For those of you who do not know what being fully raw vegan is, it is simply choosing to eat your food in its fully raw state with no cooking. The lifestyle is plant based, so that means you would eat fruits, vegetables and nuts primarily.
The point of being fully raw is that you get the most nutrients out of your food by not subjecting them to heat when preparing.
Vegans who are not fully raw will cook some meals as well as eat raw food, whichever lifestyle you choose can be beneficial to you.
One of the things that many of us are concerned about when considering raw veganism is hair loss because there are some people can actually start to lose their hair especially in the beginning of the lifestyle.
There is some truth to this because when you adopt a fully raw vegan diet you will go through a period of detox. Detoxing will lead to some hair loss but your hair will grow back stronger and more vibrant than ever.
This post is about extended periods of hair loss and what to do when it does not stop. Things in our world are very different from years ago.
Our soils are depleted with less minerals and nutrients so the plants we eat do not have enough of what we need to maintain our body and that includes our hair.
Lean protein helps with promoting healthy hair but that is a no no on a vegan diet. We suggest if you are experiencing hair loss based on lack of nutrients in your diet, you need to supplement.
Use a hair vitamin to help with your hair, you can even find a vegan version of one. You might also need a raw vegan B12 supplement which should be recommended by your doctor. Your doctor can also recommend some additional supplements* you can take with your new lifestyle.
We have also seen people choose to walk away from the lifestyle all together because they just are not getting enough of everything they need to be very healthy. If you are noticing any deficiencies or hair loss based on your lifestyle, go to the doctor and begin a physical evaluation to determine the best move for you.
kim says
Hair Loss? Not a great advertisement for raw veganism is it.
kim says
Hair Loss? Not a great advertisement for raw veganism is it.
Michelle Jackson Williams says
Meat and meat replacement makes hair grow the same. I will be happy when people stop glamorizing vegan it’s just a fast and cleanse lifestyle. If you into it then good. But some folk can’t just eat herbs. If you can then so be it. Meat and veggies make your hair grow no chemicals makw your hair grow leaving your head alone makes your life grow…Sometime you just gotta leave hair Alone.
Sybil Bell says
Michelle Jackson Williams i do leave my hair alone and it still comes out so something is wrong…