I’m obsessed with frontals*; and with good reason. When properly installed they can create the most natural-looking extensions* not to mention that they provide full-coverage protection for our natural hair. I get a range of hairstyles to play with, and Lord knows I need variety in my life.
I’m the girl who changes her clothes at least three times a day, according to her mood. The thought of being stuck in a single-style sew-in is one of my worst nightmares.
Due to this, I’m constantly looking for new weave options that will allow me to achieve flexible styling without sacrificing the health of my hair. There are, however, some very clear do’s and don’ts when it comes to achieving this.
It’s both a blessing and a curse: Knowing so much about hair means that I can no longer live in the blissful ignorance of a hair travesty. In my former naivete I admit there are pictures of me with a box-shaped hairline, frizzy leave-out to match my silky sew-in, and even the dreaded “slipping” closure.
At the time I was happily clueless, and thought I looked like a diva even while rocking these atrocities. Now, I can smell a weave from across the room. The ladies that impress me now are the ones who don hair extensions* that I know are weaves, yet they still look flawless.
Nevertheless, I personally set my bar higher because there exists something that can only be referred to as the “unicorn” weave. Though rarely glimpsed in real life, it is the weave that makes a weavologist, like myself, go back and forth in her head wondering, Is it real? Could it be real? It could be real. I want unicorn status; and I don’t think I am alone.
Silk base* frontals* and closures are better
Now, there are differing opinions on this, but in my quest, I have found that as cute and popular as lace fronts and frontals are, everybody can still see those little squares. I don’t care how well you bleached your knots, when a man is up close staring, there’s no denying the weave.
Ladies who are hip to this fact already prefer silk base closures, or silk base* frontals. These will give you a much more natural look even when up close and personal, assuring that your man won’t be scratching his head wondering why you’ve got a tic-tac-toe scalp missing some x’s and o’s.
However, closures are still limited in styling and silk base frontals are often just silk closures with some lace wings on either side. Once you side part that frontal, you face the same problem as any lace front: tiny, visible squares. There is a “unicorn” frontal, near impossible to find, but it does exist, which is completely silk based from ear to ear.
This allows for maximum flexibility in styling as well as guaranteeing a natural look. Most of these are pretty pricey, but there are some which are reasonably priced, although they take some searching. If you are as determined as I am* to achieve unicorn status (and on a budget), this shouldn’t discourage you.
mibtp says
Where can you find affordable, natural-looking frontals?