My home girl, Alyssa Forever from YouTube demonstrates how to do a 3 strand twist out which is much different from a two strand twist or a regular braid.
Honestly she can show you better than I can tell you but the results are more like a rope effect giving rise to more of a coil pattern rather than the waves that you would usually expect to get from a normal two strand twist out.
In the video she uses two products to create her amazing definition. ORS Olive Oil Cream and Devacurl Ultra Defining Gel.
Here are 3 reasons you should try a 3 strand twist out:
1. The twists are tighter – If you have a looser curl pattern or if you just want to wear twists for a while before releasing the hair for the actual twist out, doing it in this manner almost guarantees that you hair will not unravel before it is time for you to separate them.
2. The twist out is more defined – Because of how tight the twists are the twist out will have a ton of texture, so if that is what you are after then the 3 strand twist is the style for you.
3. It’s cute! – Hey! I’m just saying, the style is really cute when done right, we would suggest trying it on both dry and wet hair to see which way gives you the most definition for your hair type.
In terms of making sure the style really turns out great we would suggest making sure your hair is very moisturized prior to doing your twists. Apply a water based leave in to your hair and try using a butter to seal instead of an oil.
Really great butters* keep your twists feeling plump and soft especially if you plan to keep them in for awhile before doing the twist out. A holding gel is also a good idea to ensure that the style lasts for a good few days.
Ok that is enough talking from me; let me allow Alyssa to demonstrate exactly how she does the three strand twist out. Isn’t the result just gorgeous?
I haven’t mastered two now there’s three??? O.o Ikesha McGill
Better known as a “braid out”.
If you watch the video this is different from a braid out.
Three strand is a PLAIT!
I agree with Sharon and Yvette I prefer braid outs y’all can keep this three strand twist nonsense. This person in the photo prolly has a stylist and I’m over here solo!!
I love her YouTube videos
Very pretty
This is beautiful
Love iy
Twist outs don’t work on my type of hair.
maravilhoso!! 🙂
I just had a conversation with a stylist on yesterday inquiring about the 3 – strand twist. I’ve attempted to do it but, all I manage to do is tie my hair in knots…lol.
I know her shes on youtube too she teaches you how to get curly hair
I’m fine with my two strand twist I’m perfect with those
She does the Bantu knots also which comes out so good
Tried it and loved it. The first try wasn’t too bad either. There was more definition then I get with my two strand and it lasted longer. Also the twist themselves are kinda cute. So if I do them smaller I would pull them up and wear them that way for a day or two before unraveling.
Oh Lawd! I aint ready for that. Her Ombre is gorge!
I love watching her videos bcuz my daughter has naturally curly hair like this and watching her helps me with ways to mange my baby hair ! Them lil hairs erk me to pieces ! My daughter is about to be 10 and still has baby hairs ! Smh !
I’m gonna try this
I love her videos
I learned by thinking of an airplane propeller. The strands never cross, they just go around like a propeller. That made it really easy for me.
Deborah Scales try finger coils or two strand twists those are easy in my profile pic I did finger coils for the first time using eco styler gel and olive oil on freshly washed hair.try youtube I learned a lot on there
I love your hair and I was wondering if it was possible to do that on short hair and also how would you go about doing it
Tried it on my daughters hair and it came out nice. Always have 2 of the strands in your left hand and the 3rd one in your right. Wrap the one in your right hand around the 2 in your left. Repeat 😉
oh my would love to try this on my daughters hair
Tried this and just ended up braiding my hair, going to do it again hopefully I get 3 strands instead of braids. Lol
Dang it I should Looked at this before I Did my bantu knots
The last one…. And you shld try this
Gonna learn this.
Chara Watkins my problem is using those damn rods on the ends cuz my twist came out good. U’d never know with the tightness tho
I need this in my life lol going to try it when i take my weave out:)
I ain’t about that 3 strand twist life!!!!!!!!!
