We’ve seen the cases of brutality and injustice towards the black community increase daily with a fervor this generation has never experienced before.
Who would have thought that in this century touted as the ‘new age’ we would see black churches burning, law enforcement gunning us down in cold blood and white supremacists executing our community leaders?
Sandra Bland has been laid to rest and for some of us it leaves an emptiness, a knowledge that she didn’t have to go out the way she did but it seems that for others there’s a general attitude of “I don’t give two hoots so let’s keep the ball rolling”.
How do I come to that conclusion? Well just based on some of the comments I’ve identified in threads across the various hair sites. That begs the question: should the hair community keep silent on issues of racial profiling and police brutality?
The ladies over at My Natural Sistas have used their reach to comment on issues affecting the black community but it appears that some people are none too happy about this. Remember that news item about the cop who roughed up some black teenagers at a pool party? My Natural Sisters had this petition posted across their social media accounts:
One person pointedly said she was there for hair related stuff and not all this talk about police brutality. She was basically positing that a hair site has no business joining in the commentary about injustices meted out to the black community.
In a way I get it. The frequency of these situations can be quite jarring on the mind. Perhaps you just need a place to escape to, a place safe from the reach of that kind of brutality, but at the end of the day we can’t just stick our necks in the sand like ostriches. Just because you try to hide from it doesn’t mean it won’t exist.
I’m not. I’m in this community
No they should not , is it not a black issue ? im sure if you was subjected to police brutality, the last thing you’d be thinking about is the hair on your head , anything concerning black people especially with injustice should always be talked about, and discussed. In any format.
The “hair community”?? What about the nails community, and the club community? Ridiculous. The community is just people!! Either you are a person for a cause or against it. The classification is senseless!
That might be the case Dr-Shahila Darraine and it goes without saying that people make communities but without getting all technical about it, that is the terminology used to classify a group of people brought together by their shared interest in hair related things. Might hair industry be more appropriate? That too is a common terminology.
thank you !! This is exactly why people think black people only care about their damn hair. WE ARE MORE THAN JUST HAIR.
The less people that keep quiet, the more these issues are just pushed under the rug like they don’t exist. With all of the people who follow these “communities” it’ll raise awareness and maybe there will be someone who has the power and the courage to make a change.
I never had a problem.
No. it’s FYI & Need To Know, also.
the Asians racially profile black people all the time in the black community. I used to watch how the Asians would cater to the white clients in their nail salons, but treat the black clients like there less than. How do we as black people allow them to disrespect us in our community,and continue to support there businesses…Lets boycott and run them out, and in turn open up our own businesses, and employ our own.
Because most black ppl don’t support their own and rather give their money away to ppl that disrespect them. When I receive unsavory treatment from ANY establishment I NEVER return and I also urge my peers to do the same. Word of mouth can make or break a business.
Key Word: COMMUNITY – The Key Word should answer this question.
No the more dialogue the more solutions we are being judged on our natural hair in our careers because some how we do not fit the look or work culture or we are being stopped by the assumption that dreadlocks is equal to drug possession or criminality….we have rights and should be protected like the Jews and Gay community against harrassment and hate crimes.
No, we need all community input. This affects us ALL!
We all fight
sound the alarms
We were lost four hundred years ago and we are lost today. We had no leaders back then and we have no leaders today. Our people are simple lost among ourselves.