We loved TheChicNatural‘s technique because she was able to stretch her hair adequately enough without blow drying it first and she used just one pass of the flat iron* to get her hair straight.
Heat damage is real people so if you want straight hair it is probably best that you figure out ways to use minimal heat but still get that slick straight look. Who said you can’t have your cake and eat it too?
Here are five easy steps you can use to achieve this look:
Step 1 – Hair Prep
Wash and deep condition your hair using some protein for at least 30 minutes with heat. That was a mouthful but the foundation is everything, so make sure your hair is strong enough to withstand what you are about to do it.
Step 2 – Detangling
Detangle your hair thoroughly in sections after adding some protein leave in conditioner* to each section. In the video TheChicNatural used a protein based leave in, ApHogee Keratin and Green Tea Restructurizer, which is especially good because it is heat activated. However there are many protein leave ins on the market, just pick the one you like.
Step 3 – Braiding or Twisting
Step 3 is done straight after step two because as you detangle each section, you should move right into this step which is essentially stretching your hair. In the video she uses goodie bands* to secure each section at the root and then proceeds to braid or twist the section all the way to the ends. Do the same thing as demonstrated until you have at least 5 separate sections, more if your hair is thicker.
Step 4 – Pinning
It might be easier to start pinning your twists after you have completed all of your sections so that you can see the best places to pin them. The point of this step is to really get that stretch in so pin each section into another section as far as your can stretch it to be comfortable.
Step 4 -Tie your Hair Down
It really is important to keep your hair smooth and tying it down with a satin scarf really helps. Once you are done head to bed and in the morning ensure that your hair is fully dry before moving to step 5.
Step 5 – Flat Iron
Unravel all your braids and run your fingers through to smooth your stretched hair. We like the comb chase method of flat ironing because it does get the hair the smoothest without having to run the flat iron* through multiple times. We also highly recommend that you work in small sections and that each section gets a healthy dose of heat protectant to prevent damage.
Step 5 and a half – watch the video!
Wooooow. That shrinkage is crazy
my hair is exactly like this, its amazing isn’t it
<3 it! My hair does this magic trick too! 😉
my hair is just like that
That’s totally my hair
And I thought my shrinkage was ‘bad’! Lol hott
omg!!! okay so i’m glad im not going crazy because for the first time ever, I got some box braids put in back in January. I kept them in for two months and when I took out my braids, I swore I had cut my hair off inside the braids!! I was devastated BUT then I thought what if it truly is just “shrinkage”? Long story short…There is HOPE!! LOL
How is ths possible? Its sooo nyc thou
One of my youtube favs!!
This is one if my fav sub channels!!! I love her she’s helped me on my natural journey a lot
she is a great vlogger!
The shrinkage is REAL!!!!
holla yes
Don’t wanna wait a day.
This is how my hair is. I love the shrinkage
I totally love her… Im subscribed to her page on YouTube…she’s great!!!
I need that flat iron in my life! Details on where I can buy one please!
Yes that shrinkage is very real. #beautiful
The struggle is real… lol and I know all about it… #love
i wish this would work for me
I need to see some receipts
Oh my!!!! I definitely gonna try this!!!
You don’t have to do all that, get yourself a Maxiglide by Maxius it’s a flat-iron with teeth and it adds moisture to your hair. It’s the best flat-iron for natural hair.
Looooooove it
Thanks so much for that tutorial
She don’t have no products. Is all this reading for natural hair
Oh yes it IS!!!
That’s exactly how my hair is!!
LOVE the look!
Yeah she’s on youtube. And my youngest daughter hair shrinks like that too and I don’t like it smh.
She is beautiful both ways
Beautiful both ways
It sure is real!!
I love her Youtube channel
I so love her I follow her on youtube
She’s such a beautiful person. Her YouTube channel is awesome. I can totally relate to the high shrinkage hair. She has really good tips& pointers..:-)
Beautiful in both!!
I like her “Before” more.
Don’t worry, it’s not permanent, she just straightened it for a few days with heat. She also shows her getting it back to curly too. Her name on Youtube is TheChicNatural. 🙂
Thanks! 🙂
Wow that’s crazy amennn
Totally me!!!
Ohhhh I like
Watched this the other day, shes awesome
My shrinkage is like that too.
My hair is just like that.
Hell no! kmt !
Yes, that’s my hair also!
“Eyebrows, fingernails, hair…is it real”?? In my J.Cole voice. ‘Crooked Smile’.
I honestly like the before better.
You a damm lie !!!
looks like raven symone in before
Big difference
I get a lot of shrinkage too
-looks good!
Before= avant
My hair does that too
Y’all crazy in the head if u don’t think shrinkage is real…
Shrinkage is real!!!!
I’m inspired
backsyncfan!! loyal subbie <3 kim
This is very cute. I like the TWA photo best.
I follow her on YouTube. Very talented
The before looks better.
No it isn’t
Wow beautiful
Maybe it’s just the red lipstick in the second pic but I think the first pic is prettier
I like the before…natural!!
I have major shrinkage especially in the back.
I care less if its hers!
