So its wash day for Yahya, take us through that day highlighting the most significant parts of your wash regimen.
Ummmmm… my regimen is so varying and complicated I never know how to explain it in a detailed but simple way. I wrote it in flow chart form thinking that would make it easier, but I think it only made it look more complicated. Here it is written down:
► I wash once a week, sometimes once every two weeks when new growth starts really blooming.
► I apply a moisture deep conditioner*, protein deep conditioner*, or prepoo oil, on dry hair depending on how hair feels. I apply my deep conditioner on dry hair for better penetration as applying on wet hair blocks deep penetration due to the water.
If doing a deep condition I’ll put on a cap, wet my turban towel with hot water, and go under the dryer for 15-30 minutes.
If I am doing a protein deep condition, I will follow that with a moisture based conditioner after washing.
If a prepoo, I’ll put on a cap and let it sit for 30 minutes. Unless I’m clarifying or there’s build-up, shampoo is only directly applied on the scalp and rinsed into the length of the hair
► After cleansing my hair, half the time I’ll squeeze the excess water and follow up with Roux ph corrector. I will follow up with a normal conditioner or moisture deep condition (if I did a protein one before washing or am clarifying).
If it’s a normal conditioner, I’ll squeeze excess water, apply in shower, and let sit for 2-10 minutes. If I’m deep conditioning* I’ll squeeze excess water and gently towel or t-shirt dry hair, apply, and steam for 15-30 minutes. Half the time, I’ll rinse out half of the final conditioner and do a acv rinse. If I plan to keep my hair tied up all week, I’ll do an oil rinse right after the acv rinse.
► I’ll rinse my hair thoroughly or un-thoroughly depending on how my hair is feeling, t-shirt dry it, and apply my Luv Naturals leave-in usually after it”s at least 50 percent dry. Then when it’s almost fully dried, I’ll apply coconut oil* and/ or grape seed oil and comb.
I know you are a big fan of protective styling, what are your favorite go to protective styles and what do you consider your signature style?
Buns. Because they’re easy. But one problem I have with buns is that I find low buns boring (sorry bun lovers!), and high buns take manipulation to make. I do however try to spice it up by using hair sticks.
I’d say that my signature style is two pocahontas braids, but that would be considered more of a low manipulation style. The reason I like low manipulation styles more is because I think breakage is caused more by manipulation than exposed ends.
I guess it also depends on the person. I do sometimes braid my hair using a ribbon or thin scarf and tie off the ends in a knot to serve as both a low manipulation and protective style.
Ok break it down, give us a run down of your favorite products or just what you have in rotation.
The ones in gray aren’t consistent products in my stash, because I have to buy them online, they’re on the expensive side, or I have something better in mind to replace them.
► Shampoo : Hesh Amla & Shikakai, Nexxus Promend Shampoo, Hairveda Shikakai Swirl
► Clarifier : Castile soap, V05 kiwi & lime, Hairveda Amala Deep Cleanse
► Conditioner : Herbal Essence Hello Hydration, Trader Joe’s Nourish Spa, V05 Conditioners, Coco Caramel Masque, Aubrey Organics White Camellia, Aubrey Organics GPB, Hairveda Sitrinillah
► Deep conditioning* ingredients : Honey, Molasses, Hesh Rose Powder, Aloe Vera Gel, Glycerin
► Protein treatment : Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor, Nupur Henna, Nexxus Promend, Aubrey Organics GPB
► Porosity : Roux pH Corrector, Apple Cider Vinegar* Rinse, Clear Rinse, Kimmaytube leave-in
► Moisturizer : Kimmaytube leave-in
► Oil : Jojoba Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Dabur Vatika, Hairveda Shikakai Cocasta, Hairveda Vatika Frosting
► Heat protectant* : Fantasia IC & Grape Seed Oil Mix
Barbara Jack says
Requests more pix of those of us who are transitioning with short hair!
Kimberly Louise Morris says
Beautiful hair
Ama Barton says
Ama Barton says
Absolutely stunning
Tammie Faulkner Taylor says
Thank you for posting this. I know plenty of relaxed heads that have no issue growing a head full of HEALTHY hair.
Sophia Dan-braimah says
hmmmmmmm this is encouraging, now am sure of keeping my relaxed hair. the reason i have been at bra length for a long time is cos i never moisturize, deep condition, steam or protein treatment. if i start all these i will definitely see improvement and stretch my relaxers. now am certain keeping relaxed hair. thank you says
You are welcome!
Kerimah Rogers says
Thanks for the advice for those of us who still relax their hair.
Ronnie Natasha Renee says
I’ve had relaxed hair all my life and it always grew and had length.
Abbi says
I love reading her interviews. Always insightful, she really knows her stuff.
Vangie Ferguson says
Thanks for The advice
Shalea Caruth says
i love that hair can someone do my hair like that
Hayley says
I loved this interview very much. She sounds like a smart lady. Seems like she knows the topic of hair topic well. Before this article I hadn’t even heard of Yahya. Yahya has a new fan now. The information she gave will be useful to me and my own natural hair. The information she gave out is useful period regardless of if you’re relaxed,natural,etc. I will most definitely be using yahya’s hair routine. I’ll just omit whatever is unfitting for my own natural hair.
Karlina Ottley says
GHE it works… tube has it as the baggy method