If you ask five year old Jalyn Broussard about his new haircut he will tell you how much he loved it. He wanted something different from his older brother and he knew his class mates would love his hair too.
Unfortunately as cute as he might look, his Catholic School was not having it. They called his fade a ‘distraction’ and asked his mother to pick him up 30 minutes after the school day had begun.
At first glance at the article it reminded me of all the various times we reported about children being kicked out of school due to ‘distracting’ hair styles.
Styles that for us in the black community are pretty normal. I mean we been doing fades since 1980 so what’s the big deal?
According to Mercurynews.com:
Mariana Broussard said the school’s principal told her Jalyn’s haircut was too distracting and a violation of Immaculate Heart of Mary School’s hairstyle policy, according to a complaint the family filed last week with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.
Broussard said Principal Teri Grosey told her the haircut — which the family noticed on white and Asian students — would “unduly influence the student body.”
Broussard was incredulous. The hair on top of Jalyn’s head was less than half an inch longer than his tapered, closely cropped sides. “How is he going to be an undue influence,” she asked, “my little kindergartner?”
After weeks of unproductive talks with Immaculate Heart, the family last week filed the complaint, alleging that the school discriminated against Jalyn, who is African-American, based on his race.
Grosey did not respond to a reporter’s phone calls. The Archdiocese of San Francisco refused to comment because it has not seen the complaint, spokesman Larry Kamer said. But he added, “School policy on hairstyles is very explicit and clear. Parents acknowledge and accept that policy.”
At this point stories like this are becoming so common place that we have to fight but at the same time seek alternatives for our children. Jalyn and his brother are now going to a school that their parents decribe as more “culturally aware”.
He can now wear all the modern haircuts he wants, in his words —“I think it looks good on me,”— Yes baby, it sure does!
They looking for a riot
So whats next? Kids being sent home if their hair is too curly?? Kmt
That’s already happened many times
Or if your kids are mixed they have to go to a mixed school,nothing shocks me in these last and evil days.
Somethings i agree with ,but i feel like they slowly but surely have taken away parents rights,just all people in general
It’s a Mohawk not a fade i just cut my son mohawk out bc he is going to a school that doesn’t allow it
My kids school knows better
So glad I took my son out of corporate punishment schools and had him home schooled because God knows it was dynamite hell.
That’s not a fade, that’s a mohawk. Our school had issues like that with a friend of mines little boys hair like that, and he is white. Sounds like a school of choice, so there is dress code and you abide or go to another school. Simple as that.
That’s exactly what I said that’s not a fade it’s a mohawk
That looks like a fade with some fuzz on top….smh They went from a dress code to a hair code.What days are we living in,the twilight zone? Some schools are just adding rules on a daily basis,just like my aunt job,she had locks for over 10 years,now it’s cut the locs or wear a wig over your natural hair.What kind of wig should that be,they wanna make a sista look like Dolly Parton to fit in with what society deems perfect? Straight or relaxed hair is perfect?
Jacey Nivarthat’s a Mohawk my son had the exact same cut
But didn’t she say she noticed the hair cut on other students………
Yes,true,it is a fade with a little Mohawk,but it’s so short I call it fuzz.
As I said in a previous comment,it seems like Billy Joe was picking if you ask me and his mom did right removing him cause that can bring on depression when you feel like you’re being picked on for stupid stuff.By the way,where in the handbook does it say he violated their policy? He’s wearing a fade with a little fuzz on top or Mohawk (according to my cousin who is a barber) not a faux hawk that is against the school policy….What the problem is, is that these styles is common in our community,the African American community and those racist blank blank blank do not want the white kids duplicating it because they then feel like they are disrespecting their own culture/race..
So what about the little girl who had natural hair and she got kicked out of school
That is not a “modern fade” lol. My sons get this mohawk style all the time. I don’t agree with them treating the style differently on different races, but bottom line is that it is a dress code violation. These schools are getting out of control with these rules on hairstyles. Why does it even matter?