Just got mine done so I feel u. I refuse to put any chemicals back n my hair.
Is it jus me. Or does she look mad sweet in the before pic
That’s all her hair, trust. I have seen the actual youtube video of her doing this style. Her channel is TheChicNatural. Plus, MoKnowsHair constantly proves that natural hair can do this with just a straightening iron and a good heat protector. Quit being so ignorant. Some of the stupidity in the comments are stifling.
Btw, there is nothing wrong with OCCASIONALLY flat-ironing your natural hair just to change the look up for a day or two.. She was simply DEMONSTRATING that even if you are natural, it is possible to achieve the straight look, therefore showing how VERSATILE natural hair is.
I like the b4 pic!!! Natural! Shape it up throw some of that blue queen b grease up in their and keep in movn!!!!!! like ZOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!
wow, beautiful in both pics. just love our hair options
Fabulous job. I love that she only did one pass over each section. It makes me shudder when I see people running the flat iron 3, 4, and 5 times over one piece of hair. And that goes for natural and relaxed.
So real!!
Yes it is cute!!!!
Love it!!!
Is that the same person in the pic?
yes it is, her youtube name is TheChicNatural… She is amazing!
How can you not tell?!
Get over it Damn!
Black women can be so hateful & rude.. I asked a simple question… Ms. Kira gave a simple answer… I appreciated… But for the rest of you … Please find a hard dick & sit on it & relax..
No one was knocking the tutorial… Or hating… So pause before you start popping your gums…
Don’t look like the same person. Different color eyes…..
Ok I’m not crazy my hair look about the same length natural somebody lying
She has major shrinkage…. Mines shrinks just like that and it bra strap length.
It’s always the bald headed ones that are doubting, smh
Nope.. I’ve seen the video.
Not everyone’s shrinkage is the same different hair types will yield varying ways our shrinks. Duh!
Yes watch her YouTube thechicnatural
She does this tutorial on YouTube. . Beautiful hair
Am I crazy or are those 2 different women?
Not crazy…
Just need glasses, maybe…
Its the same woman, just different lipstick, I watched that video.
You are crazy if you watch the video you will see that it’s the same woman
some of y’all just mad, that’s her. Stop being jealous sometimes.
Some people hair kinks tighter thans others and yes that is her I watch her in YouTube.
Hmm… Her hair must have been really kinky.
I needed this video. Thanks!
Its kool but it seems like it takes forever Lol
Not even the same person come on who yall foolin smh
Yeah it actually is the same person….
Seriously…..are you being for real! Because she changed lipstick colour all a sudden she’s a different person.. wow.
You mad, huh?
Really they act like it’s them lol
Good night for those that have better things to do. I never said the hair was not real I just sa id it doesn’t look like the same person but since you are in your feelings God bless you and carry on bye
You said, “Not even the same person come on who yall foolin smh.” Saying it’s not the same person IS implying that it’s fake. Don’t know why you just can’t admit you were wrong. Funny tho
Lol God bless you and carry on love.. its the same person.
Lol she feel dumb thats why
Right she got called out now she feels stupid lol. Do your homework before opening your mouth.
Yall must be some lonely women still talking about this a day later. Damn is she kin to yall or what,people are entitled to make mistakes but im glad . out of thousands of people I stood out to yall . Good day FOLKS lol.people are always pressed about something.get a life
If you guys watch it. You’ll see that it’s her hair. My shrinkage is out of this world yet it has a nice drop when straighten . She has some nice videos… Watched her for ideas in the beginning of my journey.. Nice eyebrow tutorial also
It is the same person how can yall not see it? She just switched lipstick. …if yall would watch the youtube video u would see.
When u let my hair dry without any moisture, it shrinks as this and it’s a pain…but the length is there..rarely care to straighten. She’s a cool person in her videos..stick to the topic without that ‘i just Like to hear me talk” dialogue
Black people always think something is fake or someone is “fooling” them. Maybe if y’all went to this young lady’s YouTube page, you would see. Stop just taking things at face value and go SEE FOR YOURSELF. Such pessimists.
I know right people kill me always thinking us black women can’t grow long hair I love her YouTube page I remember when she cut her hair and went natural
And it’s a shame because it’s black women that are bringing each other down. Smh. I’ve been following her for awhile too and I love her page and personality.
So true! You have to love You Tube. There are so many videos showing black women how to grow their own hair regardless if it’s natural or permed. Just be patient and do your due diligence.
my 3 year old has kinky curly hair when in ponytails it is down her back when washed or even natural ”air” hit whew kinky ”fro” instantly and I keep my hair braided and ppl stop me and say ” oh is she mixed with something”…..damn idiots
This is the same person I’m subscribed to her YouTube channel: TheChicNatural she has a video of herself flatironing her hair….
Straight HATING that’s her! We keep saying she has a YouTube are you too dumb to read? Mad cause y’all don’t get the same result.
The second pic looks fake..
Yeahhhh but its not, I’ve seen the video.
It’s pretty
The ignorance is running rampant on this post Lol. It definitely looks like the same person or do some of you need glasses
Do you notice how it’s always the bald headed, weave wearing people screaming that it’s fake???
