Introduce yourself…..
My name is Shannon. I’m a 30 year old black male from Gary, Indiana.
Are you relaxed, natural, texturized or texlaxed?
What’s your story how did you get to where you are?
My name is Shannon. I’m a 30 year old black male living in the state of Indiana. Growing up I was always told I had “good hair”. It was always very curly if it ever got the chance to grow past the fade that I was ‘made’ to get. Not that I lobbied for long hair or anything, but being so young I just never considered other options.
Fast forward to my teenage years. I let my hair grow and would get it braided and blown out. I even straightened it from time to time with an old school straightening comb. At some point I cut it all off and later in life, I let it grow again but this time I thought that I should stop blow drying it and just let it dry curly.
Problem is, I knew how difficult it was to get it untangled if I left it curly for too many days. So I had a bit of a dilemma, what eventually happened was I left it alone for so long it turned into dreadlocks! I went with it and before I knew it I had shoulder length dreads. People actually thought that I got my hair twisted, but I didn’t I never needed to.
I worked at Abercrombie and ended up cutting my dreads in late ’09 early 2010, I didn’t get a fade so I retained a bit of length. The way I started my dreads meant that my roots weren’t twisted, so I had the barber cut just below the dread point.
Fast forward, after years of trial and error, I think that it have an almost perfect regimen for my hair. I recently discovered the healthiest way to straighten my hair without a flat iron*.
Of course this method doesn’t get my hair as straight as a flat iron*, but I do not care for my hair being as straight as a board anymore (Well.. maybe from time to time, especially for length checks). I joined this site for advice and to give a males perspective on growing and living with long hair.
What is your typical weekly regimen?
Typically, I wash my hair with Wen (love this stuff). Rinse thoroughly and put a little conditioner in as a leave in conditioner*. Most hair products I use I have to put in wet hair.
While my hair is wet (not soaking) I use a Revlon spin brush on the lowest setting and I use a bit of olive oil* or coconut oil* as a heat protectant*. The process of using the brush is simple, I feed a section to it and spin it around the brush and let it sit for 20-30 seconds depending on how wet my hair is. Straightening it slowly like this leaves it still very conditioned.
Are you happy with your progress so far?
I’m happy. I think that I’m impatient though. I’m eager for it to grow so sometimes I must admit I don’t think it’s growing fast enough. I believe that when I get back into a regular exercise routine and start eating better then that it will expedite my hair growth.
What’s your signature style?
I have so many variations ranging from curly to blown out to loose straight to jet straight. So I guess I don’t have a signature style!
How do you ensure that your ends are protected from the elements and your hands?
My ends are a huge concern for me. I’m not good at getting a regular trims like I need to so in the elements I’ll usually have it put up in a doubled up ponytail underneath a hat.
Do you have a goal length or are you more concerned about the health of your hair?
My goal length will be achieved the day I go to sit on the toilet and am worried that my hair will interfere with the process.
Is there anything that you hair hates?
My hair hates people that think I should cut my hair!
Do you have any favorite hair products?
Wen, Wen and mor Wen. I’ve heard people say it doesn’t work for them. I feel for those people.
Where can we find you online?
My Instagram is @RLstableKing41381. Search the hashtag #shannonmeans
I’m jealous….
Beautiful hair!! I’m a little jealous!
Looks Healthy
He has some nice hair.
pretty. How do you straightened it mine always looks frizzy
The hair looks soo strong!!!
Beautiful…im definitely jealous…teach me lol
Love it. ♥♡♥♡
Dame hair looks better then minds!! Love i♡
U did that…
Loving the curls 😉
His hair is gorgeous, hunni
beautifiul hair but a brushing seriously?
Beautiful hair…..looks like my hair type.
I’m hatin… lol… He has beautiful hair! 😀
His hair looks wonderful. Men hair always grow faster than women. I’m jealous too. He is also handsome. Wow!!!.
Very Beautiful Healthy Hair …
Is all 4 of the picture this guy and can’t see the other one face?
The Real Person!
Yes they all are, you can see more pics of the straightened hair on his instagram.
Those curls are popping!! His hair is so healthy.
I’m jealous.
What products do you use?
Damn Kat Williams ain’t got nothing on that!
I’m super jealous!!! Ugh I want his hair
Im jealous my curls won’t do that. What do you use
Jealous 🙁
He has my exact curl pattern. I love it.
I love your grade of hair.. Wish I had those curls
nice!! wish mine would grow like that… 🙂
I’m jealous too! !