My aunt new Chinese boss told her to cut her (beautiful ) shoulder length neat dread locs she had for over 12 yrs or cover it with a wig (silky like) . smh
i dont think they should sue… they did the right thing by moving the boy to another school…. fade… mohawk… he said he wanted something different… and in a school where something as pointless as the shoes you wear is chosen for you… different is out of the question… i bet the reason he was put into that school was because of the control they had and how well they educated their children(which is more on control than anything). and something as pointless as a haircut is the reason you removed that child from a school where his education was more important … makes me think you dont know how much you’ve lost in this. teaching him pointless things are more important than a great education is quite sad.
My feelings exactly! What’s more important to them for the child, his hair or the quality of education he receives? Smh…
What education,like telling kids that Christopher Columbus discovered America etc…My 19 year old son figured school was a set up at the age of 13. He is a bright young man and he can tell you every lie they wrote in those books.He was bullied and beaten for no reason like a slave in school and the white principle ain’t do nothing.She didn’t care,it was the vice principal that said you got to get him out of public school,it is too dangerous.I prayed and asked God to help us and he answered my prayers.I got him home schooled.It was a relief that I didn’t have to worry anymore about the teachers or principles telling me their job is to teach and not protect my child or stop running to school and let him fight 20 bullies.How can a child learn when they are being bullied and the school system ignores them? That is why so many kids contemplate suicide,the system (Devil) don’t care about us..
What anything you said had to do with a child being removed for a hair cut? Your personal experience is irrelevant . Your job is to teach along side of the teacher… if you feel something isn’t right you correct and install. But I’m pretty sure they are learning things that most parents cannot teach. Problem is a lot of parents rely on teachers to be the sole teacher.. I’m not going deep in this because everyone has they own opinion. But removing your child because of a hair cut is silly .
Seems like Billy Joe was picking if you ask me and she did right removing him cause that can bring on depression when you feel like you’re being picked on for stupid stuff.By the way,where in the handbook does it say he violated their policy? He’s wearing a fade with a little mohawk (according to my barber cousin) not a faux hawk.See what the problem is, is that these styles is common in our community,the African American community and those racist blank blank blank do not want the white kids duplicating it because they then feel like they are disrespecting their own culture/race..
Okay Jacey Nivar I’m no longer entertaining this. You trying to see to deep Into this. I can careless about what you’re talking about. I hope you have a blessed life.
To go*
Same to you Amanda,I hope all is well.I hope you have a wonderful day. (hugs) 🙂
So because he’s getting a “good” education you teach your kids to confirm to society instead of being themselves?
no… somethings are worth fighting for and some arent. i was always taught to choose my battles wisely. now if it was a problem with the way his natural hair curled or the way he talks… than thats a battle im willing to fight… it means something to me.. but a hair cut ill likely change next week no. AND they knew the rules when they signed up for that good education… so why fight a battle you’ve already gave a white flag too? they dont want individuality in they school… but at home let them express themselves til they face turn blue. SMH@ people these days so badly want to find a fight, they fight every pointless battle that comes their way. only a wise man knows when to walk away. that is why after this comment I’m done. have a blessed life.
So the rules that were already put in place only applies to black kids? His mom said Principal Teri Grosey (who is a white woman) told her the haircut which the family noticed on white and Asian students would “unduly influence the student body.” And the handbook is all over the internet,it does not say students can not wear a Mohawk,it says faux hawk,tails etc… United we stand divided we fall,we are the children of God and we can’t back down from these evil doers,because if we do they gonna keep thinking they can treat us any kind of way and get away with it.We need some unity!!
They changed the dress code in schools claiming if kids wore uniforms they would probably make better grades and not tease other kids about their clothes.OK I understand they should wear uniforms so they wont tease the kids who can’t afford the top brand clothes,but why does the parents have to buy the school uniforms through the school source only,that’s how you know this is about money and control.They don’t really care about us,they are not even teaching the truth in school.
