No ladies, it’s not what you think, it’s just an afro wig!
Naomi Campbell is typically known for her perfectly straight locks, she is now 43 and I personally have never seen her wear anything remotely akin to an afro until now and I have to say that this look is winning!
Naomi appeared on the Graham Norton Show in the UK last week where she proudly debuted the style and from the pictures of her patting her head constantly and smiling she really seemed to like the change.
She appeared confident as always and her outfit, shoes and just enough skin to make this grown woman jealous, all played a role that was complimentary to her new afro wig*.
Naomi has been in the news a lot with regards to reports of her suffering from serious traction alopecia. As a matter of fact earlier this month cameras caught a glimpse of just how bad she suffers from it due to excessive use of weaves in a manner that has been pretty detrimental.
Alopecia is no laughing matter, studies have shown that depending on the severity of the damage, sometimes your hair never grows back and you have to resort to expensive hair transplants to ‘correct’ the problem.
I couldn’t help but wonder if the latest incident of photographers catching a glimpse of her edges is what lead to her new choice in hair. After all an afro wig* can significantly hide a lot of the baldness that straight hair cannot and she wouldn’t have to worry about cameras broadcasting unflattering images all over the media just because a little wind caught her off guard.
While there might be no cure for sever traction alopecia, the devastating effects it has on one’s self esteem is also something women who suffer from it have to deal with. It’s a double whammy for Naomi because we cannot imagine what it would be like to be in the news because of something most of us would consider personal.
Whatever the motive we loved the new look on her, she looked really stunning and genuinely happy about her afro! What do you think about Naomi’s new look?
She looked so much better
Afro hair is beautiful, let’s celebrate our natural hair! Now celebrity is rocking an Afro wig, I hope we can all celebrate our hair’s uniqueness instead of hiding it
She need something to hide them edges.
That is what I was thinking.
I LIKE IT!!! 😀 I personally think she should keep it like this, but that’s just me.
Put ain’t her fro fake
What took her so long?
Lol, if she would’ve done something like this sooner she may still have hair!! She looks lovely~
I think she even looks younger too~
and I hate your name but hey
Her hair needs to breathe
I like this better
Nope don’t like it on her she need to go back to her straight hair.
Beautiful and So Pretty !!!!
I love it. #NaturalGirlAllDay
very nice
Yessss go
She needs to stop! Please!!
It s just something to follow the natural move.
Clearly its a wig her real hair looks like the late Sherman hemsley’
too funny
SO what if it’s a wig stop stating the obvious and learn to enjoy and embrace that she is empowering natural hair smh….what is freakin wrong with you”???????
Yes boo!!! I love it!!
At least those edges are covered
Sigh… if only it was her real hair and not an attempt to just follow the trend.
It looks horrible and is a mockery because it’s fake.
Gorgeous as always x
It doesnt matter if she wears a straight weave or afro wig i hope she is treating her hair underneath the pics i seen on the internet of her damaged hairline are awful
she looks more stunning than ever.
A damn wig! She will have long Indian hair again tomorrow!!!
I love it
I’m proud of her for making strides I wanted to say something biting and snarkey but the reality is that I’m proud of her for making strides and she looks fabulous either way at I believe 45 years of age!!
Natural and beautiful 😉
Raj, because naturals never wear wigs?
Looks like someone took a bite out of the side lol
It looks better. I hope she stop wearing weaves. I saw a photo of her without a weave and you could see the damage to her hairline. Natural would be better for her.
She embodies it very nice… If only she conducted herself as a beautiful women like she looks….
It’s a wig….she had to hide dem edges, looks good on her tho.
Looks much better!!
I love it on her
Her straight weave was underneath. You could see it poking out. But it was good to see a change!
It looks crazy fake, she coulda found a better more natural looking piece
That’s not her real hair. Look it up her real hair fell out, her sides are bald from wearing weaves for her career, and trying to have the standards if white beauity. There are pictures of her on the Internet when her sides are accidentally exposed, and her baldness is out. Poor baby. But I still love her I wanted to look just like her. She was the prettiest thing I ever saw, until beyonce got fame. I still admire this beauity
I don’t know! May she should go bald????