I wish my hair was just half as healthy as yours Shannon. I Love it 🙂
No sly remarks. The brotha is doing what he wants with his hair.
dang wish my hair would look like his when I straighten mine
I love how the natural curls fall. That’s the thing I love about our hair. We can wear it in so many different ways.
His hair is just like my baby girl so gorgeous
He got better long hair then most women
Not mines i got him faded all day and no weave either
I love it!
I hate hair… keep mines short but ♡♡♡ this
He better work with all of that pretty as hair…
That last pic though. Yesssssssss. Gorg
OMG I want his hair
Some women would kill for thst hair. Flawless
Damn I love your hair!!!
Goregous hair..
Very nice! Love the pony tail look…Great story!
Sly comment
I l-o-v-e his curl pattern! I have a twa and it looks like this is what my curls may be like. Thank you for sharing! Look at that silky flat iron job tho…..but with no flat iron? how’d you do it?
The Real Person!
With some sort of hot air brush it seems.
That’s pretty smart of him, but are hot air brush recommended though? Would it cause breakage? I’m concerned about breakage.
The Real Person!
They aren’t different from other heat tools so if your hair and heat don’t mix then stay away. Also they have small bristles so if you have superfine hair then they are definitely not a good idea.
It spins slower and is on a lower heat on the lowest setting. So it’s very gentle and slow.
Your hair looks like mine but I hate my curls but they look good on you
can i please have some?
Love that word sly lol .. Pretty hair though
Thats my grade of hair… but mine seems to break of easily. Any tips?
It seems like some men have healthier hair than some women. Most men don’t use heat, wear styles that require very little manipulation, and they don’t try EVERY new product on the market. Us women tend to do the opposite.
Long ago a Man’s hair was considered his Strength!
He has some beautiful hair
His hair look better them some women
His hair is beautiful….
Beautiful 🙂
Luv it, looks so healthy and lots of bodsy
Whats there sly to say, his hair is FABULOUS HUNTY. LOL
What curl pattern is this. My hair is just like this but a whole lot thicker. I want to know what products work best.
My hair is like this too. Try Dr. Miracle Cure care products. They work very well.
Luv ur hair….
Lmao..ok..I c u
Love im more then a lil jealous
Hell I wish I had si head of hair like that…yeah I’m hating 🙂
Randi MuzikLove Dillard use high moisture products. Have u ever tried design essentials?
Never heard of it but I’ll look into it. Thanks.
so jealous right now. so jealous!
Loving his hair. Gorgeous#!!!
Perfect curls!!! Love it
I’m jealous ….lol….I love it ….it looks so healthy….
Nice hair.
Nice and thick so lovely
I LOOOOVE his curl pattern!!
you have such defined curl patterns in your hair and yes i’m a lil jealous…lol
Makes me want to do a length test. Gorgeous hair!!!!
Very jealous of this…but I like it!
Beautiful Hair…no reason for anything else to be said!
so shiny and healthy looking…im totally jealous
Love the hair!!
Curls are beautiful.
Nice hair..
Fabulous head of hair!
Gorgeous healthy black hair! Luv it!
Your hair looks very healthy
Nice hair and curl pattern.
heautiful hair I wish I can get my curly hair like that
Beautiful…..Beautiful hair
I’m jelly
Im jealous!
So jealous!
Damn….. thats so healthy ass hair
His hair omg love love love it
Hair crush!
Gorgeous hair! I like the curls better tho
This is my curl pattern but I don’t know what to do to manage it.
Its beautiful
WOW!!! That is some hair #hairenvious
Definitely jealous! Gorgeous hair!!
I love his hair!!!! I have heard about Wen but never tried. Holly Robinson Peete uses it and our hair texture is similar some I may invest in it and this Revlon Curl Brush he speaks of.
Yessssss hunnti I live
I love the hair its so beautiful and natural
Go head…and the last pic…the blow out….beautiful
Very nice. I’m relaxed. That last pic looks like my hair!
That’s Some Pretty Hair
His hair looks better than mine. I love it
Would love to have your curls. Lol I’m like everyone else on the post
Did he flat iron his hair?
Men grow some beautiful hair with no effort lol. Whats up with that lol
Women do too.
Right!! I have do jump through hoops to get my hair like that!! Or buy it.
I wasn’t saying women DONT … I’m saying men don’t generally have to work as hard.
IM jealous too. I need some if what he’s using
Beautiful hair, and loved the interview answers! I happen to use the same product.
Wow your hair is beautiful
He’s giving me life!
Hehas hairjust like my daughter. Gorgeous
Beautiful curls!!!
