I just love hearing about new products! In particular, those that encourage loving your natural beauty. A new company by the name of Healthy Roots has done just that. The dolls are available in an array of skin tones and natural hair textures reflecting how unique each individual is.
This is not your standard doll at all. Not only does it go against standards we have seen in the toy industry but it also encourages young girls to appreciate who they are. Little ones are able to style their doll’s hair coupled with a storybook for them to learn new things along the way. Sounds like a great package to me!
“There are currently four dolls: African American, Haitian, Nigerian and a bi-racial doll Pacific Islander/Afro-Brazilian. The doll line will grow to include girls of color from all around the world.”
The company was founded by Jean-Charles who shares the hardships her family had experienced in trying to achieve beauty according to society’s standards. The extremes one will go to just to be accepted is mind boggling.
“I have seen many women in my family bleach their skin and burn their scalps in the name of beauty,” she said. “They did this because they did not believe their natural features were beautiful. Our goal with Healthy Roots is to ensure that no one feels less than because of the kink of their curl or the color of their skin”
At first, Jean-Charles started Healthy Roots as an art project and then it evolved into something more. She was to redesign a fairytale figure; she chose Rapunzel and made her black.
I always find it enlightening when I come across new positive messages like this to uplift a culture. Working with children in the school district, many times I run across them being ashamed of their hair and their complexion. Very sad to see, but being educated on their culture would help matters a great deal.
A positive message indeed this doll is and I cannot wait till they hit the market. Although this is only the beginning, I believe we will continue to see great things from this company in the future.
The Healthy Roots movement will begin on August 25th, when they will launch their doll line and storybooks on Kickstarter.
Yaass!!! I love it
Nice thanks a lot I really love hair stylings
Her face doesn’t look happy,she looks like she has a attitude because her hair didn’t come out right.