I had a variety of thoughts when I saw this story, most of them surrounding, I wish a woman [Insert word here] would grab me and cut my hair! And then I had thoughts of what I would have done, how I would have felt and how disgraceful our justice system can be at times.
This story took place in good old Warren Michigan, you don’t hear a lot about that town but then again whenever anything atrocious happens you always find yourself saying that.
Charda Gregory was arrested and booked because she had allegedly trashed a motel room in Warren MI and she also kicked the police car. tsk tsk That’s fine, you do the crime you do the time right?
What happened to arresting the woman, removing the things that by law you should remove and putting her in a holding cell? These are all things that are considered normal.
That went out of the window on this day, she was forcibly placed in a chair and a female officer proceeded to cut her hair in a manner that looked like hacking if you ask me.
Take a look at the original surveillance video:
According to reports Officer Najor, the aggressor claimed that she had to remove the weaves because they could be used to harm her or damage property in the jail. Well then, cant blame a girl for wanting to take the proper ‘precautions’. SMH
This incident has a somewhat happy ending though, the city was able to view the video and after seeing it, decided to settle out of court to the tune of $75,000 and the over zealous officer was fired because of good samaritan/scared coworkers who agreed her actions were excessive and Charda was absolved of all charges.
This is what the city had to say afterwards.
We all agreed mistakes were made by a Warren police officer. We wanted to do the right thing. We wanted to address those mistakes head on. When (officers) are right, we’ll fight as long as we have to. If we’re wrong or one of the employees of the city was wrong, we’ll do the right thing.
Share your thoughts?
Good for her Amen
She should’ve gotten more than that
Good for her
That ain’t enough if u ask me…
That’s not enough money!!
Cops are so dirty nowadays . She should have gotten a higher amount, especially from the city for being abused by a city employee. Smh. But no amount of money can cover how she probably feels from this experience, yes she may have done wrong, but having your hair forcibly cut off isn’t a pleasant experience. Sorry for her.
She should of got 100,000
And the should have fired every cop who sat there and watched it happen wtf
Crazy! Glad she got a settlement but it never should’ve happened in the first place.
75 racks she can buy some hair and rock a sew in til it grow back
Man why the hell would he do that though!? Some cops are evil as hell I swear to God ugh smh
That just makes me cry smh
These cops are getting way out of hand they need to be screened before putting on a uniform
I would have wanted way more this is outrageous
So what of it was a weave ! Look at the way he was cutting it out . He still probably cut some of her hair ! She should’ve held out for money just to f°*k with them , like they did her .
That was ridiculous!!!
OMG !!! This has me feeling some type of way!
They so trifling
The story says the officer cut off the prisoner’s weave…. I didn’t know that they removed women’s weaves in jail.
Yah, never shouldn’t of happen, but I know she’s glad it did. 75k
Ok so let’s say it was all her hair twisted up in a pony…what then? Do they cut all long hair? I don’t see a real reason here.
Doesn’t matter whether it was her own hair or not. It’s unprofessional, disgusting and brings the police force into disrepute.
That’s it!!?!
the cop was mad cause his ugly ass didn’t have no hair. i am starting to dislike cops more and more each day.
It was a woman who cut her hair. A Black Cop!!
That was a female cop. It was a sew-in, BUT they cut her natural hair along with the weave. Totally uncalled for. The female officer was reprimanded.
Only a certain people seem to be glad about this.. old or not.
some is better than nothing at all…
I hate cops
Just 75k. Crazy
All I know is all this sh** the police been doing making them look very bad the police been doing some not necessary sh**. I dont even feel safe around the police I wouldnt even feel safe calling them If I was in trouble they might just beat my ass for know reason
That is some b******* that got me mad,
$75,000…is that all?
For the torture, verbal, emotional, mental abuse and public humiliation…and the post traumatic stresses that she will Suffer for the rest of her life…her medical bills will absorb that…she had a sorry attorney!
yup….poor attorney…should got more this is disgusting. Can’t cut some bodies hair.That was just the cops excuse to be mean and inflict pain on the women( the cop knew cutting a females hair is traumatic to a women)…She abused her power.
Too much they shouldn’t have done all that
Not enough for what happened
Warren Michigan has a lot of racism there. They don’t even celebrate Martin Luther King Day there either. I would never move in that city.
Wow smh…
Ooo I’m reallll close to Warren I need a hair cut by officer friendly cuz I’m taxin that ass oml ima be like he was screamin racial epithets nd er’thangggg bahahaha sooo uncalled for but since ya wanna show ya ass ima show mine too js js
That was awful. I can’t imagine someone cutting my hair against my will!
She needs to be awarded way more than that.
Trying to humiliate her was cost enough glad she won!!
What has happened to the world? Are we ever going to over come racism?
I was mad when i saw that video. .but I’m also glad she won her case!
They all shldhv got fired this was just awful.
Id kill them if they did that to me
They should’ve given her more. That was sooo uncalled for!!!
Racism is alive and well they just discussed it an they’re getting payed for there cruelty
Shirley winters I don’t know what video you watched but this is a White COP!!!!
dumbass cop, but remember, there is dumb everywhere, I knew some REALLY dumb medics, remember that the next time you call 911
yes it was. you can see the whole track of the weave when she walks away with it in her hand
What? Why? Smh
In the beginning of the video it also looks like the female cop punches her in the stomach. They also removed her outer shirt. Frankly all 4 of the officers should have been fired. The others just stood around watching as if nothing was wrong with what she (the female cop) was doing. But supposedly her co-workers thought her actions were excessive thereby saving their own butts. And lets face it 75k isn’t that much…after her lawyer gets his/her cut that leaves about 45k-50k, then uncle sam will take another 15 or so percent. She should have definitely held out for more.
That still was not enough
let her by the bombest beyonce weave ♥
some cops dont follow the rules
every damn police officer should have gotten fired!
Why would that cut off her hair