We are so used to seeing the hair stories of women ditching their relaxers and embracing their natural textures that it may surprise you to learn that there are a few who after having been natural for some time, have opted to go back to relaxing their hair.
Now of course the number of women going back is nowhere near the number who are currently transitioning to natural but a quick search on YouTube will reveal that their numbers are not to be sneezed at either.
When it comes to handling hair in it’s natural state, a lot of ladies are quite unprepared for how thick and perhaps coarse natural hair is compared to the flat, straight relaxed texture that they have grown used to.
And truth be told, majority of us who transitioned to natural were not doing so from thick healthy relaxed hair but rather over-processed, thin strands that we couldn’t wait to get rid of anyway. But once hair education sinks in and women learn that healthy long hair can be attained both as naturals and relaxed then it becomes clear why some women choose to go back.
Here is The Mo Show showing us how she went from natural to relaxed hair:
Looking at my own family, all of us (sisters and mom) decided to go natural at around the same time back in 2008 and in retrospect, not one of us could have claimed to have had ‘healthy’ relaxed hair.
Mine had that unsightly brown tinge hair relaxed hair gets when it’s been over-processed, my sister’s would break at a strong gust of wind and my mum’s edges were slowly eroding away with each touch up. Still we all decided to ditch the chemicals for various reasons. My reason as I’ve mentioned before was because I finally wanted length and thickness.
Looks very healthy!
Still very pretty hair
where can I buy coconut oil for my hair?
I have foound coconut oil in TJ Maxx
TJ Maxx by the packaged food, trader joes, regular grocery stores, whole foods, health food stores, amazon.com.
Trader Joes and Whole Foods have the best selection. I have been using it on my relazed hair for ages.
Thanks Guys!!!
Any place that sells regular cooking oils. It’s usually next to the olive oil. It’s solid so it will be in a different container
Do I have to melt it first to put it in my hair?
No. Use it like regular hair oil.
ebay, grocery store.
I Dont see the point in it tho
Any hair store…
Beautiful hair.
I thought about it.
That bottom pic tho…. lol
Do whatever makes you happy!!
Oh.the many times.i have thought about going back lol but im staying strong
I never will. Stacie Hart You can get coconut oil at any grocery store… I use the organic vegan coconut oil….love it, its only like 4.99 for a nice size jar.
Thanks Tori
Hard work for nothing…smh
But it’s their hair. So they can do whatever they want with it, no matter how pointless it seems
Stacie Hart, buy it from the supermarket. It should be in the baking aisle. The coconut oil in the beauty supply store isn’t real.
I’m not. I love my natural curls. They’re so versatile
I did that too bk to the creamy crack lol I can’t manage my hair when its natural
my hair is the same either way. elaxers do not straihten my hair so I do not bother with them. The point is your hair; do what you want.
Not me thats for sure!!!
I know of two natural who did it
Relaxer isn’t just about your hair its about your over all health it causes fibroid fumed and can lead to cancer
So does tooth paste, deodorant, and car fumes….get over it! If you’re living on Earth, then you will die of something.
Im about too. Natural is gettin’ on my nerves. Im to busy for it.
me too. i did it and its too much trying to maintain moisture and find products that define my curls. im going back to relaxers myself
Just wanted to say even if you go back to relaxed hair because you feel you couldn’t find the right moisturizers you will have the same problem with relaxed hair….hair is hair it needs the same either way so I hope you have great success relaxed as well….
if being natural makes u happy go for it…If being relaxed makes u happy go for it…Js….
Being natural is better 😀 but indeed, we choose what it make us happy !
I’ve thought about It, but I aint got time for no “creamy crack”, breaking off my hair!:)
I just did it…
And man, do I miss being natural!! But hey it’s just hair…
How do you feel now?
It’s tempting
I don’t think it’s a good idea
Natural hair is just as difficult to maintain, but both can be healthy if properly treated
I think it largely depends on individual hair texture. Relaxed hair, for me, was more difficult. I can wear my wash-and-go for days. That’s just me. I don’t knock anyone.
Any1 asked them why
Thought about it but… Then I just straighten it and feel much better 🙂
I gt a relaxer las wk
Sad stories
I feel if we was meant to have straight hair we would of been born that way, when u change what God ordained u r saying God made a mistake, n Gods best isn’t good enough, because u r created different smh
God ddnt create weave god didn’t create perm he didn’t create makeup or razors but I bet you shave wat your saying is ludicrous
He didn’t make us with pierced ears either. Ur sooooo right, Tk!!!
exactly ladies. i hate when ppl bring god into this convo just because we dont make the same choice as them. that is very self rightous.
Then maybe you should walk around naked, After all, you WERE born that way…
I have ezcema so bad that i can use a relaxer ever again. I wish i could.
Trader Joe’s Stacie Hart
Ohh noo, never again for me!!
I’m trying to hang in with the natural girls but it’s hard.
I know what you mean. I was relaxed for years and my hair would grow and break. I have been natural for three years and my hair is still doing the same thing. I have heat damage from a salon visit and I have cut most of it off. I now have to start all over again.
Don’t blame them natural hair is freaking hard work.
U sound angry jenny I’m only stating a fact what anyone chose to do with the info its up to them.life is about choices and we do have free will.
Love my hair natural, love my hair relaxed. Big chop either way doesn’t bother me any more than hanging past my shoulders… It’s about what “I” like. I just don’t see the rational in negative OPINIONS regarding what others do with their own hair…even if I buy some.
I love my relaxed hair.
I looove it
When I went natural, I always said that if I don’t like it I can always go back to relaxers. I gave myself an out. Its been 17 months now and I haven’t considered going back. My hair is much more time consuming now but I feel like it is what it is. I went from a Caesar fade to collarbone length and I don’t want all that work to be for nothing lol. But if others feel the need to return to relaxers, I’m not going to judge.
Different strokes for different folks
It’s all about personal choice for those going back it was a fad, they jumped on the wagon & decided to jump back off. It’s a lot of hype surrounding “natural hair” & everybody ain’t equipped to handle it. I say do whatever makes you happy, you won’t know til you try it right?
Andrea Bryant there’s a lot we do to out bodies that’s not healthy to others etc Everything we eat or take in in this day in time is not healthy again its a preference to be natural or relaxed etc to each there own
Having Natural hair is no easy thing…Just because we came into the world naked doesn’t mean we all want to walk around like that every day….Im natural but I do have my moments
Lol some ppl take hair too seriously. I can’t straighten my hair chemically or with a flat iron because I wasn’t born with straight hair? A woman born with straight hair can’t put curls in cause she wasn’t born that way? It seems like we’re the only race that does this to one another.