I like
It was a wig. I watched the show and you could see a bit of her straight weave poking out at the back. Still it suits her. She looks good for any age.
Sit!! She should’ve done that about 15 years ago ‘fore she lost all her damn edges!
i now buth is beter than the flat wans
Lovely. Better than those nasty extension
Don’t waste my tym…
trying cover those edges
YAASS! Rescue them edges, gurl! lol
So what if its a wig..hell, if shes gonna wear fake hair it SHOULD be an afro. Yall had no problem with her having a 30in Brazilian. All if a sudden, THIS is a problem. Its not big and afro is bigger than her wig. #NaturalHairDontCare #IveBeenNaturalFor20Years
Why does it have to be a joke? Perhaps she actually likes the look – a natural fro doesn’t just grow overnight…
Naomi’s hair has been natural for awhile now she’s always wearing weaves and wings. I actually like it on her. She’s a very attractive woman.
thats not her fro so i have nothing to think talk abt it
I like this look on her
If it’s her natural hair I love it!
It makes her look 20 years younger actually! I like it!
Why are black women so hard on each other? So what if it’s a wig and her edges are gone? No need to state the obvious. She still looks stunning.
Thank you Lois!!! smdh @folks.
@zee mannas…you are so welcome. I was hesitant to post this because I thought I was gonna get cussed out, lol. But I don’t really care. We have so much healing to do and the last thing we need is to attack each other over trivial, inconsequential stuff!! Her wearing a wig or whatever affects us how?? Bottom line…Naomi Campbell is a breathtakingly beautiful black woman and that’s all we should be focused on.
Lois we live in a day in age where most people are crabs and don’t want to see anyone succeed. Society has cropped us into think we must be super thin with long straight flowing hair, so we poison ourselves for years and now that people are waking up out of this stupor of being fake (something other than their natural selves) the people who have nothing better to do than follow what they see are forced to look in a mirror and find their true selves. So majority of the don’t know how to love their super curly or coarse roots (been to cosmetology school, no such thing as nappy, a Caucasian can have coarse hair, ha go figure) so they are upset to see that she has embraced hers and are simply hating, but remember jealousy is just love and hate at the same time, hmmm
She can cut her hair slap ball, and still be killin some of these chicks that diss her.
I totally agree! So what if its a wig she still looks stunning.
it’s all women in general. we are taught that our looks are everything. i guess some women feel better about how they look after they criticize another women’s style. it’s never about what they do, it’s about how they look, and that needs to change.
You obviously don’t understand our struggles. Nevertheless, the purpose of “going natural” is to wear our natural hair in it’s natural state. We need to ditch the wigs and weaves all together so that is the argument.
ugh thank you, when I saw Naomi’s new wig on another website I deliberately came to this website to see whether they had a feature on it due to all those terrible things people wrote about her when blackhairinformation wrote a whole article about her and her alopecia. And I agree she is stunning
Not impressed.
Still a fake
She look’s old.!
About time
She Looks Beautiful… O.O
She put a wig over her weave?!?
Chile, just big chop and let yo head breathe!!!
She is stunning! Luv it
<3 my girl
It looks better than those weaves do on her.
Love it! More natural.
She looks even more beautiful….her skin looks great
yea a wig
Edges or no edges… weave or wig… Naomi has already made her mark as a SUPER MODEL. So certain the opinions of those on this stream are basically a non – factor.
Exactly! and I look at some of the women talking negative about her they can’t even accomplish being a super model or even have the qualifications I’m not trying to down nobody but still why be so negative
Girl that woman knows shes gorgeous
Hmm. Not bad..
Even if she wears weave she shud still take care of her own hair. She has no hairline
About time she has a more natural style, it looks better than straight wig
She looks naturally beautiful. I love it Naomi!
It was definitely a necessity and a great move, have you seen her edges?
hmmmm her hair is as real as mine!!!
Wow ? People can be so negative ! Never the less, she looks great as usual…
Fro or not she still the badest walking Bitch the runway ever seen.
She is a beautiful women!:
she looks beautiful she needs nothing
It looks nice on her.
It’s ok…..
It Look’s Cute On Her..I Like It!
