So, one of my favorite holidays of the year is coming right around the corner: THANKSGIVING! Okay, so I know that Thanksgiving is all about, well, giving, but lets be real; Everyone loves the good eatin’ that comes along with it. I know I do. My love for food is so strong that I cant even talk about it, it would be too embarrassing. But yes, I think that we all can agree that Thanksgiving dinner is the best!
While Thanksgiving dishes can be beneficial for our tummies but they can also benefit our hair. “Now Danni, how can dishes that tend to be laden with butter and sugar help my strands? “. Well particular foods can help in more ways than you can imagine, and we all know that the source of healthy hair growth and general health starts with the food we eat. Below, we have listed the 5 Thanksgiving dishes that can benefit your hairs health. Check it out!
1. Turkey
So first on our list is the godfather of all (or most Thanksgivings) : The Turkey. Turkeys contains high amounts of protein that can benefit your strands.
Its no mystery that protein is one of the most important elements to having healthy hair, alongside moisture of course. Protein, whether through consumption or protein treatments, give our hair the strength that it needs to endure all of the manipulation and surrounding elements that we put upon our hair on a daily basis.
By eating 2 ozs. of turkey, you are getting at least 14 grams of protein intake, which for women is almost close to half of your minimum protein consumption requirements. Turkey also contains a high amount of methionine, which is one of the top essential amino acids that we need to have within our bodies as a complete protein.
2. Greens (Collards, Mustard, Turnip, etc.)
Various types of greens such as: collards, turnips, and mustards are a powerhouse when it comes to providing nutrients for our strands. Most greens contains high amounts of vitamin A (which helps produce healthy sebum to keep hair moisturized and supple) , vitamin C* (one cup of cooked greens can provide at least %50 of your daily intake in vitamin c* or more.
This helps build up collagen within the strands to provide a sturdy and strong structure.) and iron*. Although iron* is essential for just about all of us, women who may have slow growth due to iron* deficiencies can really benefit from this. Depending on the type of greens that you eat, you can get between 16-15 grams of iron*, which can aid in almost getting your daily intake of iron (18 mg for women) and possibly increasing hair growth.
All that is well and good, not saying the info isn’t correct..but more importantly is how all these hair nutrient enriched foods are prepared. Overcooked foods retain little to no value, not to mention added fats for cooking (which make them so ‘tasty’) leave you with more health concerns, and not just for your hair.
Soo…just keep that in mind too.