That’s a Mohawk… You can’t wear them to the public schools here either ….
That’s a Mohawk, I stand by the school. I am a barber, if the parents knew of the school’s rules and wanted their child to continue there, then they should not have gotten the boy this hair cut. I think they made a good choice to put him in another school that would allow them to have more creative styles for their son.
Some schools are just adding rules,just like my aunt job,she had locks for over 10 years,now it’s cut the locs or wear a wig over your natural hair.What kind of wig should that be,they wanna make a sista look like Dolly Parton to fit in with what society deems perfect? Straight hair is perfect?
According to the school the rules were already in place. The only issue I would have is if the parents are correct in that students of other races wore the same hairstyle and didn’t face the same consequences.
Got damn…..
My nephew couldn’t even have a part in his head,they sent him home
It’s a Mohawk. We, as a people must learn how to choose our battles more wisely. Private schools have a very specific dress code…abide by it or put your kids somewhere else. But you’ve just taught your child that if someone says you’ve broken a rule it must be hidden racism. There’s enough blatant racism out there, we needn’t search for stuff that doesn’t exist.
That little hair on top of his head compared to my little cousin that has a Mohawk is nothing to even get attention,it look like a piece of fuzz…If that’s the case then the teachers should have rules to,no weave,no toupees etc…
As an educator, I can guarantee that the teachers do have a dress code. I’m sure their hair is expected to be professional. But if the rules say no mohawks, it means no mohawks…regardless of the height of his hair. Just follow the directions.
The rules said no faux hawk which is different from a Mohawk…..Also should hair rules only applies to black kids? it says Broussard said Principal Teri Grosey told her the haircut — which the family noticed on white and Asian students — would “unduly influence the student body.”
So it’s okay for the whites & asians to wear the same hair style? That is not a Mohawk on that child’s head. All of these “so-called”distracting styles seems to be okay on all children, except Black children.
What about the No makeup rule school,student suspended for carrying a small Vera Bradley purse, Student Sent Home After Refusing To Take Off Pin Honoring Dead Cousin,Teacher Includes Questions about Slavery in Math Homework (One of the questions read: “One slave got whipped five times a day. How many times did he get whipped in a month (31 days)?” Another subtraction question said: “In a slave ship, there can be 3,799 slaves. One day, the slaves took over the ship. 1,897 are dead. How many slaves are alive?” ) God help us all
Why didn’t they come for that trans gender little boy when his mama sent him to school with a matted ass blonde wig on? I wish I could post a picture lmao.
Say that again!! but they came for that black girl who wore her hair natural after she reported being bullied by white students
His uniform looks like he goes to a private Christian or catholic school. Majority of those schools have dress codes, and they have every right to do what they did if the parents didn’t follow the schools requirements.
But if he walk in class with a silky textured blonde toupee on then that would be fine or if his mom put a relaxer in his hair to change the texture of his hair they’d be fine with that.
It has nothing to do with the color or texture. Majority of private based schools have dress codes towards the way a kid wears their hear. They usually ask for modest and simple cuts for girls and boys, nothing that will be a distraction. If parents follow the school rules and actually look into them, this probably wouldn’t be an issue. Not saying it makes sense, just saying i don’t believe they did this to hurt or harm the kid, and has more to do with following order.
Really? hmmmm My mom sent me to school back in the days with big jumbo ponytails,Afros etc…and it wasn’t a distraction back then,but oh now it is a problem in this NWO. The only distraction in school back in the days was those bad kids throwing paper planes at the teacher wigs when she wrote on the black board.What the schools should be concerned about is not the braids,dread locs,neat low Mohawks,but they should be concerned with kids going to school with those cartoon tee shirts holding a gun in their hand or stop snitching tees.