Neither ♥one ♥diffcult to (ME)!!
I would not mind but,they burn me so bad.
Natural hair is harder to manage but much healthier
I had a relaxer for years, just did the big chop 2 wks ago…no more blow drying and flat ironing. I am loving this wash and go!
I’m so glad that I’m happier natural than I ever was relaxed. I’ve learned so much. But whatever makes them happy. Don’t bash them. It’s all about sisterhood and supporting one another.
I’m about to relax after 16 months!
I’ve had 4 clients within the last 2 weeks return to relaxers. They said that they became overwhelmed with the day to day styling and constantly trying to find products to maintain the proper amount of moisture in their hair, and living in the south it’s really hard especially in the summer months. I’ve found that with being relaxed or natural, you have to keep your ends clipped, get the proper treatments as well as keep as much heat off of your hair as possible. Your hair can be healthy both ways as long as you take care of your hair!! Much love ladies!!
If u don’t have the time to put in to the natural look then I understand why some ppl go back…it takes time to manage natural hair…however…I love my naturals…lok
Natural or relaxed a healthy hair journey is just that, a journey! There’s no right or wrong answers! You can attain healthy hair in either state, it’s whatever works best for the individual! I commend any journey cuz it’s not easy! That being said being natural is the best hair decision I’ve made for myself in a long time & I love the versatility!
If I don’t like my natural hair, im going back to relaxed. To each his own.
I like relaxers, but you have to keep getting them once you start…havent permed mine since 2010 . I wear weaves alot but my natural hair is close to my twins. Perm or natural , they both have their pluses.
Whateva makes u happy and at peace… Best thing in world
Yes Stacie Hart
Toni Sims, amen. I went natural last year and the experience taught me how to appreciate and take care of my hair. I look good either way and feel good both ways. I know that I used to think taking care of relaxed hair was a lot of work but now I don’t feel that way.
Since going natural, I make all my own hair products except holding gels. I know if I go back to a relaxer, it’s getting touched up every 3 months, not every month since I know how to handle my hair now.
We should stop with the harsh judgements, the works is doing a great job of that without us.
For those in Memphis, if you go back to perms or vice versa, see Dr Lisa Akbari. She makes all her products, even perm and texturizer.
World not works
As long as its healthy i said go for what works for you.
If i ever go natural itll just be to get my hair healthy but once its long & healthy id go back to relaxers .
As much as it may be annoying maintaining natural hair, I will never go back. I experienced such a powerful feeling when I cut my perm ends off and saw how beautiful my hair was in its natural state.
Well, yes, it’s not easy having a natural hair. I myself have appeared here in despair because I was really bad after a year of my BC. I”ve calmed down (thank this site), really want to keep being a natural but as my hair is still short even after a year (and no, it’s not breaking), I don’t have many style options. Braids don’t let me take care of it, so I just wear them sometimes, just to control the front part; and bantu knots are not working yet. Everybody says it’s because it is too short and maybe I can’t find the right products. The whole search takes a looong time.
Anyway, it’s hard wear the same style and just wait. And it’s inspiring as well as frustrating watching those tutorials and wonderful results that never work for me.
I understand these ladies because the mirror is a challenge everyday. But while my beautiful big afro doesn’t come and I can finally do some terrific twists and bantu knots, I just keep them tied up, eat right, drink a lot of water, buy good products, focus my attention on make-up, clothes, my work, my hobbies and my humor… Maybe I can try all those styling ideas in two or three years.
Hi, Nena. You can actually get kinky twists with afro kinky bulk hair, which is a type 4 hair (synthetic). After 2 weeks, I wash my kinky twists every week. I deep condition every week. I use the LOC method to moisturize everyday. I have had wonderful growth. You should try it. It might work for you. If you go on Youtube, you could see how to install yourself and save a ton of money. Be blessed.
I colored my hair on purpose so that i wouldn’t be able to relax, even if i wanted to. I came dangerously close to getting a texture softener in the very beginning so glad i didn’t, because apparently i can achieve all the styles I’ve ever wanted, without it, and i never knew that before.
They can have it…I’ve worked to hard and long to turn back now. #Teamnatural.
I’ve never had a perm I just found a way to straighten my hair to where ppl think I have one cause I like my hair to move lol but I’ve been wear natural styles for almost two months straight
I haven’t permed my hair for almost 15 years. I often wear weave but when I wear my natural out I love it.
I never think about going back! The chemicals the risk its not worth it! Self love and knowledge of self is key!
What happened to uplifting my sister? ?? Being natural does not make anyone better. ..it simply implies that you made a choice…and not necessarily a better choice. …everything is not for everybody. My daughters have chosen to relax their hair…I chose to start over naturally. ..and sweetie let me tell you …I have some moments. ..but to be bashed because of differences for something as trivial as hair texture…come on. Stay beautiful my sisters.
Happy nappy
I don’t care either way after this grows to the length I want I might put a perm on it. The only reason I’m natural is because I have waves that Men try to train there hair to have. My point is if I didn’t have this wavy texture trust I wouldn’t be doing this. Natural hair isn’t convenient!
I’m never going back to the creamy crack !!!
The thing that really makes me sad is when we say natural hair is hard or its not for everyone God gave you curly kinky coily hair for a reason! EMBRACE IT!
God is so awesome that he blessed ppl with knowledge and know how to change it. we all do things to make us unique or work with our lifestyle. God love us the same. i hate when ppl think we dont love ourselves because we do something different than THEM.
Knowledge of self is the biggest blessing!!!!! Actually loving yourself and saying you love yourself is two different things!
As long as they love it and know how to handle both, there is nothing tonworty about, ambrace your hair, no mather what!
There are products out there that will help you manage natural hair quite easily (Victoria’s Secret hydrating line, and some It’s a 10 products), but, that’s the cool thing about our hair. Some of us want to wear it curly, kinky, and some straight. We are all so different. Lol.
My gf too
Just relaxed my hair after 9mos of being natural, its just not for me!!
It wad stupid to go natural then u went rght back to relax what was that!
3 years natural..I will never go back..not being judgemental but Im learning so much about my hair and health naturally..When I straighten my hair..omg..it looks amazing..#lovingbeingallnatural
Why relax it, why not just flat iron it?
I wrk out often and have 4c hair. Far ironing 4 me and other women is not the best option cuz my hair would b a mess after 1 wrkout.
