Yep! I can already imagine that some persons will roll their eyes at the title for only a quack would really come out and say prayer helps grow hair; right?
I get it. Prayer is something that is fast becoming one of those topics you don’t touch with a long stick because some think it is not politically correct.
Still I know ladies who pray before altering their regimen in any way. If they are going to try a new product or style, you better believe it won’t be before heaven gets an earful.
I’ve witnessed people praying that they don’t want to relax their hair or that they feel their confidence is low because their hair has been stuck at ear length and before you know it, their hair just flourishes out of the blue. There are people who will laugh and say that is extreme and the stuff of fanatics.
Some who believe in the existence of God say God doesn’t have time for such frivolous things as hair; not when there are starving nations to feed and a host of other social ills plaguing the world. Well I dare to say otherwise, for it is revealed in the Bible that God numbers every hair on your head [Luke 12:7, Matthew 10:30].
Clearly He thought that was important so I think He appreciates beauty and since He promised to “grant the desires of your heart” [Psalm 37:4] if your ways please Him, I’d say it is more than possible He does answer those praying for long hair.
Long before I knew about natural hair communities online I did a day of prayer and fasting for hair growth (and I’m talking no food or water for the entire day) and it worked like a charm. (Of course I ended up abusing it some more so guess what happened after that?) 🙂
Let me add that this growth happened in a time when I was still using powdered laundry detergent to wash my hair, no conditioning after, no leave-in, a jar of petroleum jelly* and fine teeth combs to yank the hair from root to tip. So I am inclined to say number me along with the quacks but not so fast.
Yes!!! I pray about all things… my Hair is included..
Whatever floats your boat lol. Personally, I can understand praying for healthy hair….but long hair….idk….but hey.
God works in mysterious ways but he still works ! 🙂
Not a waste. There is no limit on how many things you can pray for.
Praying is a waste of time, what is meant to be will be
Dont u just love when ppl say the most wrong things. Like that comment u posted
girl i love your spirit and how you stand for what you believe in . you are the kind of people that show me that this world still has hope.keep up the good work.i just wish people wouldn’t take praying and repenting to God lightly because you never know how much more time you’ve got.PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!
I’m going to pray that you get an understanding of what prayer really means and I also will pray that nothing bad ever happens to you or someone you love. If you don’t believe prayer changes things, just get breast cancer like I did and see what the power of prayer can do.
yes, because you will find out what’s really stopping your hair from growing,
You can pray for anything, sometimes these hair care products don’t work.
It isn’t a question of it it’ll work, it’s a question of it God will answer it. People pray for all kinds of things and God may answer in a way we don’t see or not at all lol. He ain’t a wish ATM.
Thank you!!!
Just the honest truth.
God love us. I pray for long hair and and I do research to learn how to grow long hair. I am a prayer warrior” I pray about many thing.
A woman hair is her glory that what the Bible said.
Don’t worry about anything but pray about EVERYTHING. Phil 4:6a
That’s right Icandigit, be anxious for nothing but with prayer and supplication make thy request known. 🙂
To some people, 3 inches of hair IS long hair especially if they just finished chemo therapy.
Prayer is great in any situation
If you do the work also yes
Oh please!
To me, praying for hair is shallow…. I won’t be participating . There are more important things in the world to focus on and pray about that actually matter. For me , long hair isn’t one of them…
Take everything to God in prayer. I do pray about my hair.
I absolutely pray over my hair, not necessarily for it to grow. I pray over my hair like I pray for everything else.
my pastor preached about us having a great measure of faith and we can pray about anything to him because he loves us so much that he will step down and bless with what we ask for if we practice our faith and continue praying. My pastor went on to use an example and said that it’s like a child who complains about breaking a crayon and even though it may not be a big thing but is a big thing in your child’s mind so you buy new crayons. i’m starting to pray about my hair because I really do believe it floats and I feel like anything you asked God for God loves us so much that you’ll granted to us as long as we show Faith. i’m starting to pray about my hair because I really do believe it works because he loves us so much that he will grant anything to us as long as you show great faith for it.
My hair is short Afro hair how would it grow for me I’m only a 10 year old Christian