LOLOL! Haha!
So true!!!
Tell me about it!!! You forgot to add no edge smh
Nice!! I’m going to try this method. Thank you!
It’s a shame most black people don’t know what our hair looks like natural,and that weave is not necessary.
Blame it on the parent who started putting relaxers and extensions in their children hair before they know their own natural hair… I do not believe children should be in weaves/extensions/perms etc.. this is the time bond with your girls and to teach them about themselves, a brief time when parent have control and can guide, but many of the parents are still children who had no guidelines so have no idea how to set boundaries.. etc…. long story…
For all the doubters and haters:
I love our hair when its curly it appears to be short but when you straighten it out its nice and long 🙂 love my BLACK
Great job .. What a beautiful transformation
Wow I thought I had a lot of shrinkage.
I’ve decided to start washing my hair the night before and allowing it to dry over night as well.
She is the same person I follow her on you tube
Omg my hair shrinks just like that, im suprised she was able to get it THAT straight
Shrinkage is the worst!
Uuuggh!! Don’t we just hate “the shrinkage”..but this, I have to try.
I love my shinkage
I love her natural style. This was great info for when my daughter wants me to straighten her hair. I try and keep away from to much heat damage.
Shrink is real folks im a natural and a stylist and do natural hair all day I know what our hair can do real talk.
Let me ask a question. What would you recommend for someone who has dry hair do to lost hormone’s? The hair is natural by the way
Love this tutorial!!
Love her YouTube videos. Oh that is her in the second pic. It was the lipstick that through some of you off right? Lol
Beautiful girl.
I hate my hair shrinkage, it’s just like hers!
Wow! I know shrinkage is real but mine won’t do that. Good Gawd!
Mines dont luk like that when i flat iron it but if i go to the beauty shop it does then my hair will start drawing bk up the next day r so
My hair goes to my waist when it is flat ironed and sits at my shoulders when in natural state and my curl isn’t even that tight!!!
Tell mi about it smh
That’s natuarl Neice on you tude
That’s my girl
To much work might as well shampoo, condition, detangle , towel dry hair pat hair do not rub,apply heat protectant and oil , comb hair with wide tooth come , blow dry using a comb attachment, spray more heat protectant then proceed to flat iron hair, wrap hair at night
Im da 1 with da bad eyes and i can c its da same person, lol
Tra’shon she has some good videos out there too I’ve been following her since the beginning of my natural journey too.. Good good stuff
Now you thinking yours gon b so too right? :p
Yeah. My shrinkage is not this great but my fro is about the size of hers but when it’s straightened, it comes a little bit past my shoulders
Beautiful!!! Both pics
I can’t believe people are saying this is fake
Love it!! #werk #nevaJudgeAbook
That straight looks so good even though our original is very kinky she just looks better to me
Much better before than after! !!
Team no weave
You should try. I have too much hair not to blow dry it takes more than over night for mine to dry Kisha N Lathan
Hair shrinkage is real and in all different hair types some more than others especially natural hair it seems as if hair like that is healthier and more durable than most
Lmao! People make a big deal over simple stuff smh!
I swear you’ve payed this before……
Watch the video ugh..http://youtu.be/OwEzNDS5j-I
Reeeally Ms Reid?
My struggle. Lol. Currently getting ready to straighten my Fro. #shrinkage
i hate shrinkage ugh
I know right. I’m not looking forward to that
Haters will forever hate
I love this its pretty.
Before is better!
I need to post my pic!! This most definitely me!!!
Follow my instagram for more tips! @StraightNaturals
Yes it is! You need to be up here yo!!!
Yes!!!!! She does the chase method.
Rebecca Marie Louise
She has beautiful hair and yes shrinkage is a beast but I like that we can wear our hair both long and short without cutting. Now I just don’t like the greasy look. When flat ironing my hair I use very little oil and I deep condition prior to using heat and a very light application of heat protection spray. We can achieve straight hair without it being oily.
Yes…Shrinkage is so real!!!
That’s someone else I follow her YouTube channel they must be just using her pictures
Shanice Joseph Tyana Cboo Latoya Foster story of my life lol
Teniesha Lovell girlllllllllll
booo i knoww!!!!!
yea Im subscribed to her so I’ve seen this.. her YT name used to be BackSyncfan or something like that lol her flat iron sections were sooo small. I’m so tired already lol. but i think we also need to check how hot our flat irons are. I have a feeling, when you do yours it’s gonna be od straight & stay that way. Your #HouseOfGaines hair is flawless. Cant wait to see you try it.
Nicholas Doodnauth u seeeeee!!!
I haven’t seen the vid but I’ll watch it. Ill make sure to do a treatment before trying this as well
LOL, Her face with shrinkage.. LOL, The face attitude with straight.. LOL
Tiffany Burnett
Alyssa Wilson
Gonna try this
The before is what my hair looks like now.
Wood Fid shrinkage is real☺️
My shrinkage looks just like that after washing man… I’ll have a look at her method
Hey Tiara Thompson, Davita Shaun Thompson, check this out.
The afro fit her better. She looks younger