Everyone’s heard the story that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times when trying to create a working light bulb before finally succeeding. When asked about it, Edison allegedly said, ‘I did not fail 10,000 times. I have successfully discovered 10,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb’. Now that figure changes from 10,000 to 5000 or even 1000 depending on who’s telling the story and whether he actually ever said those words is open to debate but the fact remains that Edison failed A LOT before he successfully created a working light bulb.
In your long healthy hair journey, not preparing yourself for failure is the one of the biggest mistakes you can make. You may be starting off with severely damaged hair that WILL break for a while before the new healthy hair comes in and breakage reduces. Learning how to handle your hair is a learning curve as well, it took me almost a year to automatically remember to comb my hair from the ends to the roots and not the other way around.
The term perfection itself does not lend itself very well to hair regimens. What is right for a 18 year old who goes out clubbing every weekend is certainly not right for a soccer mum. Furthermore, what works when your hair is 6 inches long may not necessarily work when your hair is 16 inches long. And this is even before we consider the differences in regimens between natural, relaxed, texlaxed, texturized or even curly permed hair.
Achieving perfection is completely irrelevant too because your regimen will probably be tweaked from wash to wash depending on what your hair needs, your mood and how much time you have. No, I would venture that persistence beats any search for perfection hands down every time.
You may not be able to afford expensive hair products right now but if you persist with your regimen, you will be more successful down the road that someone who can afford top of the range conditioners and treatments but who can’t stick to a regimen.
If you have ever looked at a successful persons daily weight loss chart you will see that there seems to a a wild variation in weight but you will clearly be able to see the trend downwards over time.
I venture to say that if you were to accurately measure your hair length every week, you would see a definite trend too. Some weeks your length will go up, stay the same or even go down but the general trend over time will be upwards because you are retaining more length than you lose. As long as you make sure to deal with any setbacks quickly and decisively as soon as they occur, your success is already guaranteed!
Have to be persistant with my routine!!
Gorgeous !
Sooo freaking pretty!
oooooooooh killem <3 <3 <3 <3