Thanks! That makes sense…
I love it; thank you for pointing out that ultimately, the health of the hair–be it relaxed or natural–is what we should be MOST concerned about.
Im ready to get a perm…I prefer natural hair but its really hard at the gym and when ur not single lol.
I’m use to not getting perms for almost 4 years now. I love every bit of the natural hair. Honestly, it’s saving me a lot of money from buying the perm kit and going to the salon.
I was natural for almost 3 yrs. Going bank soon.
Wow…I just did the big chop….and I feel free now…I’ve been without a perm for 6 months now,trying to test myself, an see if I could do it….One if My Proudest Moments…
Would never go back. My hair is tough but its growing so long so quickly i cant turn back now. I need to see how far it’ll grow lol
Natural hair is great! What problems at the gym??? White girls sweat out their “natural” hair at the gym too. White, relaxed, natural still gotta wash sweaty hair, right?? I rock my curly micro twists to the gym, sweat em out, cowash in the shower, moisturize,n Im out!
Everyone’s hair texture and length might not b like yours. I wrk out too and am natural but weaves cuz I don’t have time to wash my hair everyday after my 7a.m. wrkouts b4 wrk. My hair is 4c and shoulder length and I can’t see washing it 3 days a week after wrkg out.
Kelly Hall U are right! People think White women have it easy!….I’ve watched some of those White ladies with curly hair on YouTube & their process for Wash & Go’s are the same as ours & just as tedious, and if they can wash their hair everyday then why are we complaining?!!
ITA I think as a natural it’s easier to wash my hair more often. I used to work out a lot and now I don’t but I still wash my hair like 3 times a week.
I just want to say naturally cyrly hair is not the only thing God gave us..he also gave us armpits that grow hair,legs that grow hair and some of us with lip hair, so are we embracing that or are we just bashing the people for personal decisions they make, for the ones who have a problem with how other people style their own hair are you offering a helping hand, like paying for the products that help with moisture or how about detangling for the people u choose to talk about. #getagriponwhatsimportant
Nothing is wrong with natural or relaxed hair. As long as it’s taken care of. Trust me you can be natural and have damaged broken off hair. I’ve been there myself. If you’re not doing their hair every morning let ppl do what’s convenient for them! I’ve seen ppl with relaxers with hair down their back and bald headed naturals. Just take care of your hair. Most ppl complaining about the chemicals ppl put on their head also eat fast food, processed hormone injected food. So unless your 100% an organic eater you don’t have an argument. Worry about what’s going into your body before what’s going on with your hair lol.
I dont get the argument of “healthy” relaxed hair if you bathe your head in toxic chemicals every 6 weeks, 9 or 10 times every year for decades. I feel that is the fallacy of that argument, you are deluding yourselves with the health aspect.
It’s a personal choice. I permed my hair for a yr after becoming natural for 10yrs. And I’ve cut it again and have been natural for 2 1/2 yrs. It’s just hair. For me, it depends on what style I’m going for.
My hair has been natural for 6 yrs n it’s time for a change …I think i might go back to the creamy crack…just thinking about it LOL
Being natural was a choice, and for those who choose to go back to perms, that’s their choice. This is hard at times, however I’m happy with the choice I made. Not mad at ANYONE who chose to go b ack. Healthy hair is the most important.
I’ve been natural for a total of 15 years, and went back twice for about two years or so both times. My hair can be a lot of work at times, but going back again is no longer an option. My hair is always worse in the long run when I try to make it do, what’s not natural for it to do. It’s kinks for life for me!
I won’t get a perm again iif I have the urge of straight hair I just get a blow out I like the versatility of natural hair but kudos to them its their hair do whatever lol
They will be back!!! Especially once their hair starts to shed and the growth begins to stunt all over again!!!
I don’t care what someone does with their hair, but u speak the TRUTH. My hair was long when I first relaxed my hair, but over the years my hair kept getting shorter & shorter(even relaxed I still had long hair, just NOT as long as it was when it was Natural). I get the impression that some ladies went Natural to get Strong/Long hair, then once that was achieved they went back to relaxers to take full advantage of their new length, but I wouldn’t get use to it if I were them. But think about this…If you have to go Natural just to get Strong/Long hair, then what does that say about relaxers?!!(15yrs Natural now)
i did! I grew my hair out to have it be long and relaxed.
I love the pick your poison line.I think its great woman have such variety.
Reneshia Graham too funny..you are right.good point.
I worked to hard during my transition. I will never go back
It’s nothing wrong with women who have relaxers… I myself is all natural and i don’t plan to straighten it at all, not even with a flat iron. I don’t even blow dry my hair, No heat at all… BUT natural hair takes time to manage… So for those who return back to perms, I understand….
Recently I relaxed my hair after 1/1 2 year being natural. My hair health has significantly increased I also am able to understand hair health better. I can do my hair the way it is. I wasn’t afraid to cut my hair and then grew it out curly then relax it again. My hair hasn’t been this good condition relaxed before maintaining growth natural. I’ll relax my hair every 20 weeks I back in the day, I did retouched every six weeks… Hair was overly processed. 🙂 changing hair can make you understand how to take care of it in any form you wish. Don’t limit on what you want to do.
Smh @ the comments saying going from natural to relaxed is “pointless, embrace what God gave you, and if you switch back it was a fad. I’ve gone natural 3 times when I wanted a change. The first time I went natural was 15 years ago. Though many people were natural, I can only think of a few of my family, friends associates, and hundreds of patients that were. It was not very popular at all. The last few years my sister, sister-in-law,daughters, and most all my friends are natural. Some get an attitude about Me switching . I will do me and change it up if I so choose. #teamchoice #stopjudging 🙂
Oh it was 3yrs or more each time
KMSLOL @ anyone who ASSUMES hair growth has to be stunted, sheds, breaks off, falls out, etc, just because it’s relaxed. I don’t have any issues. Hair is DEAD that you see, so stop making a fuss over it and find something worthy of arguing about.
Not everyone who had a perm had a bad experience or damaged, shedding or breaking hair. Mine actually grew faster with a perm and was in good shape. I just got tired of sitting waiting for my stylist to show up unapologetically 1 to 2 hrs late then squeezing someone else in front of me.
“Stylist to show up unapologetically 1 to 2 hrs late then squeezing someone else in front of me” …I Feel Ya On This One!! Some of those same stylists now throw shade on Naturals bc they are now losing money bc of decreased relaxer sales. My stylist use to overbook clients(working on 2-3 heads simultaneously); I’m beginning to think the reason why I ended up w/breakage & sores on my scalp is bc the stylist left relaxer on my head too long, possibly bc she was trying to work on too many other heads at the same time, resulting in me going Natural. If stylist don’t RESPECT their clients then they will lose them(15yrs Natural now).
Reneshia Graham, too funny…I agree.
I want to relax….but my strands are too fine….I love it….Do what s for you
I embrace my natural hair n beauty
Btw no judging just stating my personal preferences n my opinion to each her own Queens
My hair is just healthier natural; thats enuf 4 me!
I got a perm twice…didn’t take to my hair. Went back to its natural state a week or two later.
Cylinda Shenise preach
I used to relax my hair twice a yr the growth and strength was wonderful
Natural Nazi chicks swear the only way to have healthy hair is if it’s natural which is not true. Nothing wrong with relaxed hair if treated properly.
As long as it’s still natural hair as opposed to weaves and wigs…
I know I’m ready to go back this natural is too overrated
She actually looked better relaxed. I flat iron my hair and get the same affect tho.
I’ve been natural for almost a month, but I wear protective styles. I made a choice to transition to natural, because my hair had become very damaged due to not taking care of my hair properly. But your hair is your hair & I feel that we are all beautiful with whatever choice one decides when it comes to their hair. Be yourself/Be happy 🙂
I wonder how long did they last the one on the bottom look like she was never natural
Hey your hair natural either way you decide to straighten it its coming out your scalp!!!
We, as people, are all blessed to be able to switch up whenever we want to. Enjoy your hair in whatever state you want it to be in. Natural, relaxed, braided, weaves, extensions, who cares, just enjoy and be you!!!
Relaxed or natural …..be happy!
I am not a natural nazi, truthfully I dont give a crap what you do to your hair. My question is real, how can you equate hair or even general health with pouring gallons over time of highly toxic chemicals on your head? If it is so healthy, eat a spoonful. I can eat what I put on my head all day long. Stop sacrificing health for vanity or an idealized standard of beauty that lasts about 4 weeks before you have to poison yourselves again.
alot of ppl do it for a lifestyle choice. its had nothing to do with vanity
At the end of the day I have realized that natural is better. It is a lot of work, that’s why I believe some people go back. Perms are No Good For Your Hair- Just Watch Black Hair By Chris Rock!
Perm’s make your hair look straight- but do your research what is in perms. It is almost like eating better- staying away from the bad stuff that over time is NO GOOD FOR YOU!
Yep and God didnt create hair pudding or gel either…lol none of us are really natural.
Is their hair let them do what they please your dont like it oh well, im team weave/part time nature :).
Jamillah Davis, I understand. I dont spend hours detangling,{ no bragging, got my own hair issues} what about chunky twists for workout n wash??
Tracey Rolyart, that doesnt feel like an effective argument. Swallow a tablespoon of hair pudding (especially one with pronouncable ingredients) then a tablespoon of relaxer and see which one literally burns a hole thru your throat. Dont even be so extreme, put it on either side of your face, and after a year see which side is healthier.
Natural hair is NOT harder to maintain than Relaxed hair(iIt’s just that Naturals are FORCED to do their own hair out of necessity; for instance, established Black hair salons don’t know how to do Natural hair unless u want a relaxer, blow-out/flat ironed, weave, or braids, or there are NO natural hair salons in their area at all, & those that do have access to Natural hair salons it’s hit & miss…meaning some salons that say they know how to do Natural hair sometimes don’t). The only difference is when my hair was Relaxed I was staying in the salon all day paying someone else to do my hair for me versus taking hours on wash day doing my Natural hair myself. I’m 15yrs Natural, but it doesn’t matter to me how someone else wears their hair!
More than anything it’s just sad, yes the natural you requires a little more work and knowledge of how your hair needs to be groomed and taken care if but it’s so worth it in the long run. The freedom and absolute beauty!!!
Anything worth having is worth waiting for, get your mind out if this fast food nation and learn a little patience and gain virtue!!!
All hair is beautiful whether it’s natural or relaxed
Thanks, Kelly Hall. I was about to comment on Tracey Rolyart. It’s ridiculous to think that using gels or puddings makes you “not completely natural”, as much as not using lotion or deodorant makes you “not natural”. Gels and puddings don’t permanently alter your hair.
My mum started to relaxed my hair when i was little, and i decided at 21 to go back to the roots… I dont spend that much time in treatment and things so it grows slowly, but healthy!! And i feel proud of my crown!!! Some twists to protect sometimes…
Please, dont tell me to relax
I say do what works for you. If you are happy and natural good… why throw shade because someone chooses to relax. I think we as Black Women can not choose to weave, color, braid. Can’t we also have choices? I relax because it’s easier because I might be the only Black Woman who cannot braid. So my Natural Sisters, please don’t be so quick to judge.
I am staying natural..I don’t do perms or weaves…did all that years ago…goal is 27 inches or longer within 3 yrs…natural
Hair is much easier to maintain than perm..usually I wash, condition braid or keep my styles sexy and simple…
Do what works for you
Well, I’ll see what this summer brings. :/
This gone be me reeeeaaaal soon! Lol
Natural hair nazis. Although these women hair is.pretty you still feel like you have to give a speech about perms. But if your hairstyle is ugly its all good because your natural. I gave up relaxers and natural hair nazis get on my nerves. just another reason for black woman to hate on eachother.
I’ve experienced natural to relaxed to short cut to color to 2 years of braids to natural back to relaxed..Loved it all because I was blessed with strong hair, and learned how to care for it while finding me..lol..so whether its natural or relaxed, HEALTHY HAIR is the best way to go!!
Either way is fine. I’m staying natural because I never liked perming my hair. There are other ways to straighten hair. Natural works for me
Natural/Relaxed aint for everybody. As long as you love you, who else matters?!
A texturizer may help too for those who cant maintain there coils your still natural it doesnt last as long as a relaxer it just loosens up the curl pattern so your hair is manageable thats what I do ive been natural for two years and I love it 🙂
I still relax my hair because my natural hair takes a lot of time and patience to style and maintain; and at this time with my busy schedule, I’m honestly not willing to commit to it. My hair is still thick and healthy, I moisturize it, clip my ends, etc. etc. I wore my hair natural about 15 years ago when natural hair WASN’T IN and I caught SO MUCH grief about it. honestly, there are a lot of natural hair nazis who at one point in their lives used relaxers on a regular basis; and you all knew then about the toxins and chemicals in relaxers. Even if you aren’t relaxing your hair, we all are exposed to SOME KIND of toxin in the outside air we breathe, the foods we eat, the drinks we drink, and so on. No matter how we choose to wear our hair, we are ALL BEAUTIFUL regardless. Do you and wear your hair how you please.
I wonder if white women have these hair pages where they debate about who gets perms, dyes their hair blonde, purple, or pink. I gotta go find some of those threads and read ’em! Love ya’ll….PEACE ✌️
I will relax my hair until the day I die!! I cannot stand when my hair isnt relaxed….ive rocked my hair natural and totally hated it….my relaxed hair is healthy and armpit length…..its all about what works for you!
Same here I was natural but now i’m back to being relax!!
That’s RIGHT Dawn!
I feel like going back 2 a perm at times.Its ok if that’s what they wanted 2 do. I had no problem with my hair when it was relaxed. What actually caused my hair to breakout was perming it myself with a box perm and leaving it on 2 long.
I’m with Team Relaxer!! All the way!! ❤️
Natural ain’t for everyone, I’ve just begun my journey from creamy crack to natural and I’m enjoying it so far
I just wish the focus was solely on HEALTHY HAIR! not “natural hair” or “relaxed hair” .. Leave the negative attitudes behind & do what suits YOUR needs.. just keep your hair healthy in the process..
I went natural because perm doesn’t take in my hair. My hairdresser said I had to much calcium in my hair so it never fully relaxed. Then I got sick and couldn’t do it then so natural was not my first choice but I’m willing to try now. ( for now at least)
I did…
Either way is good. I have noticed that relaxers grow my hair faster. I have been natural n went back to relaxers n went back natural. Lol. I dont think as a black woman I should be judged by another black woman because of what I do with MY hair.lol. Its just hair. Nor should we compare our hair to other races . We as black women were blessed with the type of hair that is versatile n we can make it look good whether its relaxed or natural. Embrace what u have n what works for u doesnt work for everybody else. U can still use natural ingredients in your hair when its relaxed. I did.so I didnt have to relax.so often.
Chile please, I can get that with a dominican blowout… No relaxers again… Okkkkk
Why can’t we just embrace people’s choices to do what they want to do with THEIR hair??!! Do you and let me do me! I’m currently transitioning cause I want to try natural, if I do t like it then I choose to go back to relaxers then it’s MY business! As long as my hair is healthy (relaxed or natural) does it really matter!! We will never progress as a people if we continue to focus on things that don’t even concern us! You ever hear white women worrying about their counterparts hair to the degree we judge people about theirs?
I don’t understand why women with natural hair act like they all out hate women who get relaxers. I’m here to tell you natural Nazi’s that some of your heads look A MESS!!! So you are in no position to ridicule another woman’s hair. All of these women on this picture are absolutely gorgeous….what could you possibly critique about them?
Im transitioning & I love it. I never knew my hair texture was this awesome. Loved my relaxed hair too..just doing something different.
To each their own , whatever is best for you be blessed.
Whatever makes them happy.
To each his own! I went natural bc I hated relaxers as I got older (the process) but kept doing them bc I figured I was just stuck with it for life. My mom and sister been natural all there life and when I saw the wave of sisters going natural, I said to myself why didn’t I think of that!!! Mom and sis was helpful in the journey while I transitioned. I’m almost 2 years natural I have no intention on going back to relaxers.
I’ve been natural for almost 2 years and I can never see myself going back to a permI like my hair in its natural state and I like the fact that I can also straighten it and still have my hair…while permed all it would ever do was grow in breakno matter what I did to it so now I just prefer to stay natural and let my hair grow
I have been natural for a year now and I don’t think it’s for cause my hair is coming out every time comb or run my fingers through it and I don’t know what to do seriously thinking about relaxing my hair again
There’s always a hot comb!
Truly an interesting article. It is rare that we see ladies transitioning back to relaxed hair. I am a relaxed head, and though I plan to return to natural at some point, I can definitely understand why one may choose relaxed rather than natural hair. The ease and familiarity would probably beckon me back as well lol
Abbi of BelowtheWaist
Ole girls Fro was rockin tho!
I went back to relaxers cuz I don’t have the time nor patience for natural hair nd my hair seems to grow better relaxed everybody don’t need to go natural to have healthy beautiful hair as long as u take care of your hair relaxed or natural you will have strong beautiful hair
Been natural for 3+ years now… And as long as I can press it and wear it straight without worry… Then bounce back to a Fro… I’m perfectly fine being relaxer free. Turn Back For What? Lol
I would go back to relaxer, but I discovered that when I cut all the permed hair off, my true hair texture is curly, really pretty. Never knew I had good hair. (Even though all hair is good, don’t get me wrong)
Whatever makes you happy ,normally my hair looks like the one on the bottom left and im always debating the relaxer but I have a insanely hot boyfriend that gets turned on by natural hair so the hair stays
Yeah natural hair is high maintenance but…. Beautiful!
I’m tempted…
I dont knock anyones choice. If you like it I love it! But as for me…. if I want my natural hair straightened, I press it! And have more body and bounce than I ever did with my relaxed hair that I thought was bomb lol… thanks but no thanks!!! #NaturalForLife #SheDontLye
To each is own. Natural hair ;relaxed hair are both beautiful. As long as a woman’s hair is healthy and compliments her that’s all that matters.
Nice Hair Ladies!!!
It don’t matter as long as its still healthy
I’ve been natural 2 year’s and I love it. Natural hair can be high maintenance but its worth it to me. As long as you take care of your hair whether it’s relaxed or natural it can be healthy. Healthy hair is what matters….relaxed or natural.
Im not goin!! No more creamy crack.. #NaturalTilTheDeathOfMe
I’ve been natural for five years (second time), I relaxed after being natural for three years because my bf at the time didn’t like the natural look! But honey…I love my natural hair and when I straighten it, it’s so pretty and silky…what’s the point of a relaxer when you can have the best of both worlds natural!
I just don’t see going back but that’s just me though..
That’s how my real hair looks like the lady at the bottom of the page…. what did she was to press her hair… I need help!!!
