture of both. Front edges 4b everything else 4a when moisturized
Aliyah Morrison says
I’m 3c/4a more 3c in my crown and back of my hair 4a in my edges a course 4a in the middle back of my hair and a mix of 3c/4a through out my hair . Even when my hair is dry I have tight curls and coils . I can only achieve a 4b/4c Afro if I blow dry which I don’t do that anymore too much heat damage . I now braid then flat iron only if I want it straight .
Pam A Jankowski says
This is definitely my daughter’s hair. I have done all types of concoctions from oils to grease and NOTHING sticks in her hair. Within minutes, you can see the frizz appear.
Cheryl Williams says
You need to use something with a thicker consistency. My daughter hair does well with Eco styling gel with olive oil or Shea Moisturizer curl smoothie.
Ashley Elam Attenborough Rothenberg says
She’s low porosity, that’s why nothing sticks. Look into cherry lola treatment and porosity correctors. Once you fix the porosity issue a good conditioner for her hair and leave in moisturizer (oil based is heavier) sealed with essential oils. Just be careful with over moisturization
Ashley Elam Attenborough Rothenberg says
If her hair starts getting gummy for too much moisture, look into proteins. If it gets to dry and brittle from protein lessen it and moisturize.
Lauren Antoinette says
I hate hair typing. Probably because I can’t figure out my own
Kenya Greene says
I thought I was a 4b/4c
Ashley Elam Attenborough Rothenberg says
No 4b is it’s own hair type. 4a corkscrew curls, 4b is s shaped, 4c is zig zag. Most consider themselves 4b because of dryness and frizz with actually looking at an individual hair strain’s shape.
Anna Ogonji Smith says
I don’t care anymore. I just moisturize and style. I have several different hair types and they look strange together. Believe it or not my husband was looking through my hair and found a few sections that had straight hair. I’ve been natural for a long while now. All of my hairs are thick and coarse if that’s the word, but each section has its on pattern. What can I do?
Tonya Jones says
I have 4a/4b hair… The 4a is always curly, the 4b is always bent, whether dry or just moisturized.
Maybell Lena Killion says
Wow with this hair typing. Just figure out what your hair needs and proceed! Did they hair type when we were kids?
Sherree G says
this was great. Thank you. Ive been searching for answers on me and my daughters hair type. I was getting frustrated because Im like this is my daughter so we should have the same hair type. But her hair is much dryer than mine no matter what I seem to put in it. Reading your article helped me realize thatI have 4a hair and she has 4 b hair. I kept thinking she has 4a hair, I just have to moisturize it more and then her curls will pop like mine more. But the never happens. Anyway thank you! This was great