Techniques to know
Use scar or silicone sheets to camouflage the parts
This tip is huge and only takes about 30 seconds so pay attention! To be fair I got this tip from @lovelybryana on youtube who uses strips of scar sheets to camouflage the parts in her wigs*. If you have ever seen scar sheets or silicone sheets you will notice that they look exactly like skin.
This idea is genius because if you cut the scar sheet correctly you can quickly hide the knots on your part making the wig look instantly realistic. This is especially effective when the knots are very large on your wig because the alternative is to add a ton of knot sealant and concealer as explained in the previous section.
To use the scar sheets to camouflage your parts all you have to do is locate the part and cut the scar sheet to match the width of the part. Paste the sheet on the interior of the wig where the part would appear using the adhesive on the silicone sheet.
The scar sheets last a long time and can be reused even when the tacky part doesnt stick anymore by adding a little water to it. These silicone sheets are the most realistic alternative to hiding your wig grids next to bleach. You can still use concealer on the very edges of the part to ensure that it looks very real. Watch Bryana’s tips below.
Now that you have some of the essentials that you need to slay your lace front wig we want to get into some more of the details that women use to slay their wigs.
One common technique is plucking the hairline using a tweezer to create less bulk in the front of the hair which will ensure that your wig does not look like a doll’s hairline would in the front.
In order to remove the bulk from the hairline, you want to separate some hair from the very front of the wig and pluck random wig* hair from just behind that area and a few from the hair line as well. The separated hair is sometimes called baby hair because it is a very thin layer much like the hair that lines our real hair line.
When you pluck you want to be methodological but also very random at the same time. I know that sounds weird but the point is you want to focus on the hairline but not make straight lines because our real hairline has dents and curves which we want to match.
Watch below:
Create your own baby hair
Some wigs* come with very long layers in the front and you might find that you have to create your own baby hair from that thin layer we talked about from the previous point.
The separated front section can be cut shorter to frame the face like real baby hair if your wig* does not have one. All you have to do is separate a thin area of hair in the front like we described before and pin the rest of the hair back and out of the way.
Using a very sharp scissors cut the hair but not in a straight line, you want to fray the hair with the scissors so that you create a very haphazard natural look just like real baby hair.
Once you have created your baby hair you can pluck the hair behind the hairline and frame your face with your baby hair using a toothbrush making the hairline look extra realistic. If you do this right, you can hide your own edges and keep all of your hair under the wig without worrying about any sort of leave out.
Watch this demonstration below: