Natural hair is great in it’s versatility, from ultra short curly fro to mid back length sleek tresses in a couple of hours. But us curly girls know that the results of flat ironing our curls and kinks only lasts a couple of days (or a couple of hours for some of us). And truth be told, the reason why many of us don’t bother, aside from being in love with our natural texture of course, is because knowing the amount of effort it takes to straighten our hair, the too quick reversion and risk of heat damage means that the payoff isn’t worth it.
I tend not to pay attention to product reviews unless it’s a product that I am looking to purchase. So when these reviews made an appearance in my Youtube feed, I was totally about to ignore them when I noticed that it was one of my favorite vloggers MoKnowsHair who was reviewing the product. Shortly later I came across Chime’s (Haircrush) video also reviewing the Beautiful Textures TMS system so of course I had no choice but to grab that dangling carrot and watch the videos.
In essence the texture manageability system serves to give us a solution mainly to keeping our straightened hair straight for longer. It allows naturals to flat iron* their hair and wear it straight for longer without reversion through rain, humidity and workouts and the system is designed to stay in your hair for up to six weeks. When you want your natural texture back, all you have to do is wash your hair with the a clarifying shampoo* after which the hair snaps back to its original curl pattern.
I know what you are thinking, how is this different from the Braziilan Keratin Treatments we have all heard about? Well, without stepping on the toes of Mo who will explain all to you, although this treatment contains keratin amino acids they only bind with the temporary salt bonds in your hair which means that there is no permanent change in your hair texture as a result of using the system.
Below, Mo Knows Hair shows us the results of the system on her 3a hair after which she had full reversion of her curls. Next she did the treatment on her friend with 4a hair and a week and a half later her friend came back for a wash and although I personally see that her naturally tight curls look slightly different, for the most part, they sprung back into place.
No. It’s a chemical
Color is a chemical but so called natural ppl still do that
No, I’m over the need/want to get my hair bone straight!!!
That mess did not work for me! Luckily my hair returned to its natural state after a good shampoo.
Cud I get a clear pic of the package ple
Ppl don’t understand color is a chemical when you color your hair it is no longer natural dyes strip your hair to allow color under your follicles if you truly want to be natural leave all chemicals alone dye can do more damage than a perm
The Real Person!
Its not a color product Tk Tatum Richey the model herself just happens to have hair color 😉
I know its not a color product my statement was for ppl saying they wouldn’t use it simply cuz its a chemical when they are stripping their”natural” hair everyday with dye which is a super harsh chemical
The Real Person!
Ah ha fair enough.
a lot of the things we put in our har our chemincals but it does not alter are curl pattern
I agree, See Jay. Color will fade and can be removed. Texturizers/relaxers cannot. I agree with the harsh chemicals, but it doesn’t make you any less natural. 🙂
Leave a color in for too lone and see wat happens the only thing that makes dye different from perms is the amount of lye in it if anybody ever left a dye in too long it will straighten hair I’m a cosmetologist this is facts instead of disputing facts just say I like coloring my hair but know that you are not 100% natural if you color it I have to explain this to clients daily I respect the real natural journey and try to keep them on it color sweeties is a chemical it strips your hair I.e changing the chemical makeup don’t believe me look up the ingredients in perm and dye the same things are in them just different amounts smh ppl hate the truth
The lady simply answered the question “no because it’s a chemical” I do not believe she was inferring that die wasn’t one and further more not all of us use dye or ANY other chemicals in our natural hair.. It should NOT be assumed that everyone uses dye…. If you would have replied to me stating that dye was a chemical I would have simply informed you that I don’t use that either
Not if it has a chemical in it
I just tried it last night on my daughter’s hair. It worked great!
I watched the review and it looks as though it has been disguised as a conditioner but you can clearly tell it is a texturizer. Because she said that her clients hair had a looser curl pattern when she reverted back. ALSO, 20 mins to detangle the hair is ridiculous! I have very thick hair and that’s darn near impossible.
The Real Person!
Mo’s hair looked the same as before IMO but she has 3a curls so its hard to tell but with the 4a model it looks like theres been a very slight loosening. I think its a combo of the leave in and the heat.
Yes, if I knew I could use so much protein. My hair is not manageable enough and doesn’t respond to twists and other techniques. I’d like to use it free and not having to tide it everyday, all the time.
No thanks, I’m good! My natural hair is bomb and if you want to add color to your hair, try henna!
I used it. My curls came back. Same 4a hair I started with did return when I washed it. Let’s be real pretty much everything you use has a chemical in it.
No Ty
Thing about texturizers they don’t seem like they did a whole lot till new growth comes n you notice how much it thinned and damn near permed your hair… 6th month of Growing mine out now…. Urgh!