How doed men hair grows faster than women? When genetics controls growth rate
I love this curl pattern, I wish mine was more like this.
Wow I am really jealous. Love the hair I am going to look in to the Revlon Curl Collections Quick Styling Hot Air Kit. It might be a way for me to get my hair striaght with out all the heat. I am on my hair joruney and I love this site and getting all kinds of ideals until I find one that works for me. I might have the try the WEN products too. Great article. Love when a man cares about his hair as much as I do 🙂 AWESOME!!!
Wow I love the fact he knows his hair and how to make it do what it do. My husband has gorgeous curly hair like this, when I embarked on my natural journey he explored my products and he loves them. And comes to me for recommendations for his curly look for the day. Rocking what God gives you flat out!!!!!!!!
Beautiful hair….
Jealous. ..
…… #cutetho
Oh yes. His hair is fierce!
Now that’s flowing
My hair is the same..imma pull out my hot comb today.
He do got some good hair!!
I think men’s hair grows faster than women’s becuse they don’t do as much manipulating as women do
No. There’s a difference between growth rate and breakage. If you manipulate to much your hair will break off
He looks Eritrean.
No sly remarks kmsl
Great Hair!
We have the same hair texture and pattern, my hair looks just like this when curly and straight! Love it!
He got alotta hair!
Well defined curl pattern
I wish my hair was that healthy.
Mens hair doesnt grow faster it retains more length bcuz they dont mess with it
That’s the beauty of natural hair, it grows as long as you don’t use chemicals you can have hair just like this man who just has a beautiful blowout n flat iron. My brothers hair is to the middle of his back becausevits trained to blowouts, flat iron n braids. Women should try to train their hair to do the same
Ok now seriously some women spend their car note rent money child support check disability check welfare check and will trade food stamp ebt card money for cash to hopefully achieve that look with a weave.
So if you can sport your own home grown and not store brought then no need to hate.I think it’s Beautiful!!! Shake and go on with your bad ass.
Lmao. Thank you very much.
Holy shrinkage
He got some pretty hair.
Beautiful hair remind me of my cuzos
Very beautiful hair! Looks great curly or straight!
None here….I’m so JEALOUS!
Snatched! I wish my hair looked like this
The hair is goregous, full, shiny, no spilt ends….***so jealous***
Looks like a Rick James thing going on.
Really nice hair. Looks healthy as well
ok then it looks nice
Those curls tho lol I did my co wash last night and my curls popped just like that. He has a head full of of gorgeous hair I’m jealous lol.
men hair grows faster&thicker than women hair
Its so silky n smooth. #thats great managing. Wish all my clients understood the importance of this
Gorgeous curls!!!
Spanish Men do that all the time. Dem Ohio boys.
His hair bangin, why won’t mone look like that lmaoooo
so how can i get my hair thick
I wish I had that curl pattern!!!
Nice hair i can’t wait until my hair is that long. How long did it take to grow your hair That length?
Almost four years. It’s slightly longer than it looks in the last pic.
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Nice curl patterns…
Love the hair, dude!
His hair looks like mine
Your hair looks so healthy… good job! We have similar textures and i have the hardest time getting my hair straight so maybe I’ll try your method.
Ps. Your hair looks great don’t let anyone convince you to cut it ever!
Oh my goodness his hair is gorgeous!
His hair is beautiful. Nice curl pattern – I’m sipping a tall glass of haterade right now!
Good job on learning what works for your hair. Curls are gorgeous and straight hair looks silky and healthy.
his hair goal was funny! nice pattern
I have that same curl pattern… Wash and go’s are the easiest but styling can be a challenge!
What Renee said! Just pure haterade. Love those curls!
I love how it looks straight!
Looks like my hair lol
Sheesshhh so much body…love it
#AHHHHMAZING #teamnatural
Nice hair….
My hAir curly too
His hair is really pretty!
Wish I had that hair!
love his hair waiting for mine to look like that
Two-snaps baby!! Looks good.
Im jealous!!! Look at all that body in the 4th pic….I ♥it!!!
Your hair is gorgeous!
Beautiful, healthy hair
Looks like my hair
Soo pretty!
I hate when people say hair is trained? Hello its not a damn animal..smh it has a good routine uses less heat and not manipulating his hair like women tend to do.Let your hair breath sonetime a good trim n moisturizer and you could achieve the same…good luck!!
Therefore” training” it!
No maam…sorry but thats not the correct term we used in cosmetology school…ijs not debating routine just the “term” thats being used
Why am I jealous?
Why do men get long eye lashed and hair like that?
