I rocked a short pixie cut for about 5 years. I loved shedding the veil I was hiding behind –my hair. Deciding to cut my hair took me on an emotional love-hate rollercoaster.
For one, I got it cut and then didn’t know how the heck to style it. The journey I embarked on with learning how to manage and maintain it allowed me to learn so much about myself as well as gaining a ton of confidence – similar to going natural.
Here are my 4 tips for maintaining a pixie cut:
1. Keep it short
It goes without saying that with maintaining a cut as short as a pixie that you have to keep it cut. You will notice that your hair grows so much faster after you chop. As it continues to grow out you will notice the shape and definition will be lost when styling.
Find a good stylist (preferably the one who cut it originally) who can upkeep the cut without killing your pockets.
Another option, like I did, is to take the road of learning how to cut and style your own hair. Not only will this save you tons of money, you will be in control of it.
2. 1/4″ flatiron is bae
With short hair comes the requirement of curling and styling with a flat iron*. Be sure to purchase a 1/4″ flat iron* to be able to get all those layers in the back. You want to be able to go to the root and get a nice curl at all points of your hair.
I used a flat iron* to style my hair almost daily and while I know most are probably cringing at the thought of heat damage, I had relaxed hair and as fast as my hair grew I was chopping, thus damaged hair didn’t stand a chance. Be sure to take extra measures by using your favorite heat protectant* when styling.
3. Always tie down your hair
My next tip is to make sure that you are consistently tieing down your hair at night before bed. You can use a simple mesh head wrap that you can find at any beauty supply store.
This is vital for keeping the back and sides of your hair straight and so that you don’t wake up in the morning with your hair going in all kinds of crazy directions.
4. Wash frequently
Lastly, make sure you are washing your hair frequently. I washed my hair about twice a week but as long as you wash at least once you’re good.
This is important because your scalp produces a natural oil called sebum. With short hair it doesn’t have a very long strand to move down so it can build up quite quickly resulting in weighed down oily strands.
What are some of your requirements for up keeping your pixie cut?
Thank you for the pixie cut tips