I’ve been natural for 14 years and I love my natural God given hair! I will never ever ever put chemicals in my hair again!! Love who you are and flaunt what ya got!!
I don’t think I’ll use it because I really don’t straighten but I’m not convinced that it’s some kind of texturizer either. I’ve never heard of any “chemical” made up of only shampoo and conditioner…or that wasn’t permanent. Guess you never know tho #hmmm
Me n the lady in the picture have the same hair, it’s a wavy root and a curly coil, I can tell she has no longer has the natural tight curly at the roots, because of the chemicals which in our case may not be so bad because the tightness of the curl from the root it gives and allows her to have some length. But all n all the wavy pattern at her roots is gone until new growth starts again. If dying ur hair please use hydrogen peroxide n allow it to gradually lighten ur hair then use ur dye of choice, use tons on conditioner or use an avocado to put the moisture back into ur hair….
Do you hair in whatever way makes YOU happy.
Not to please other people or society !
If you prefer straight wear straight
if you prefer curly wear curly
its your hair do what you want to it
Lol, I guess it’s the real deal
Seems like a BKT.
I just want to know if its CHEMICAL FREE? Or is it made from an exotic plant that makes your hair more manageable? Thanx
The Real Person!
I don’t think it’s a chemical like the traditional relaxers or texturizer that ppl use. The product has a pH comparable to your hair normal pH, not alkaline like relaxers. The active ingredient appears to be keratin using heat to “activate” it.
I dont know if id try it but maybe. I say if you want to go for it.everyones definition of natural is different. An if people want to use color they can .doesnt make them any less natural.its their kinda natural.
.no one has to explain or justify what they feel is natural to them.ever. color.texturize flat iron.their hair their choice
I saw that SHINE has a product just like this. It’s a keratin straight to curly thingy. I’ve been scared to try it though.
I have 4b/c hair and it reverted back no problem after I did my protein treatment my kinky curls came back…and yes u would use it again
I ain’t putting that shyt in my head
It’s some form of chemical, a relaxer is also a texture manager too. I don’t trust it… Why use this when you can just use a heat protector when you want to flat iron your hair straight…
I want to try for my one year anniversary in August.
I watched Chime’s YouTube video and her hair reverted right back, she had the best put the products in her hair, it was beautiful.
I subscribed to the girl who did the tutorial. 🙂
Apart from the packaging of this product (relaxer type) I wouldn’t mind trying it especially as their was no change to the her friend’s hair type. I really like my roller sets but for that my blow dry and straighten days I might give it a go. Not really feeling the permanent change to my head until I was but we’ll see
Miss Tk Tatum Richey, thanks for that info! I recently dyed my hair and could not figure out why my curls had loosened. Never again will I dye my hair. I’m so upset with myself.
I can hardly believe I’m afraid to add this to my hair because it might change my natural curl pattern!!! WOW, I’ve certainly changed. I’ve been all natural 2 years now. Since I’ve been on this glorious journey, I’ve learned that my hair is pretty awesome as is. But I’ll keep this product in mind for some of my friends that are looking for a less harsh alternative to relaxers.
i dont know why we can’t just get a flat iron and call it a day?
We need to come up with a product to save this business
nope im good. i will stick with my natural texture and if i want to get fancy i can use henna and get some color. the model looks pretty though.
I’ll pass!
I will pass
Yes I would.
Hell no team natural all the way
I call BS…
No. I love my locs!
Yes, I’d try it.
I will try it, if I can find it
I’ll pass
I understand why some ppl would try it but I’m team feeling team no chemicals right now so nah
I used it and love the results. I do not wear my hair straight-that’s why I went natural. However, after I followed all if the steps, I washed my hair with the enclosed shampoo and conditioner and my coils were softer a little more loose and defined. My hair was shiny and my twist outs look great. It is a good conditioner for 4c hair if you want to control frizz and help with manageability.
Yeah if I can find it in the stores. This products stays sold out. YouTube the product and you will find girls post before and after videos with near compete reversion of their hair after a few washes.
I dont like my natural hair straight. But I love her curls.
its funny how most natural gals (myself included) claim to love and embrace our hair, but still wud try or do stuff to make it straight to imitate a perm..that’s crazy..with that being said, it’s a plus for afro hair chick, our hair can do or become anythin
I straighten my hair only once per year and of course, it reverts pretty much the same day that I straighten it. I’m definitely interested in this product to see if I can get at least a few days out of straightening my hair. It sounds like I’ll still be able to straighten with low level heat (unlike with the BKT).
Edith Eatman
Reanda Leisha Bernard-Samaroo……..Check this out.
Is it a texterizer
All the video reviews I have seen so far for this product were with people who had 4a type or fine hair. But how does it perform with people who have 4c or really coarse hair?
Jana Davis