I like!
I just don’t understand why men have better hair than us women. His is hair is gorgeous.
Healthy hair! I love his curls!!!!
I’m jealous. His hair is gorgeous. Wat does he do
❤️❤️❤️ it!!!
gorgeous hair!!!!!!!
All the posts are of people with a nice grade of hair that usually grows without taking anything. But im not knocking your product.
Maxwell back in the day comes to mind, even though this dude hair looks way better lol
men always tend to have nicer hair than women…and the growth too
Okay read is statement about his hair nice l think it is good for a man to take care of his hair and l love a pony tail on a man as well and l think that he don’t have to cut his hair it is a choice thing.lo!
His hair is gorgeous!nice and full
Wow love his hair straight
Now that is the kind of natural hair I dream about!
Gone with the wind FABOLOUS!
Nice crop
Wow I need this treatment
I gotta get like u <3 your hair
Love ya hair in the 4th pic #beautiful
What can anyone say but damn his hair look good
His hair is gorgeous
I don’t think men mess w/ their hair as much as we do. It just seems to grow for them w/o them even trying.
Can you get my man to grow his hair out lol
He has nice hair
His hair is fab & healthy.
I didn’t think men would be so into their hair like women are but I was wrong. His hair looks amazing & I love the bottom right pic.
Beautiful hair 🙂
His hair is gorgeous!!! I’m jelly lbs
Love his hair!
I love his hair. Can’t wait for mine to get there.
Niceeee I would luv to have my hair like that. Pic 4 Beautiful
Love your hair. You look amazing.
Yur hair is beautiful.
Hair looks very healthy
Ooooo killem
Better coils than straight. Liking the coils.
Man can I have his hair, its beautiful!!!
Nice, really nice!! I think im lowkey jealous!! Lol
Those curls tho!!!
Your hair omg!!!!!!!!! I love it.
I want his hair…. Period.
Omfg see….wow Jealous but loveeeee
Boyyyyy that hair
Hair twin!!!
Thats how my hair is exactly when u get out of the shower! I wonder what products he uses
I try to get curls i have good since i left the poems alone it went back curling up but once i wash that’s it straight
Beautiful healthy hair!!
YourHairIsBeautiful! I like your natural curls, they are gorgeous! Hair crush!
Luv your hair. I wish mine look like yours.I’m jealous
Cut them off and stitch em to my hair…Lol. I’m jelly.
got some beautiful hair. my goodness
I am so jealous. Good for you. Keep it going.
Beautiful both ways
hair is beautiful I wish I had hair like his
nice thick healthy hair… that’s what’s up…
Nice texture beautiful hair
Whahaha there is hope 4 you bedoel je
maikel jackson style
Simply beautiful…. his face and hair!!
nice shine
It never fails…whe you see a man with nice hair it ALWAYS presses out nicely…shiny. beautiful…his hair pattern is beautiful….My son is the same way even down to the eye lashes and brows…naturally long and shaped beautifully…
hey brotha I love your hair!!!
It is a fact many men have been known to cultivate a beautiful thick head of hair. CUDOS to you. !
That reminds me of that katt Williams skit when he said, “don’t act like my hair aint luxurious when you know it is! !”
Love it!!!!
If Chris Webber had hair
I love the curl
According to the texture chart people use what texture hair is that?
He better work that hair!!!!!!! It’s gorgeous!!!
Both looks are nice but the curls are soooooooo beautiful that you should never want to straighten it.
Is that your natural real hair?
My son’s hair is healthy & long too..
Why or why can’t women (me) hair grow like that…
That’s my texture and length right now…why this dude look like my brother tho and my brother got long hair too
Lowkey jealous but great hair mr
Omg your hair is beautiful
Lord have mercy!!!!
your hair looks good.
My oldest son HAD beautiful back length hair. He cut it abt a month ago because ppl would always say blk men shouldn’t have long hair. Now he has short hair that no one know what to do with it’s two straight. The is darker then this young man his long hair straight to curly. YOUR HAIR IS BEAUTIFUL STRAIGHT OR CURLY. It’s hard to do what you are doing stay strong.
agreed, I get what you’re saying 😉
Many people, including my family, have told me to cut my hair. Tell your son not to give in to the pressure next time.
I’m jealous.
I like…
Beautiful. I would love to know his hair regimen. Those curls look my TWA’s ends when they curl up!
What are you trying to say about my hair Lottye? LoL
Both styles are beautiful
He should never straighten his hair those curls are gorgeous!! But either way it’s healthy.