Better than them nedges (no edges)lmao
Naomi is fierce, she owns the runway. She has a beautiful face so most hair styles would look good on her. I’m accustomed to seeing her with straight hair, though. Since she is a model, I don’t know what the natural hair would do for her image. Many people might actually like it, maybe. I think she is trying to make a statement with the hair. 🙂
Soul sista
At least it looks like it’s hers, which is the whole point of a weave. I think it looks really cute 🙂
Better than walking around with straight, stringy fake hair that we all KNOW isnt hers.
Better than the weave
She has a gorgeous face….any thing will work for her
Beautiful as Always!! Such a role model on the Run Way for many little girls of all races and especially young black little girls. Love it Naomi!!
She looks awwwwwwesome!!
I swear black Americans ( women) y’all have a long ass way to go. The hatred and zero love y’all show amongs each other is pathetic!
It is said but not all Americans are haters please don’t put us in the same category cause then basically yu are doing the same
Imajority are am tlking from experience not generalizing and this comments are a perfect common now go thru this comments and majority are negative things.
I agree. It happens all the time on a daily basis. Sad to see so many hateful individuals. We as a whole are so undivided. We need to start having more compassion for one another, start supporting each other and building our communities back up.
i don’t think she was necessarily saying “ALL” black people she means us as a community as a “whole”
Duhhh smh
If she was bald she would still out do them all ..the baddest chic
Très sublime,l'”Afro” de “Naomie”!!!
So what if it’s not hers. It still look beautiful on her and natural
I scrolled up and looked at some of the comments on here. Its really sad when our people are more accepting of a 28in weave/wig that OBVIOUSLY came from some Brazilian, Indian or Chinese person’s head, yet can’t be accepting of a weave that actually looks natural, as though it MIGHT’VE grown from her scalp? Instead “dats a weave dats a weave” is all y’all can say. Damn shame.
Who cares if her edges are gone? Thats her own fault (her stylist fault too though) and it doesnt change the fact the hair looks good on her. Maybe she’s got a new hairstylist who knows what they are doing and repairing the damage. While letting her wear a more natural looking solution along the way.
Damned if ya do, damned if ya don’t smh.
It’s interesting. I have never had a weave, but I would wear this afro wig, and my hair is not permed. Been back to normal for about 10 years now. If I wanted to go somewhere to achieve a dramatic or full look in a hurry, this would work. Looks real and fun.
she should have thought about this before she lost her hair, it looks good on her!
She needed something. Good for her. Hope she’s starting over.
Loving the natural look.
The Afro never left, just faded into the background for awhile. If she can influence people to embrace the normal, the natural. then that’s cool too. Even if it’s a wig for now.
Good look!
Ohh I like her wig
So true, Pru Sasha!
She needs to go back to straight kudos for the courage of the afro
She ha finally awoke to her true beauty. Love it
Loving it
We also have a long way to go with how we communicate without profanity
Maybe her edges will grow back ;/
Just as lovely….hair is an accessory, not a standard for self worth or value. We put so much into thimgs that are dead….thats why people love zombies so much
Fabulous,looks great!
What’s up with that big dent in her fro??
She looks pretty and much younger
She should keep it. And let her edges grow
if naomi was to shave her head .. she would still be one of the flyest women on the planet .. period. end of story. com .. she is magnificent per usual ..
i think it really suits her!!! love it much better than that long, tacky yacky.
Afro wig does not count
She is gorgeous! It doesn’t matter how her hair is styled!
There’s a silent hair revoultion happening in the black community…The AFRO is BACK!!!
As long as she is not punching anyone, good with me.
Loooooove it
Much better
Love it she looks gorgeous
She looks good. 🙂
Almost didn’t recognize her. Death to the straight weave ladies. Me first. Lol.
Love ie
She’s missing a bite from her Afro. Lol
the hate smdh..mschew
Looks cute..but I want to see her edges.
Looks GREAT!
She looks amazing with an afro!!!
<3 it!!! 🙂
Looks nice on her.
Why do people hate on someone cos they wear a wig??? So what??? You don’t know the reason behind it KMT
it looks so real though! love it!
