Summer time is rolling around ladies and this is the season where we can really introduce our gorgeous hair to the world. Whether you are natural, relaxed, or in between this is definitely the time to rock that nice braid out or blowout especially after a whole season (ahem, it was such a drab winter wasn’t it?) of rocking protective styles, not that anything is wrong with that of course.
But here is the kicker; I personally know that for my fine strands manipulating my hair into an “out style” such as a braid out for long periods of time can cause some damage. So for me, protective style season still continues well into the summer and this is where Crochet Braids and Weaves come in. Both of these styles allow for you to change up your hair as much as you please without sacrificing the health of it, not to mention you can retain tons of length too.
In this post we want to look at the pros and cons of both weaves and crotchet braids some of which overlaps for each style, so with that said lets start off with the pros and cons that can apply to both weaves and crochet braids.
►Protection from the elements (and those hands!)
This advantage is definitely a personal favorite of mine as not only do these styles give us a break from styling, detangling, straightening, coloring, and all of the other thousand things that we can do with our hair. They also protect our hair from that beaming sun and windy days that can cause so much damage over time.
Take for instance that red tinge that tend to appear on our ends in the summer time, that is not the hair doing magical or special things it is actually a sign of sun damage (gasp!) . Basically to cut a long story short, these styles do a darn good job at making sure that those random reddish brown “highlights”, and splits do not unexpectedly show up.
I love crochet braods,it’s so easy to do andto take care of
Never done crotchet braids, only done weaves 2 times ever in my life… I usually wear box braids or just my own natural hair… Been growing my own hair relaxer free for a year now… I have box braids in at the moment…Can’t wait to take them out and see how much more growth I have!! 🙂
Crotchet all day.
Never did crochet braid.
Never had a weave.
I’ve never had neither…
Crochet Braids
sew ins
Crochet braids!!!! Easy to put in, easy to take out 🙂
I have micro crochet braids in now that i always do myself and other,it was only $1:49 a pack,i love the crochet method. Ladies if u never try them u will like them.
Keisha can you e-mail me step by step video how you do the micro crochet braids? i was told it is strain by strain and i saw it on line however i can’t see how they attach it to your hair and what is the hair on the latch. It appears to be in a small circle sited on a string?
LOVE crochet braids!!!
Crochet braids
Crochet braids
I wear braids but I have done both in women’s head. Crochet braids are a lot easier to do for me but I depending on the style I would go with weave.
Crochet braids
crochets all day. Such a great variety and inexpensive.
Sew in
I just can’t do either….I’ve tried!!! So next week I’m trying a wig. Yep a wig. Just for a week at a time. I do love my wash and go.
I’ve actually never had a sew in but I like crochet cause I can get to my scalp
Crochet all day because it is much less expensive since I can do it myself.
None of it..
What is a crochet?
You Tube it.. some people call it latch hook
Thanx sharon
Crochet braids. ..
Crochet braids
Crochet is the best. itching!
Crochet braids most definitely
Crochet braids
Sew in
I’ve done both weaves and crochet braids. Im a cheap person when it comes to weaves so I’ve never paid more than 50 for hair and 50 for someone to do it. And the only reason I paid that much was because it was my first prom. Also I didn’t reuse the hair but crochet braids sometimes i reuse the hair afterward depending on what the hair looks like.
I had latch-hook braids which is basically the same thing and I loved if. It wasn’t as harsh to my hair and it looked great. I was in High school when I got it. it really helped my hair grow cause my hands weren’t in it. I prefer it over weaves.
Who else? <3
I prefer crochet braids over sew in. With crochet braids I still have the ability to oil my scalp. Also, I can wear my braids down, put them in a bun or pull some of my braids up. By the time I’m bored, its time to take them down…there’s more flexibility with crochet braids.