The other day I read a blog post from a lady who said she was finding the cost of products a bit overwhelming. We totally understand. If you are buying products based on the ingredients it can get pretty costly especially if you are buying shampoos, conditioners and leave-ins of the highest quality.
Ladies I cannot stress this enough but while we love our brands and we want to support them we have to be very realistic about how much we are spending sometimes.
For one, if you purchase a great leave in with all sorts of fabulous ingredients in it, you might end up with just a few ounces that you will want to stretch.
If you have super thick hair then you know that you will go through that $10.00 product within two weeks and for some of us that is just not worth it.
Over the years I have found that it is better to either purchase a big jar of something that might not have such great ingredients and add quality oils* or herbs to it to enhance it.
Or you can incorporate ayurveda to your routine where you are experimenting solely with herbs and powders that you can get cheap but are sooooooo amazing for your hair and scalp.
Nikisha of Urban Bush Babes has an amazing recipe that utilizes some herbs and powders as well as some traditional every day products. The recipe lasts at least 3 weeks and you can make it over and over again which will cost you just a fraction of your branded detangler.
What you will need
3 Cups of Water
Spray Bottle with 1/3 water
A strainer and a funnel
Ice Cube Tray with cover
Marshmallow Root – 3 Table spoons – High in plant protein and great for dry scalp
Slippery Elm – 1 table spoon – Great for detangling strength and volume
Aloe Vera Gel* – 1 table spoon – hydrating, great pH
Argan Oil* -1 tsp – great for sealing, contains fatty acids
Rosemary* Essentail Oil – 15 drops – stimulates hair growth and really great for scalp
Horsetail Capsules – 2 capsules – high in minerals and great for growth
Boil the Marshmellow Root and slippery elm in the water for 20 minutes and allow it to cool very well. Strain the mixture and add it to your spray bottle along with the powder from the capsules. Add the rest of your ingredients and shake very well.
Keep the mix in the fridge and freeze any extra in your ice tray. Watch Nikisha as she gives an outstanding demonstration on how this mix is made.