Omg Soncerai I saw this article too and skipped right over it! I just learned from trial and error how to get 2 strand twists to stay in, but they aren’t defined unless I keep them twisted for a week. Soooooo I’m not even going there with these 🙁
Honestly I have been doing 3 strand twists since I was a little girl and im not sure why she braided it first but she kinda made it look harder than it really is. (To ME, ijs, not hatting, her end result came out fabulous and when it comes to natural hair I’ve learned that it’s not always about the process but finish)
Always wondered about doing something like this. This is really pretty. Ready to try it!
So cute!
That’s gorgeous igtta try!
This is really pretty, but I imagine it taking a long time to do. Ugh!
Me too!!!!! This is hot 🙂
I think this is sooo cute
Joi Bearden yes!!! This is what I need!
I tried it and it came out absolutely gorgeous! Lasted 8 days. Though by the 5th day I had it pulled up to a puff. But it still had great definition. May have lasted longer but…. by that 8th day I had to co-wash. 🙂 (couldn’t take it. Lol!)
I’m about to do this to my hair today…
Yes that would be cute!
Let’s do it
Did any one who live in London , can make it for me???? Pls I will pay
I want her hair lol :/
How you do it
She is will work great for her already naturally curly hair…
I am going to try this when I take my braids out.
I like it and concur with joann but I wanna see more natural natural hair styles for my texture of hair. Most styles thay are displayed are done on good hair textures that are naturally curly…great ideas but lets see more natural coarse hair styles for us that aren’t so fortunate.
The Real Person!
I do not think that is a very fair statement Jaquitta Knox Burks the website and the facebook is not partial to any particular hair type, just go on the site and type in whatever texture you would like to see and you will see a list of information, styles ect. Additionally a 3 strand twist is not made for a specific hair type it can be done on all heads. That was just a tutorial. I also assume that by ‘good hair textures’ you meant all hair textures (smile)
Yes, you may have a variety of textures, but rarely do you feature truly kinky hair styles.
The Real Person!
Here’s an example for 4b 4c textures
The Real Person!
And another
The Real Person!
And another
i dont think im unfortunate for having the hair i have… this ‘good’ hair ‘bad’ hair mentality is bad! but i agree, would like to see style for 4b/c/d hair textures!
Lol It’s not to blame do a little more homework on your own type of hair on you tube or something dats folks problem IT’S NOT SO MUCH WHAT YOU SAY BUT HOW YOU SAY STUFF anyone paying for the info post GEEZZ inbox a request don’t BASH TALK
I’ve always said that the term “good hair” is the most accepted racist term in America. EVERYONE that has hair has good hair.
You didn’t just say “good hair” textures?? Naw. There’s no way you tried that one. Smh. There is no such thing as good hair or bad hair. You could have worded it differently, but you said “good hair” so as to imply that your hair texture, whatever that may be, is “bad” and that people with similar textures are also. You easily have offended people with that statement. Just because a few people agreed with you doesn’t make you right. It just means their mentality still has a longer ways to go.
I have 2B hair and when it’s wet, it’s wavy but once it dries it’s an afro, so I think there needs to be more focus on 2A-2B hair.
@Connie, when your hair is dry that’s when it shows what your texture really is.
I believe I will on both our heads. Thanks Imo.
I sure will
Will this work on Caucasian hair? I love it!
The Real Person!
It would but the curls would be looser 🙂
Try holding spray it may help keep the curls in..
You get it down pack and then you can do mine LOL
I think I’m going to do this, the more I see it the cuter it is…I had did this before, when it wasn’t popular and I was just playing around with my twisties, but I never thought of making it into a style…Lol
I’m stilling waiting on the pic to load so I can see it
That was cute!! Loved it! Ill be trying it soon…have no doubt that it will work on my more coarser natural hair.
I just did it….I hope it comes out nicely… #fingerscrossed
I have but I kinda messed it up. Lol I did it months before she put out this tutorial Joella Gunter. I might have to do it again
I wish I had hair too do that but love it nice!!
I definitely have to try this
I will be tackeling this style thanks!!
Wow!! Beautiful! Got to try this on my kids hair next time!
Yall should check out Naptural85 video the best twistout ever! That’s how I do my twistout!
