One of my favorite things these days are flexi rods*, for one they stretch my hair and they are comfortable to sleep on.
Originally my plan was to wash and go all Summer long but I have not been very consistent with it so I tried flexi-s on a whim and they have not been bad so far.
Last week I was browsing Instagram and a lady was boasting about using the ‘Horse Shoe Method” for installing flexi rods*. Apparently, she got the idea from YouTuber Curldaze who actually created the technique.
I have followed CurlDaze for awhile so locating her video was not a big deal for me, I found it, tried the technique and the results were stellar.
Talk about a consistent curl pattern stretched fluffy hair that was not very humid resistant but had enough curls that made me not care about frizz in the least bit.
What is the “Horse Shoe Method”?
Most of us tend to use one side of the flexi rod* and then bend it in a way that secures it to our head. We also tend to use a lot of them so that we can get as many curls as we can.
Curldaze created a way to use the entire rod, use fewer rods over all and create consistent curls all over her head.
With using fewer rods you save a ton of time and your style will look awesome. It is very difficult to explain the process so hit play and watch the demonstration:
Since it is Summertime, frizz is a huge issue so here are my top suggestions on how you can avoid it as much as is humanly possible.
1. Use a great holding cream or gel over your moisturizer to keep the curl definition
2. Do not pick your hair too much on the first day
3. Make sure your hair is totally dry in the morning before you remove your flexi rods*.
Enjoy your style!
What you talking about Willis?