Remember those days when you used to go to the salon to have your hair done or when you used to go to the hairdresser to do your hair. You used to allocate time to do your hair right. Likewise, now that you are natural and you do almost everything yourself, it does not mean you should not set aside time for your hair care.
Book an appointment in your calendar
I allocate time for my hair, this helps me know that I am not wasting time but I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. In between shampooing and applying deep conditioner* I get up and fill my time by doing my housework so I can kill two birds with one stone.
See it as a pampering session
I see my hair care as my pampering session, time to look after myself and make myself feel and look good. I never see it as a chore or a waste of my time. I love the feeling of clean scalp after a scalp cleanse. I also know that a clean scalp is essential for my hair to thrive.
Do not do your hair when you are tired
Years ago when I first went natural, I used to try and squeeze my natural hair care after a long busy week on a Friday night. So used to do my hair during the night and my focus was never on my hair or on the results but it was on finishing and going to bed. By doing this my hair suffered as well as I didn’t handle it well and I had a lot of breakage.
You need to be patient with your hair and handle it with care so you do not rip it off. I used to be so impatient when removing box braids because they take so much time. I would end up cutting the braids and then in the processes cut my own hair. I ended up hampering my hair growth as I was impatiently cutting my hair in the process.
My goddaughter is mixed race and we have struggled with her hair. It seemed for a long time no matter what we tried the breakage was just ridiculous, and she wanted to grow her hair out long like other little girls. I’m not black so I had to educate myself on what to use, and after trying what seemed like every hair care product in the aisle (and some made for horses), we finally stumbled across FAST – Fortified Amino Scalp Therapy Shampoos. Yes, they’re more expensive than some other products, but we saw results, and now she is starting to have the hair she wants. She wants to have natural hair but she wants to grow it too.
I am glad you figured out what works for your grand daughter. Every head of hair is different and responds differently to various products.