I did and I regret it so I just did the big chop,never again
I did…..l love my thick waist length hair…..texlax for life!! Lol
Theirs nothing wrong with that, that’s their choice.
natural looking
I like them both but my hair has more body & shine when I go natural
not my business
i wouldn’t go back to relaxes cause of the stuff n it they use Drano cleaner also someone told me a women died did n autopsy n her scape n brain was green do to have a relaxed hair
All I care about is eliminating self hate. As long as you love thy black then I really don’t care. Both natural and relaxed women have self haters in their ‘group’ so no one state of hair is better.. Clearly
I’m not knocking natural hair. I love the look of some naturals styles but lets face it…its not for everyone. Some people are walking around looking like natural disasters because they’re always trying to do it themselves and won’t seek professional help. Natual hair takes just as much upkeep as relaxed but somewhere along the way people got natual mixed up with just let it go. People who have a softer or more manageable texture of look great with natural hair but then there are some who are in denial about the real texture of their hair. They wanna know how to make it “curl up”…texturize it or something. Anyway I personally wear relaxed hair but I stretch my application times just so that im not getting too many or close together. All im saying what ever you wear, wear it well and make adjustments so that its presentable. Happy hair makes happy women. Be happy.
It shouldn’t matter if you wear your hair natural or relaxed. As long it’s not relaxed because you don’t like your natural beauty. It bothers me when I see young, & sometimes very young girls with relaxers or weaves.
I’m cool on my natural tip
NATURAL OR RELAXED… They both are hard to take care of if u DONT know what ure doing
Either way we’re Beautiful women.
If folks would just STOP trying to be like everyone else and just be themselves this world would be a happier place! Natural/Relaxed who cares?? Do whatever makes you happy!!
I would def go back relaxed if relaxer wasn’t a jar full of chemicals that can burn thru a can..
I made the decision to become natural because I was low on money and didn’t want to sit in salons!! I like my hair either way. But I do flat iron mine. And some people judge me because of that too..
Im never going back to relaxers! I might straighten my hair once in awhile but fine hair + relaxers= a storm of breakage
Just started the natural thing….
Question: is it better to stop putting gel in my hair would that help it grow better?
I will never go back to relaxer. That’s just ME..do whatever makes YOU happy.
I went from natural to relaxed three times between 14-27. Each time I ignored the signs that relaxed hair isn’t for me. My hair fell out each time. The first two times it was a gradual process and the last time it was almost immediate. So right now I’m two months post big chop…again. Everything isn’t for everyone. My experiences won’t be everyone else’s. I’m learning to love my hair the way it grows out my scalp and leave chemicals alone.
Negative. Leave the creamy crack alone. Stop putting them chemicals in your hair. Go get a blow out if you want straight hair.
They looked better natural…but I do understand it’s a struggle
Nothing wrong with that. Natural hair is not for everyone. If your not going to embrace it and you just wear weave over it or wear braids constantly there is no point.
I am still tender headed u stay natural 10 months!!
I’m good with my natural look….
Great article
I said something yesterday about on this subject on this same article and I see a lot of women going back and forth about relaxed verses natural. Like I posted on yesterday, consistency is the key. #1 we do not wear perms, we wear relaxers- relaxers straighten hair, perms curl the hair. Natural hair needs to be properly maintained just like relaxed hair and if you don’t take care of either, both can be damaged. Either way, a head full of broken and damaged hair is not attractive. I believe as a professional cosmetologist of 20 years that if you aren’t consistent with getting your hair properly treated with protein/moisturizing treatments or using some type of Shea, Morrocan, Cocoanut, or any other natural oil in your hair, it will become dry, brittle, and it will break off. Keep your ends clipped every 8/12 weeks depending on how quickly your hair grows and if your relaxed you don’t have to get a relaxer ever 4/6 weeks. Ask your stylist to prolong it to 8/12 weeks, especially if it’s a Shea butter based relaxer, it tends to last longer. Ladies, stop arguing about which way is right or wrong and embrace our beauty and let’s compliment one another and not compete to see who’s right or who’s wrong on this issue. We’re all beautiful!! Much love to you all!!
For me my natural hair is much easier to maintain. Relaxers were destroying my scalp even though my hair was beautiful. Not to mention all the flat ironing, wrapping, sitting under the dryer for hours. Now I air dry and can go on with my day and not be confined.
Now with my natural hair, I style once a week and my twist out/finger coils/wash n go style lasts one week then I wash and start over.
With a relaxer I was itching constantly and always had dandruff. So yeah, I love my hair now and its still beautiful so no relaxers for me!
The second pic …her curls are gone couldnt be me
I could never destroy my 3c curls
I agree with that many of us (the majority?) initially went natural because of damage or not being able to grow our hair. And I don’t see a problem with that. I’m all about healthy hair. Get it how you live it.
As for naturals going back to relaxers…don’t care about that, either. It’s not my job to convert anyone; I’m just here if they need a little help.
I can say almost without a doubt I’ll never relax again. I don’t, however, see myself being a dread for life.
I have a question I’m dying for someone to answer. So last year I had got my hair In a short style with a relaxer my sides were shaved and I only had hair in my bangs and a little in the back. Then I decided I wanted to transition to natural so it took me about six months to get my hair pretty much completely natural. I had some relaxer on my ends just on the top not much. After being natural I got extremely tired of dealing with my thick hair and I got it relaxed. The problem is my relaxer didn’t take well now everytime I wash my hair I get alot of shedding and its kinda dry! can someone please give me some advice???
Please stop spreading the misinformation that relaxers caused fibroids. It’s funny how everyone spreads the erroneous part of that research but not the researchers’ comments that the study was wrong.
Please print this rebuttal to that erroneous article instead of continuing to spread misinformation.
Here is a excerpt:
Im my opinion, finding strong correlations of relaxer use among African-American women who happen to have fibroids is an artifact. Culturally, getting relaxers is a very typical hair-care regime among adult black women today. It’s a cultural phenomenon. So is being ashy and using lotion — which potentially has the same possible EDC risks as hair care products. These studies fall far short in making a connection between high occurrence of uterine fibroids and hair relaxers.
All I can say, these women made a choice about their hair. I just started my natural hair journey a year ago and I really don’t feel the need to go back to perms. I’ve had perms before and because I didn’t take care of my permed hair, I experienced hair breakage and damage. After that I switched to wearing braids and wore braids for years and would flat iron my hair. I’d rather continue my natural hair journey and stay away from perms. Just like some women mentioned that due to their lifestyles, they choose to go back to using perms in their hair. As long as they are able to maintain keeping their hair healthy (the pictures indicate this); then more power to them. Whatever works for you and your hair is your right. I decided to go natural due to my busy lifestyle and outside activities and I don’t regret it. For me, my step towards natural hair has been a blessing and I find that it easier to maintain and manage. But here again, like I mentioned, it’s the women’s individual choice.
