While cruising through the “interwebs”, I stumbled upon a cool little list on Buzzfeed (of course you can get stuck on that website for hours on end if you aren’t careful, by just looking at the most random lists of things that you never thought you would be even interested in).
This list was particularly interesting because it was a list of tweets from random white girls taking selfies, and making random comments about their Afros. I scrolled down the list super fast because I figured if I actually saw a real ‘Fro, it would stand out to me, and maybe that comment would make sense.
But to my disappointment, there were no ‘Fros to be found, I was puzzled: your Afro? What Afro? There were only pictures of women who have slightly thick hair “for a white girl” and think that frizz, or disheveled hair gives them the right to call it a ‘Fro.
This is a perfect example of culture appropriation, which can be a bit testy, especially in the black community. Remember when Iggy Azalea and JLo were given credit for making big butts main stream, and lots of people were angry?
To be honest, it’s probably isn’t that serious; everyone likes saying “my ‘Fro’ when their hair gets a bit of poof to it. It’s the thing to say; sometimes you have to choose not to be offended at certain things and just laugh it off, or come right back at ’em with something.
So in good fun, we thought it would be fun to capture some of those Twitter moments and share them with you guys to get your take on it. Personally I just see it as just plain funny; nothing to get all hot and bothered about, but let us know in the comment section, if this stuff just makes you laugh, or if it is something to wrinkle our brows at!
Check it out below:
I don’t know why they are walking around deluding themselves that they have afros like wtf lol
I always knew the Negroid race have something everyone else wants but can’t naturally have. Its okay, we feel complimented.
Afro derives from the word “African” – American, and means a mass of tightly coiled hair in its natural state forming a halo around the head.
I wish more people were educated before they speak, or post for that matter.
Ugh you want to act black bit then you look down on us like we are trash
Word to Erica boyd….
I don’t mind it EXCEPT with the disgust and disdain. “I Hate my fro”? REALLY? _ have a dayum seat somewhere!!
I laughed. I think they’re really confused. Any sense of curly or frizzy hair to them is a Afro. What do u call it for the rest of us? Super fro?
Maybe they are just embracing their blackness… enough of them have african blood but are still encouraged to ignore it & “pass” as 100% caucasian..lol
Well a lot of black people don’t even have afros so who cares?
The entertainment is real!
Erica Boyd, it does not matter what color we are, There are good people and there are bad people. It has nothing to do with the color of our skin.
ALWAYS a white person telling a black person that “color doesn’t matter”……BUT conveniently enough, it matters when you want to dangle your white supremacy in our faces. Lump us all together & call us all lazy, welfare recipients, drug dealers, single mothers, murderers and everything else thats horrible. Go sit your racist ass down.
You are so right but like another said. Black people do a good job cutting one another down. Like bashing you if you have a different skin color or a different hair type. If you are black then okay if you are not then okay. We need to ubderstand that its just a word it turns into more when you take it to another level. There are all race’s that do have nappy hair. Now in our eyes no that is not nappy. To them it is thats okay. We have to get stronger as a person or we will always get hurt. No matter what we do someone will always find something wrong. What if we all had no hair then what would we bash? Lets just enjoy the days Gid allows us to have.
You are so right but like another said. Black people do a good job cutting one another down. Like bashing you if you have a different skin color or a different hair type. If you are black then okay if you are not then okay. We need to ubderstand that its just a word it turns into more when you take it to another level. There are all race’s that do have nappy hair. Now in our eyes no that is not nappy. To them it is thats okay. We have to get stronger as a person or we will always get hurt. No matter what we do someone will always find something wrong. What if we all had no hair then what would we bash? Lets just enjoy the days God allows us to have.
Malakah i hate to tell u but speaking from experience our own ppl will cut our throat faster than the next race. We r the only race that act like crabs in a barrel and have no unity.
Chyna, our own unity problems and white people’s false superiority issues must be dealt with as two separate things to solve. While a bit flagrant, Malaka’s point is well-taken.
Janice, divorced of racism and prejudice and our country’s history, divorced of the indirect benefits that you and other white people experience from white supremacy, my color DOES matter. I am a black woman and part of my identity stems from that. Your assertion that color doesn’t matter is more a facetious way to smooth your discomfort with the advantage you know your position affords you and so obviously doesn’t afford me. Better choice of words would be “I believe we shouldn’t use color to separate the human race” or some verbiage to that effect. Don’t discount an essential part of me just so you can feel better about yourself and don’t try to be something you’re not.
Very well said.
Personally I think they’re making fun of us. Or just want to be us. *Shrug*
My mother doesn’t have hair for an Afro is she not black enough?
seems that everybody on those pics have an Afro? Do they think that Afro means to have a lot of hair?
“Bye Felicia,,” tooo funny!! my fro turns into a helmet in humidity…. but white girl got problems, ha! no offense taken, it was hilarious! 🙂
They like black culture (because we are the best) but don’t like black people. They don’t even know what it means, but since everyone else is saying it (or they heard their one black friends say it) the follow like sheeple. Cultural appropriation at it’s best. I am not mad, butif the really had an afro they wouldn’t know what to do. We must also be careful because a lot of those girls in the pictures attribute “wild and greasy” with the word afro….So there is that.
Some white ppl have a afro
I honestly know two people who are white with afros and while theses girls are not it, it is possible. One is a little boy and one a tall white man in my classes at my university. I think it is pretty interesting and maybe somewhere they may have some black ancestry but they still would identify as white.