It’s a private, Catholic school. I think the rule is too much, but the parents essentially agreed to it when they enrolled their children. T-shirts wouldn’t be an issue because they wear uniforms.
So the rules only applies to black kids? it says Broussard said Principal Teri Grosey told her the haircut — which the family noticed on white and Asian students — would “unduly influence the student body.”
I will not cuss
He look so cute what idiots
Smh people always trying to make problems but can never fix their own problems
My son got suspended for the same style! There was a uniform code but I didn’t think the style was extreme to deserve suspension
So crazy
Uniform rules are there for a reason if he wasn’t allowed a mohawk then the parent should have saved it for the summer time clearly the school didn’t have an issue with the pre mohawk mini afro he had to grow to get the shape right.
I can actually understand this. My sister’s daughter went to a private school and got sent home for colorful hair beads in her braids. Dress code would only allow so many beads in the hair (5 per braid) and specific color requirements. Dress code is dress code. Parents need to learn how to follow the rules.
5 per braid…
Dress codes
I sadly would have been the child that would have found a way to put magic marker on ONE of my beads…
What does this kid hair have to do with his performance in school,my cousin in GA has a Mohawk way longer and wider and he is 9 yrs old and maintain straight A’S? Same thing I’d like to know about that black woman who was fired at Hooters for dying her bang,what does a little piece of hair dye in front of her hair have to do with her job performance? (I don’t wear none of that stuff,but I would like to know)..All the white women at hooters can do whatever to their hair but she gets fired.People done lost their mind real bad..For the people agreeing with the schools stupid policies I can’t wait until their jobs tell them no more weave,makeup,fake toenails,anything fake.See what happens when the tables are turned.
The school system need to focus on educating children and stop worrying about hairstyles. Our education system is the lowest compared to other countries in math, science and English. Come on US get it right!
Wow….. I want to see the end result of this civil suite
Why would you have your black child in a catholic school anyways? That is letting your enslavers educate, or shall I say MIS-edcate your child.
Maybe because they are Catholic??
so glad I’m not into man made religion etc..
It’s a Mohawk not a fade i just cut my son mohawk out bc he is going to a school that doesn’t allow it. #stopreaching
It’s simple . . . . if you want to,place your child in a school where tuition is paid or just extremely different from the typical Public School, FOLLOW THE DAMN RULES! This will help him follow rules as an adult. smh
Yea this is one of those choose your battles type of things … It Wasn’t that serious to remove him from the school. He had a Mohawk in a strict catholic school .. I went to school where the girls couldn’t wear colored nail polish or hoop earrings
If only people would read the story first, so many unrelated comments could be avoided….
My grandson has one,i wish the hell he would be sent home,Sick ppl in this world abide by what stay maje a different stop letting those ppl strip us of our cultures
OOOh wow I can’t believe I am just seeing this message up here about me trolling. lol I would say I am a cool momma .Now this story got to me because I was with a so called fine black man I loved dearly that wasn’t worthy that let me know if I had started wearing my natural hair he would leave me because he wasn’t ready to see the real me.So being that I serve God and not man,I told him to leave my home and never return because I refused to let someone judge me by what I look like on the outside and not the caring heart that God gave me.We should not not judge people by their natural appearances; a rich heart may be under a poor coat.God bless you!! By the way you look beautiful Jennifer
The bigger question should be: Why is he in a Catholic School?
A child’s hairstyle is more important then their education? They should have let him finished that day of school then sit down with the parents but school is just a place to learn all this other stuff they are doing is unnecessary …
The way a child has his/her hair styled does not stop the child from learning so these teachers need to chill out leave our young alone !!
There is no doubt that this is clearly a faux hawk, which is against the rules. Now the issue here is that other kids of other races wear the same hair cut and they are not sent home.
Homeschool is sound better each day
That principal is an idiot he’s a baby let the kid be kid
This is the problem with the world they want to make their own rules . So if u want your child to take them out the school
That’s unreal!