@ Odette Brooks shhhhhh!!!!!….. U know they ain’t gone let us have nothing……not for long anyway …
Love it!!
Love it
Why so bitter and negative? For your info everyone has a different rate of hair growth and even on a person’s body, hair growth depends on the body parts, so your example with your pubic hair is absolutely ridiculous!
The negativity amongst black women is something else. We spend so much energy talking about black men and white people putting us down, yet we are so negative to each other! So what if its a wig or her edges are gone? SMH
it os
Christela Louis-Jeune it suppose to be a part……
I think she looks better with the natural look than she did with the straight her.
Wig or not,…although it is,….. DO YOU! I don’t hate anyone for how they wear their hair! I rock my ‘fro AND I wear wigs!
Dear people lets not judge too quickly what hair (wig or weave) people choose to put on their head. They have their own personal reasons sometimes. Some women choose to put it on because they might be suffering from cancer that has made them gone bald and because they might feel abit insecure or shy to come out to say it they hide their baldness (its sad and hard) Another thing I would like to say is that… lets us all accept ourselves just the way God created us. Lets not try to judge what others choose to do with their own hair. What ever decision they took they sure made the choice for themselves but not for you. Thanks.
wow, so many negative comments. im glad to see she is trying a natural style, wig or not. even with chewed up edges she still looks better than 99% of the people who had nothing but negative comments in this thread. if we spent more time being uplifting one another, we would have less issues among ourselves as BW.
to *
She’s beautiful with any hair
I like it. She looks gorgeous.
They asked WHAT DO U THINK…soo..that means everyone has their own opinion….period.
love it.Go Nana.
She looks great in natural like a black beaty
Love it!!!!!….
Lupitya = Inspiration
she looks damn good go girl
When you’re beautiful, you can rock anything!
Beautiful!! 😀
And half of yall spendin all your $$$ on weave and your kids hair look bad and plus ya ridin the bus lol
Ugly as hell
I think she looks fabulous, and, like someone else said, it makes her look younger. Bravo to her if she’s using it to cover hair thinning & damage. Best way to protect her hair. That’s what I’m doing. I had a very stressful year before I retired last year & it caused some thinning at nape & temples. Winter is a killer on my fine hair & I wore an afro wig last winter & definitely this winter. Since I’m home now, my hair is thriving & getting thicker on my old school regimen of grease ( Blue Magic & Dax), water,deep condish, leave ins & S Curl. I wouldn’t be surprised if Naomi is getting hair & scalp treatments.
I’m not ready? But why?
I love it, my protective style is braids under afro like wigs…trend setters…less du-rags and more pride in your pretty crowning glory…..even if its a wig!!!! We can still be the beautiful women we once were….
Gorgeous! Actually I think she’s more beautiful and natural this way than with the straight wigs. Either way, she’s beautiful to me though.
She looks amazing with this look!!!
She’s trying too Hard!
She’s giving her edges a break.
Yes girl work it!!!!
Looks nice, Shoulda done this long time ago.
I thought that was tocara (sp) she looks cute!
The time she takes wearing weave give her hair a chance
With more than half of her hair disappearing like that months before its a good move for her, because seeing that was scary, if she wants extensions or weaves she can just do clips in or throw a wig o.o
Good luck crazy Naomi who is also gorgeous
She should have embraced her natural hair before. Now she’s going bald she wants to wear a wigged version. Smh.
Even more beautiful!
She looks like singing diva from back in the day love it!!
Some of you women should be ashamed of yourself. The reason why we can’t elevate is because we’re too busy trying to tear each other down. Queens Of Purpose
its gorgeous !
She’s trying to hide them edges…poor thing! I don’t think it looks terrible.
she looks good who knew.
I love it. Its about time! 🙂
Beautiful.. Hope it will inspire more sisters to rock big hair.
Let me see the edges
She looks younger…she’s always beautiful though
Yes I love it
Good … hopefully now she can work on them edges
I think it’s cute but what’s up with the chunk that is out on the side??? That makes it look crazy. I love natural black hair though…me and my babies are natural!!!
I guess now more people will embrace there natural hair. Good for her, cause she was killing her hair.
