Oh how I envied her curls as I sat there eyes glued to my laptop screen while watching ladykpnyc on youtube (whatever happened to her?).
She would apply a product and smooth it over her springy bouncy curls, they seemed to have a life of their own as they sprung back towards her scalp with each smoothing action.
It probably says a lot that a woman of African decent as I am* would have no idea how the natural hair growing from her scalp behaves like yet there I was, finally learning.
The decision to transition had been made a few months back but I was itching to have some kinks, curls and coils to play in. 18 months and 6 inches of growth later, the big chop day finally arrived and I happily let go of the now scant and limp looking relaxed ends. Oh what a world of styling choices now awaited me!
After exhausting the braid out, twist out options that are the standard fare for many natural ladies, I turned my gaze to finger coils.
I loved the look of those little springy coily ringlets that so many natural ladies were pulling off and one Saturday after refreshing my memory with a YouTube video I started to create mine in earnest.
Imagine my disappointment at not being able to create a single coil! I tried and tried, switching between trying to create them with my fingers to trying comb coils but alas my hair just wasn’t having it.
You see, at the time I was a new natural and my hair and I had been introduced but we weren’t very well acquainted. After some time I realized that it was because of my wavy rather than coily 4a curl pattern that this style would never work for me.
Her’s is my poorly sketched illustration of what I mean:
If you have wavy kinky* tresses like I do then maybe give this style a miss as it may not work for you, make your peace with that fact and move on. But for those of you with coily natural hair, this is a beautiful way to change up your look!
MissKenK shows us how she does her finger coils…
Her hair is like mineand she got good results from finger cooking. I’m determined to do mine now
MissKenK on Youtube I follow her she’s one of my new favorites. She has since cut her hair and tapered it on the sides. It looks good.
Like it
I like the back
I like back look
i like it cute
come to MS to do mine please and thank you
I like her, I follow her on YouTube!!!
What’s her youtube name?
Just did those last night
Love this!
I will definitely be trying these
I like this
Does youtube work for anyone else, says its no longer available
Can’t wait to check it out
I finger coil my own hair
i love Ms. K’s hair styles. Check out her youtube channel
me encanta
your hair looks good that way.
Very cute!
Love it
Dara James I think you should do this color…. This is cute
Yeah her’s came out way better than mine did
That’s cute!~
Gaileen Bentley Cockrell…finally watched video, and it’s really nice “do”. Will look at this and you keep teaching yo Teedie!!
OMG! The top of my hair is wavy 4a and the sides and back are coily 4b.
How do I get the style of hair it’s cute carefree I want it what do I have to do you’re there and I’m here in Miami
Need to try it on my hair
I have to try this. Love it