1. Cayenne pepper with olive oil*
This concoction is the most common way of using cayenne pepper as a growth aid. One of the first reports of cayenne pepper working as a growth aid came from a lady on LHCF who shared a story on how one of her relatives went from a shaved scalp to hair down her back. Now, there wasn’t any evidence that was shown to prove this story but assuming that we take it at face value…
To make the concoction, mix two tablespoons of powdered cayenne pepper into 4 oz. of olive oil* (she had originally described the bottle as being around the size of a bottle of Wild Growth Hair Oil*, which is 4 oz.).
Shake it up to mix up the ingredients and then apply it to your hair and scalp on one day and then the next day you should shampoo out the cayenne mixture. Alternatively you can use the mixture as a prepoo treatment and shampoo it out after an hour or two.
2. Cayenne pepper tonic
This is a more “classic” version of the cayenne growth aid. This one involves liquor so for my ladies who likes a good drink every now and then, please make the tonic first or heck take a drink beforehand just in case you need to numb out the tingling.
To make this tonic, you will need 4-6 medium sized fresh Cayenne Peppers and 50 ml of cognac or vodka or 90% alcohol. First, you should start by cutting the pepper into pieces and place them into a bottle.
Then fully cover the peppers by adding cognac, vodka or alcohol. Lastly, shake and store the mixture in a dark place away from sunlight for about two weeks for the juices from the peppers to seep into the alcohol. The alcohol with have a reddish tinge after the time has passed.
Once ready, strain the mixture and then dilute it with water. The ratio should be approximately 40:20. This can be applied before or after washing your hair, but is recommended to be applied before shampoo so that the tingling effect won’t be as harsh and so that if it does become a nuisance , you can shampoo it out straight away and will not have to worry about the double manipulation during wash day.
How often do you use it?
This seems to vary from woman to woman. Those using the mixtures as prepoos will obviously just use it on wash day which is either once or twice a week. There are those women however who use their mixtures two to three times a week (without washes) and further some have reported to using theirs once or twice a day!
I suppose it’s safe to assume that “how often” will completely depend on the person using it and whether the slight irritation from the cayenne really bothers you or not. There are those who seem to enjoy the tingling sensation but some have reported feeling nothing at all!
Are there any side effects?
For most women there have not been any negative side effects. The only expected effect is the tingling that most would experience. If you feel really uncomfortable from the tingling sensation, rinse out right away and for goodness sake try not to get any mixture in your eyes!
So that’s it girls, if you try this put please let us know how it went in the comments below.
I need this….
Tried it once in some olive oil. Had to get my husband to wash it out. It really tingles. I am sure you probably have to do it more than once though for it to work.
Wow, who would have thought!
Wow. Is use this before that crazy monistat hair treatment. Smh
I am going to try this and keep you ladies post.
Please dont…I did it…i went bald around the edges
No more crazy schemes. It just takes time period
Yep!..I Agree.
I learn something new everyday on the book. Tryn it
Onion & Garlic I’ve heard…
JBCO pimento!!! Yesssss
I’ve heard Rice Pudding and honey nut cheerios works. Lol. No… really. Lol
Omg! U people will nt kill somebody.for GOD’s sake why will i use pepper 2 grow ma hair? Hell no!!
actually i have herd of it and it does work. they sell the oil
Its in some of those african hair growth greases…. you guys ever seen the cayenne pepper ingredient?
Just sharing i got no problem with my hair growth.
That’s good!.. Me either i just like to take hair vitamin’s to keep my hair extra healthy when i maintain it.
this is silly! like for real
Pre-natal vitamins…even if you’re not pregnant. Hair growth stimulant…it works.
I agree, Pre-Natals help a lot.
I’ve been taking them for about three months and I’ve seen a drastic difference with my nails and hair. I actually just did a carrot oil and moroccan oil deep conditioner last night and my hair is shiny and strong.
Rosemary, cayenne, olive oil, and clear castor oil I actually use on my edges, just a sprinkle of cayenne though *** cayenne is freakin powerful
how often do u use cayenne and how much? how soon is the growth noticeable?
right on
Now that sounds like something I’d use !!! How soon did u see results & how often did u do it ?!?
This actually does work..don’t knock it til you try it..it stimulates quicker blood flow and circulation but I just make a paste with water and apply to my scalp before I wash my hair..BEWARE! It feels like perm left in too long…This is my experience it ain’t for everybody cause I know ya’ll love to debate so don’t start!
How long did it take u 2 notice th growth?
Some posts say 2 weeks I gave it a month. But it’s based on the consistency of your application, 2-3 times a week or more gets you quicker results. But I don’t wanna wash my hair that often.
How do you make it into a paste? I want to try it.
Lol I will try it as a oil treatment
I mix it with extra virgin olive oil let set for 10 days then it’s good to go, happy
Hi my name is Martina am deaf lady just I want to know about Intersting cayenne pepper as a hair growth ? Myself wonder if work sucuss hair growth or not work grow hair from that cayenne pepper.
Libby Lyz Langa everynight on my scalp, I wash my hair weekly because I work out. I literally use two pinches in my concoction
Libby Lyz Langa and gently massage
I’m going to add a tablespoon to my prepoo, I like that tingly feeling.
I love my cayenne pepper oil mix I made. While using the oil mix and doing the Inversion method, I gain 2inches of growth in a month..
Any thing that’s pain to you is never the right. Life is a graceful thing.
Not really. Childbirth?