She looks beautiful! Rock it girl!
She is ridiculous… The fro isn’t natural bc it isn’t hers… Gn.. Lol
What does it matter if it’s a wig? Perhaps she likes the look, and wanted to rock it. An afro doesn’t just grow overnight…
It’s gonna help them edges
Love the afro
Looks very nice, she should do more often this kind of hairstyle. Really look fabulous
Very becoming.
She looks beautiful with a fro
Does it fix her attitude? Is she still beating her maids?
Work it ma!!!
Hi Beautiful
Love it really looks good on her !!!
What about them edges? Cuz y’all know Miss Naomi has no edges!!
Looks fab!
I am very glad that she is rockin’ the fro. It looks very nice on her. I prefer her natural look over the unnatural (European) look. Im excited that more of us are starting to accept ourselves. Years ago, when I allowed my hair to return to its natural state it was not at all popular. It has become a trend that I hopewill never end! I applaud Naomi! Imagine.if we put half the energy into building instead of tearing each other. DAMN we’d be a force to be reckoned with!
It’s a wig, she does not have any edges! How all of a sudden she has a head full of hair now? GTFOH
Lol @ Felicia Thomas, I thought it was a part…Lol
At least now her edges are hidden…wooh i think i wouldve had a nervous breakdown if that happened to me
I think she looks beautiful. I hope its something that she is staying with for a while….cuz her problems with her edges scared me off weaves for a while.
She got edges now
Maybe if she did that over the years she’d still have some edges, but still love ya Naomi
Looking good…
Change is good. It looks more natural and more realistic than the weave.
Hmm… Is that all after all the years??
To answer the question above. How all of a sudden she has a head full of hair? Well when you return to your natural state trust me if you had a problem with your edges,thinning etc.. your hair grow back because there isn’t any chemicals. I’m natural now, before my hair was very thinning in the center of my head. Now its full and healthy # luvmynatural! She’s beautiful with the afro rock it girly!!
It’s working for her
Nice looking..
Naomi can do Jo wrong in my eyes. Straight, curly, Afro it looks good. And to all the haters. Who cares if it’s a damn wig she still not thinking about your opinion cuz you not on her patrol irbid ting her for your opinion.
Looks good…its natural.
Love it..right on!,Black girls rock!
Proud u come on home. Homie
She looks her Age. …….
It’s cute
I love that more women of color are appreciating and loving our natural hair.
She looks more beautiful.. than ever
I think it looks good on her.
It looks beautifulll
And she put a part on the side! 🙂
I actually like it.
Just love you for you. You are than your hair.
Love it Afro come back on the rise!
that HAS to be a wig…..her real hair is the hottest mess and after decades of weave it would take years for her to reach this type of volume.
loooooove it!!!
Did she have a choice….
Cute!!!! 😀
Love it! Looks good and reminds me of mine just shorter and not that much poof! 🙂
I like you go girl..
Nice to see her embrace the fro(wig) she looks beautiful!!!
Its nice but she had straight strands hanging out on the right hand side! All I could was she is going to through her phone at her stylist!!!
Love it I actually think the fro makes her look younger
Shoe missing a chunk … Otherwise it’s nice
Get Christy love
If she likes it, I love it!
I dig that fro!!!!!!!
well I know that she was balding near the edges of her hair, so this will be a good release from the damaging hair styles she rocks.
It’s a wig. .it’s ok…
I thin at this point, she has no choice. She has been wearing straight weaves most of her modeling career. I was shocked that she would embrace weaves to the point of the damage she has sustained. If she had not been photographed showing the damage done to her hair, she might still be wearing those weaves. Her only focus at this point should be health, health, health to her scalp. There may be more damage than she knows. At least it looked like it to me. I have a small spot on the top of my head that I am trying like hell to correct. It is taking a lot of concentration. I may win the battle or not. But, at least it is not extensive, and can be covered. I will continue to fight though. Anyone have any idea about alopecia, that they have gone through, please share. Thank you.
Thatagirl!! Lord knows her edges def need the relief!!
I think it is a good look for her. Hopefully, she is caring for her hair and scalp underneath and her alopecia will heal to some degree.