I bc 2 yrs. ago after being relaxed. Never again! My hair has always been its longest & healthiest in its relaxed state. Im of course back to relaxers now & im never looking back. My bc was just my way of experimenting & wanting to try something new. To each her own, find what works for you, stick to it or change it to your liking, know your craft/passion whether it be your hair or music, learn it well. Relaxers are better for some & being natural is better for others which is all fine you cant make nobody be natural or get a relaxer so just be concerned with your own hair, be proudof whatever you choose to do. Be helpful not judgemental is all im saying.
On that last video I was thinking, why relax hair that is already so straight naturally? But to each his own… It did help me realize it will be a lot longer than I thought before I relax again. just watching her put that crème on gave me shudders… I think I’ve been emotionally scarred by my hair falling out so much when I was relaxed.
I’ve gone natural twice (2 yrs and 1+yr) … Both times returned to relaxers. Natural ain’t in my schedule.
You look natural now from your profile pic.
I did and instantly regretted it and went bk natural lol
I did and loving it
Look. At what I found .. That fast lol Dayquana Maxwell
What’s the sense of relaxing then natural then back again. That’s damaging your hair. This makes it seem going natural was a fad and nothing more. Apparently the fact we were born with our hair natural means nothing.
I have been natural for 1 year and i get regular wash and sets…Dominican Blowouts are great if you want a permed look…
Natural is NOT for everybody.. Loving my relaxed hair
natural is for everybody, everyone can wear it and be beautiful but not everyone chooses it and thats okay.
go to a hairdresser nobody has to look this way thats them relaxed hair not healthy
For the first 19 years of my life I was natural. I didn’t get a relaxer until I was 20 years old. I recently tried to go back to natural for 2 years and I was displeased. My hair is HEALTHY and I prefer relaxed over natural. I ONLY relax TWICE a year. If natural works for you then by all means continue on with your natural hair. #TeamRelaxed
@ Katie: I’m not relaxed; however, I stand behind you 100%! I had beautiful long relaxed hair and the ONLY reason why I chose to go natural is because I like big hair!! LOL!! You rock your hair relaxed hair!!!
I went natural and loving every minute of it never went back my hair is so much long now that im natural been natural for 3 years now
More comfortable in my relaxed hair. Looks great on some women though.
I’ve thought about it a couple of times but I’ve gotten to the point where I love my natural hair.
I’ve been natural for almost five years, don’t plan on going back! I’m teaching my girls what God gave them is good enough!
I was nappy when nappy was not cool. I will always and forever be a natural girl… Although, I must say that I’m glad more ladies are at least attempting to embrace their natural locks.
I loved this article because her stance is fairly neutral. I’m relaxed and I can barely manage my hair during it’s new growth session in between touch ups. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle my natural hair so relaxed is best for me.
No way,I’ll never do that again!I love my natural color treated hair.My hair is doing so much better.It’s healthier,longer,and stronger cause all I do is was it,deep condition it,and roller set it.
Most dont realize that over processing happens during application. You should always begin your relaxers in different sections each time. The first section tends to process for 5 to 10 minutes longer than the last section.
It was a change of scenery and pace for me. I’m not a self hater as I like both. I might go back natural again. My regimen hasn’t really changed since relaxing again after 3 1/2 years. I’m not dealing with damage now as with previous relaxers. Who knows and who really cares!
I go natural every 2-3 years just to relieve my hair of all the chemicals and heat damage..currently growing my relaxer again..everybody maintains their hair different I’m for both.
I don’t know why having relaxed hair means you aren’t comfortable with yourself BC that is a lie. Not everyone has the patience for it and not everyone has to like it omg! You can damage your hair while it’s natural and relaxed if you don’t take care of it. So BOTH can be unhealthy and damaging if you don’t take care of it. Do what you want to do with your hair as long as it works for you.
Natural hair isn’t for everyone but healthy hair is!
I don’t understand the logic that relaxing hair means you don’t love what God gave you. If that’s the case no one should wear weave ever! Even when black hair is relaxed it is still unique and it’s still beautiful! I am natural because my hair was over processes and broken but I don’t think any less of anyone who chose otherwise.
I hate as black women how we sometimes take petty things and make it a revolutionary thing! Then we use it as a reason to judge or look down on each other! We embrace our beauty by doing just that being beautiful….beauty is not only in one form!
Not going there anytime soon. My hair is doing so much better natural.now almost an year and so happy with the length
Thinking about it.
Healthy hair relaxed or natural. Both can be healthy or damaged.
I text laxed after 4 years chem free. I just applied without combing through my hair, but that’s the beauty about natural hair because I will convert back to my curly locs.
Nnenna Carr Yes Girl talk that talk
“Going natural” is a stupid phrase…and really its just hair….if youre basing your cultural identity and self worth with your hair…. You need to reevaluate life
It is really annoying to see zealots for either side. Each person is unique. Healthy hair is healthy hair weather it is natural or has some form of relaxing done. We tend to further degrade ourselves as a culture by making negative comments about not being in tune with our culture and identity if we aren’t natural. Randi Gary you hit it on the head. It is just hair.
I’d like to try natural but at this point I got way too much healthy relaxed hair to cut HOPING I like it natural AND hoping I have the time and patience to deal with it even if I do like it. And even if you wanna say you hate your natural hair if you get a relaxer, what do white people hate when they get tans and Botox and brand new body parts? Even if we ARE self-hating, we are clearly not alone.
Hair whether relaxed or natural you still have to take care of it. I am thinking about relaxing mines. It is what it is and it’s gonna be alright
Natural can work for people, it’s just when people see everyone can’t wash and go they start getting lazy, you can’t be lazy with natural hair it needs TLC.
Glad to hear someone say just because you have relaxed hair it doesn’t mean you are not happy with yourself
Shelby Cuencas help. I wanna take the plunge. Creamy plunge that is.
Keya Blasingame I took the creamy plunge and its wonderful. Easy to maintain.
I wanna. I really do. I miss Heather. Especially when I used to do those feathers.
I have natural hair but I won’t lie. I still love relaxed hair.
I would go back too if relaxers didn’t cause me scalp issues that only my dermatologist could fix.
Not me I went natural nd I’m loving it learning so much I’ve never had thick hair til now after I went natural my hair freeing out better healthier nd thickier then ever! Best thing I could have done
I wish ppl would quit saying I don’t have time for natural hair it ain’t for everybody! I have a four year old, work a night shift among other things plus it is for everyone it’s the way God made you. Natural hair isn’t as time consuming as most would think..more time consuming than relaxed hair yes but you make time for what you want. Ppl are just used to getting sew ins etc and rockin that for months without touching their head. Natural hair isn’t for women who were like most of us raised to press, perm,weave up our hair.
