Most of us, if not all, at one time or another has tried to grow our hair long, and there’s nothing wrong with that. On one hand, short hair is sassy, sexy and flirty; maybe it’s even ‘in’, but on the other hand, there are still many women who want and love long hair. I get it, and I’m on that bandwagon too, even though I also really love big hair – but I digress.
The hair care market is full of every kind of product known to woman to make growth happen. They all say they can make your hair grow longer at a quicker pace whether it’s a vitamin, through a technique, or a specific product. It’s really up to you to determine if you want to try it, and which one to try. It’s up to me to make you aware of the good, the bad and the downright ugly, but before I do that, let’s talk a little bit about Biotin.
What is Biotin?
Biotin* is a B complex vitamin found in egg yolk, liver, and yeast. It is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids and glucose. It helps your body convert food to energy and helps you to have healthy eyes, skin, nails and hair. According to the University of Maryland Medical center, a deficiency in Biotin can cause hair thinning and loss, as it is part of the vitamin B family.
Biotin can treat hair disorders like Alopecia; it can also strengthen hair, and aid in hair growth. Shampoos with Biotin are unique because they can help with dry, flaky scalps, which can lead to hair loss. The flakes block hair follicles, and as a result, it impedes the hair growing process. Biotin* is not only found in shampoos, but also in conditioners and leave-ins, as well as in pill form, but if you prefer it in your products, then this is the post for you.
Pros of Biotin
►Promotes stronger hair, hair growth and aids in hair loss and hair disorders.
►It’s pretty affordable, whether in pill form or in a hair product.
►It helps with your eyes, nails and skin, so you get those extra benefits even if you are just using for hair growth.
►Some say it even helps with weight loss! When paired with chromium, Biotin helps to breakdown fat and carbs at a quicker pace, and that leads to a higher resting metabolic rate.
Cons of Biotin
►Can cause acne or rashes if overused, or taking too high of a dosage.
►May interfere with certain types of drugs for cholesterol or antibiotics, so consult with a physician prior to using any drug.
►Consuming eggs interfere with the absorption of Biotin.
Here are our top 10 products with Biotin:
I thought that Biotin can only promote hair growth if its consumed. How will it help if its placed on the hair? Can it penetrate the scalp?
Kashieka Broaster natural hair will run us broke lol new products to try
Lol… Rice wine fi the hair… Lol. Lef that lone #Iamnotmyhair… Lol