“Uh huh hunny! Werk!” You know I’m def tryin this
Me too!
Thx u Dana McBroom Manno. I just made a statement I’m sure many people have been thinKing. I however verbalized it. As by the likes of my statement should let u know some people do agree with what I said. I actually agreed with the person’s statement before mine. So please don’t put me on blast because I love your website and the hair information. #trulydisappointed
The Real Person!
Not my intention at all Jaquitta Knox Burks. I just think that a lot of ppl assume that black people only have kinky hair when that’s not the case. There’s a huge mix of 3’s and 4’s. We can’t exclusively post kinky textures. I had a similar comment from someone else when I posted two kinky textures in a row because she wanted someone with her texture featured. We try to find a balance but we can’t please everyone 🙂
“good hair”…wow
very good
My hair would never come out like this. The hair texture is so different.
Thank u, I’m going to try this after I do some protein treatment to my hair.
I’ll have to try this! for tighter textured hair, check out YouTube’s “Africanexport”. I love her!
Good tips
Mine turned out to be a hot mess.
I did this before as an experiment on my 4a/3c hair. it came out looking just hers but shorter due to my hair being shorter. I stretched my hair using elastics then put it in twists. what helped me was using virgin coconut oil. kept the curls looking springy. all textures of hair are good textures, as long as the hair is healthy and you show it some love.
Wow in 2014 we are still classifying someone that has curlier textured hair as “good hair”?! Just because a person is bi-racial or/and has a curlier textured hair, makes the have “good hair”! All healthy hair in my eyes is “good”. Now I however do agree that I would like to see this demonstrated on a more courser textured head of hair if that link is available. I can also agree that SOME black hair sites that I have visited do tend to cater more to “curly” textured hair, but I cannot say the same for this site.
Pretty !!!
I don’t have time for that 🙁
This is nice
My hair is too thin for this look gonna have me looking like Easy E lol
Doing it next wash
I wanna see when you’re done. 🙂
Yaaay! 🙂
Lol im excited now
lmfaoo i tried this and the results were great!!! and I LOVEEEEEE HERRRRRRR SHES EVERYTHING!!
I thought of you lmao & yes so freakin’ cute
That is so pretty!
I was looking at this earlier cute
I subscribe to her YouTube channel too..
Cool thanks!!!
Her hair is gorgeous!
Lol…wow…I watched that video today…that’s amazing how we think of the same things at the same time. I got you rose. Jonese Richie
This was the one!!! I will take them down Monday to see how it looks
Khrys please post a pic!!
I will post it Monday 😀
I tried this tonight. I do not have what some consider “That good hair” I have coarse curly hair that SHRINKS with a quickness but I am excited to see what they turn out like. I will post pics when I take them down Monday 😀
Ha… only if this would actually work for me.
Khrys I don’t know what you are talking about!! Your hair is gorgeous! I have you hair in my dreams. Lol
Girl its manipulated!!! Twist outs and paper bag rollers!!! If I let this mess dry without anything it is a HOT MESS!!! Im thankful for my full head of thick hair though!!! LMBO
I agree!!!
Want to try this
Yes friend…thats how I want my curls
You could definitely wear this
Love this look and color!!!
complicated, but lovely…….still trying to master the two-strand and flat twist out…even the braid out!
A must try for me
I did it today it works
This is very hair twist
Check this out Erica Coleman
Sheri Bryant how do you three strand twist????
I am so trying this!!
Wonder if anyone with a more Coily hair texture has tried this…?
Jewell Cisjuanora Lucille Huntley look this is pretty!
Shaye Scarlett……u got this?
I LOVE her!!
I need to see someone with my hair type try this..
Karen Scarlett-Davis idk I’ll have to try
I am so confused
Yes need practice, confuse. $33 for the gel on Amazon really!
I watched it.. But she already kinda had curly hair so her twists came.out more perfect
Sharifa Aziz, try this…
Three strand twist is like braids because you use three strands to braid but whatever . I’ll keep perfecting my two strand twist out.