I’ve had a harder time with relaxed hair its been 17 years for me since having a relaxer
PREACH. Loving what god gave you means taking the time to Understand not be lazy. Smh. Loving means loving 100%!
Natural is for everyone, you were born with it. Relaxed may appear to be healthy but it’s not. A chemical isn’t healthy.
Me! I did it and I am much happier. I was natural for a year and had about enough natural is not for everybody.
Lazy people don’t want to deal with what God gave them. .. our hair is not spouse to look like others. .. But yet we try so hard to have straight hair.
Other set beauty standards for blacks .. Look around at other nationality hair and maybe your eyes will open.
I never understood why dye is an acceptable chemical to use on hair and a relaxer is the devil. The issue isn’t necessarily the relaxer it’s the over processing, the double layering , the frequent use that as young kids we were just ignorant too(our parents included). I’m natural but I do know ppl with relaxers who have healthy , kept , growing hair.
Who cares, it’s your hair, do what ya like, wear it how you like!
Someone on here said ‘going natural’ is a stupid phrase? How so. You weren’t naturally born with chemicals in your hair. If a person ‘goes natural’ they are going to wear their hair in the fashion of which they were naturally born with. Either way is pretty.
Kashanna I thought this was interesting especially the comments
Went natural living it. I’ve feel so free!!!!
The only reason why I decided to go natural is for one reason only “versatility”. I love BIG hair!! lol When I was relaxing my hair was thick, long and most important healthy. I just couldn’t get the BIG hair, cute twist/braid outs etc. with relaxed hair. So ladies, do what you want to your hair; who cares about what others say! It’s “your hair”….
It’s their hair who cares move along
I was natural for 5 years and enjoyed my journey on so many levels. I went back to a relaxer b/c I wanted a short straight pixie cut. One of the beauties of black hair is we have options. Choosing one over the other doesn’t mean you don’t accept what God gave you. It may simply mean you accept being a black women and choose to enjoy your hair instead of being defined by it regardless of being natural or not. Love yourself and choose to be healthy.
Dee Hammond no its not for everyone unless you’re willing to do that person’s hair everydaynlol
Lisa Williams-Adams just because you don’t go natural doesn’t mean you’re lazy at all.
Jewel Terrell they prob mean because years before this trend wasn’t as popular not everyone is born with “kinky” hair . Natural is whatever state your own hair is in when you wash ans dry it. Simple. Natural isn’t a desired look at all like some are making it seem
Wear what you like who in the hell says it a Hair Cop is on the beat been natural in the 60s 70s it not a movement it your hair I still got thick hair your are born with your natural they use press & curl before perm I don’t perm but back in the day Afro was neat but some folks head wild
Lets not be at war because of hair! Yes it was given to us by God but we can do to it as we please. No where in the bible it says do not relax your hair. God just wants us to do everything moderately. I have been natural for a year and half and I jus texlaxed. Loving my softer and manageable texture though people still don’t believe I put a relaxer in it! My hair is naturally super thick! Don’t be deceived natural doesn’t make your hair thick. It’s either you have it or not. Caring for my natural hair was time consuming and hard, even taking time to get it decent for church. Don’t think God would like that. Well, my point is do you, it’s your hair and you having committed any crime by doing as you please. PS- Let no one judge you. Peace.
*haven’t (line 17)
I think people are looking over the fact that putting any chemical on your skin is very unhealthy and we all know this…if it was a safer way to do it …go for it …but that chemical is no joke idc what anyone says i did research on it
Nope.. Not it
Well im not sure how i feel about my natural hair ive been natural numerous times but i always go back to the relaxer… i have the weirdest texture of hair its like kinda straight in the front but only like where a bangs would be then its curly on the sides and really kinky in the crown area i have tried every thing i even did the big chop so to avoid relaxing my hair ive started wearing my sew-in again…. I have been doing hair for 20 years and my hair is still my hardest challenge…
Either you take care of your hair or you don’t relaxed or natural there is just a lot if very hurtful toxic chemicals in relaxers and a lot of people arent careful with it relaxed hair doesn’t change the fact that you are who you are and neither does natural hair I prefer natural cause it works for me but my natural hair color doesn’t my hair was healthy with and without a relaxer.
Not me
I just want to say since natural hair is now in hair dresser seem to charge more and more so it seems to be more affordable for a relaxer. Why do I have to pay an arm leg and first born to have my hair done. I try DIY styles but I would like to go get my hair done at least with out breaking the bank. I’m a stay at home mom with one income provider my husband so $65 for hair is not justifiable to me. Just saying
EvelynWise I agree! It’s YOUR HAIR do what you want and please with it. Why is people so worried about being natural or permed! TO each it’s own! What works for you may not work for others.
It’s been 6mons. now since I converted back. I was natural on-&-off since 2002. There were times that I got bored with my natural, & I’m experiencing one of those times now!
I like that this blog is not biased at all. It’s up to each individual what they do with their own hair. As long as you care for it or go to a hairstylist who knows what they’re doing, you’ll be fine.
I’m stayng natural I don’t care if everyone went back to the relaxer I love my hair as long as my favorite youtubers haircrush razor empress and Naptural85 don’t relax their hair I’ll be fine because their tips are helpful and they have same hair type as me . I don’t know what I would do without them. Also I look up to my grandma she inspired me to go natural she has gorgeous long thick healthy natural hair .
Natural Nazis are always accused of being judgmental but I think the “natural hair is difficult to deal with” comments are just as judgmental. I think people who say this should speak for themselves and their hair instead of making sweeping general comments.. My natural hair is much easier to take care of than my relaxed hair. Being able to easily wash my hair several times of week has made a world of difference for my hair and scalp as my hair LOVES water. I had terrible scalp issues when relaxed. I don’t know two many relaxed people who wash several times a week.
Natural?? She went from bald to hair.
That’s natural
Not I never went back for 4 years now
I’ve tried it. For a whole year I was natural but the pain
I think everyone should be free to choose. No one knows the hair on your head like you.
I went from natural to relaxed and it fell out. So now I’m going back to natural.
This is my third time going natural. I relaxed….but it never grew past my shoulders. I am finally a year…natural and it has already gone past my shoulders. I will not return to relax. Also…I never liked the chemicals. But, if it works for someone else….what can we say.
I refuse to put toxins in or on my body
To each it’s own. ..