I mix it 2 with extra virgin olive oil must say i have seen results and my hair is thicker
Been there, done that Daizjele Cox. Nope didn’t work for me.
#BlackHairInformation.com I haven’t cut my hair since I was a baby and people say my hair isn’t growning because I haven’t cut my hair but I don’t want to now I’m older so what can I do to make my hair grow but keep my bushy at the same time?
i use cayenne and 100 %coconut oil vita e and olive and castor oil rosemary horsetail sage stinging nettle
I mix with olive oil and let it sit, then separate oil from cayenne granules and massage my scalp with plastic cap on my head for 15 min my hair has grown sling with taking Hairfinity Vitamins
Yep! Hairfinity Vitamin’s are good! Im currently taking those also. And Nature Bounty Hair,Skin & Nail Vitamin’s are good as well! I been taking those for year’s. Yep! They definitely work! Make your nail’s grow, & good for your skin hair grow’s good to!!
Libby Lyz Langa my growth is pretty steady, dont have exact measurements, I really want my edges to thicken up I noticed true results in 30 days
I can believe it can be used for hair growth. The pepper will open up the pores on your scalp while the olive oil conditions and moisturizes. I’m mos. def. am going to do this.
WOW! For real.
Really Evette Howard!!! I heard the hold onion thing do anybody know about it? ??
Do you put it on the hair or on the scalp? ?
Guys does it really work? I had the big chop last July and I just feel like my hair is not growing. HELP PLEASE!!!!!
What ??? Do it really work ??
Evette Howard wats in ur concoction I wd love to try
lol nice try.
Great to know!i
Do you let it sit? Do you rinse it out??
So do u but it in your hair
one day I add it to my oatmeal thinking it was Cinnamon, it was so funny after3 spoons my mouth started burning I figure something must be wrong, when I check the kitchen I just burst out laughing at myself… it took day for me to tell my daughter… should have seen my face after the first spoon, then second…LOL
What if you’re a co-washer? Can you wash it out with conditioner rather than shampoo?
The Real Person!
Perhaps if you rinsed ALOT…. Can’t promise anything though.
Yes. It absolutely works. You can grow a bald spot back in one week using onion juice and cayenne pepper. If u have a juicer, u can get the onion juice that way or u can put an onion in a blender with water and blend it up. Mix a pinch of cayenne pepper into it and rub into the spot. Cover with a plastic bag and then a scarf and then another bag and another scarf, lmao. It BURNNNNNNNNNNNNNS!!!! and there will be tears bt it does work. If u want to grow ur hair out, boil an onion and wash your hair with the cooled water with a big pinch of cayenne twice a week. A friend of mine told me to put onion pieces in my shampoo and that’s how I first learned about onion. Do a google search for “Onion cayene hair growth” and go on youtube, there are lots of videos of people’s results.
Don’t do it. Your eyes will burn. Your body. Every inch of skin will be burning. Unless u can manage washing your hair without dripping any water on yourselves. Good luck. Lmao
This is interesting, never heard of it before and I may not try it but interesting.
It works. It stimulates the scalp
Ok like i said i do not know just shared but some hair textures can not use the same.
Huh I don’t think so
Lol you guys are a trip…rice pudding and cheerios lol haha
really I need more
I’m good on this. Ppl are doing too much to their hair in the name of growth. Just clean, condition and moisturize and your hair will grow.
I must try this
I can only imagine it being effective by either consuming or as a deep conditioner…..otherwise once its rinsed out, its no longer effective
Ruth Guzman, its not that easy because hair length is mostly DNA. You really have to take extra measures if long hair isn’t in your genetic make-up.
Now that is hot! (I had to say it).
So can i use franks hot sauce and get results
Wouldn’t an ointment with capsacin do the same thing?
Do we apply the mixture to dry or wet hair?
I understand the whole “growth tips & tricks” but one will still need to leanr to care for their hair otherwise what’s the point of growth if you’re not retaining…just a thought…
Cayenne pepper is powerful, works wonders! I promise you.
But do i have too go on line too get it or what store u think might have it?
Necey Thomas
I dont think so Sankofa Thomas!!!! IM GOOD
You can forget that. There is no way I will put hot sauce in my hair…. Norway
I used it on my for the first time yesterday. I did the cayenne and olive oil. Did not burn one bit. Next time I am going to give the cayenne a chance to fuse with the olive oil.
Problem, too many looking for,ways to grow hair instead of focusing on maintaining healthy hair. Stop looking for ways to extend your growth cycle and embrace a regime that promotes healthy hair and the length will follow. http://www.sweetlittlesomethings.net
OK so how frequently do u do this
While this sounds interesting and Ive read positive results.. I’ll have to pass.. my scalp is crazy sensitive .. I couldnt imagine my scalp burning like a relaxer- no thanks. Curious to see others results 🙂
I’ve tried it and it didn’t work for me. It burned my hair shaft and I’ve notice a lot of hair loss during my washes. Be careful using cayenne in oil. It will burn.
How to get your natural hair back from straighten it without cutting it.
Me to
That seems dangerous, what if it gets in your eyes…I have a hard time using oil that has peppermint, so I don’t think this one is for me.
Please see a board-certified dermatologist to at least diagnose the source of the hair loss. CCCA (central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia) is more prevalent with black hair, but perhaps there is alopecia areata, tinea capitis, androgenetic alopecia, lichen planopilaris or other not so uncommon hair diseases. I think you deserve to know if you have a scarring or non scarring hair loss before potentially wasting time (and thus follicles that may not be recoverable!).