I would leave it curly more often, but it’s hell getting it to untangle if I leave it that way for days. I’m going to try to find a curl definer so that my hair doesn’t get that chance to tangle.
Looks gooood
Love them curls tho
U better rock that hair man….Love it!
I want those curls lol
Love the curls
I don’t know why anyone would have anything negative to say about this.
He’s handsome & his hair is absolutely gorgeous!
He is handsome I would love to have did his hair
Beautiful hair dnt ever cut it that’s a man strength is his hair
That Good Stuff
His hair is flawless!
Good hair
He has really nice hair. Very healthy
Men hair always grow faster and thicker than women but that eventually stops but that last pic is beautiful wish my hair laid like that lol
Looks flawless
He woke up like that…flawless!
I love the curl pattern.
that hair is heavenly…. yes Lawd.
I love his hair. He has a good grade I really love the before…..
That’s super nice dude!!! I love that!!!
His hair is prettyyyyyy!
Hmm…I tried Wen when I was relaxed and it didn’t work for me. It might be time to revisit as a natural…his hair is gorgeous!
Love the natural curly look
Beautiful hair I need help with growing my hair
#3 Black Jesus!
Real nice!
Men’s hair grows faster. Hardly a journey
Absolutely beautiful hair!!! I love it!
Don’t like it
Beautiful and healthy
Beautiful hair texture
Why would anyone make a sly remark?!? His hair is so gorgeous and I’m just so jealous!
Nice texture!!!
Ur hair is really nice.
I love yo hair tho
That is some nice hair
Hid hair better than mines
Love it! F da haters.
Men don’t abuse their hair like we do. Growth rate and hair thickness is genetics. When you manipulate your hair a lot IT WILL BREAK OFF! I have fine hair just combing my hair will cause breakage. I have to finger detangle.
Loving the growth.
That’s beautiful hair!
it’s funny that my hair looks like 1 & 2 when wet, but once it’s dry I look like a troll then if I blow dry and straighten it, it looks NOTHING like his….lol
The hair tho!!!
love your hair you go boy
That’s nice i need my hair to grow what I need to do?
I love the texture!!!! If mine was that texture I’d never straighten it!!!
You might. It’s SUPER curly. If I leave it curly too long, it curls and tangles around itself. That’s how I got dreads at one point. So I have to straighten it unless I want dreads again.
Since when did ppl start censoring comments? If you can accept compliments you should be able to accept criticism. It’s the internet, not like these peoples opinions matter anyway!
My original comment was going to be “dang I wish I could get my wash and wear to look like that!”
The Real Person!
Criticizing when it’s about his hair is fine. Criticizing his choice to wear long hair leads to long non hair related discussions that help no one. Also these types of post have gone downhill in the past to where the person asks for them to be taken down, not good. But you are right, I edited what I wrote 🙂
I am so glad a man was posted. But I do know some folks would immediately go in with the insults just because they look past the beauty in a man with long locs…..His hair is gorgeous, and it fits his face….It just does!!!
I was actually thinking that but you was brave enough to actually speak your mind. thanks
Brittany Smith
Very nice and healthy
Still not prettier then mine but Damn it’s close lol Nicccccce length n looks very healthy
Pretty straight, has a lot of bounce
Beautiful hair I’m jealous … Soo pretty
Kamala Requena looking like you bro..haha
Thats right no sly remarks he can ware long braids or something some men to take better care of there hair than woman its not allways what we think it could just be a mans thang not the other if you no what iam talking about and i no some of you do so no sly remarks
What you mean no sly remarks,this guy’s hair is just beautiful. you can’t say anything bad about this,wish it was mine!!!
I mean, am I the only one who thinks his face is more beautiful than his hair? *swoon*
Thank you!☺️
Why would someone reply negative? He is georgous period. If someone replied negative, I would personally leave it cause they the ones looking stupid, and it’s obvious this is simply breath taking! !
Simply gorgeous
he has beautiful hair love it
I’m jelly so no sly remarks except I wish I had that hair!
That hair is EVERYTHING tho…love it
He has a nice curl pattern! I might me a little jealous..
omg he has beautiful hair!
Love the look
FYM no sly remarks Nigga who u trying 2 be da joker Halloween is a long way away lbvs
I want to grow my hair like his own. Can any1 inbox me on tips?
That CURL pattern… Ugh!!
WOW, very beautiful
They probably mean like the one
My son has hair like this all the boys have hair like this is my family so jealous
I wish his hair was mine! Lovely.
Loves it
Love your hair! Beautiful!
I’m so jealous! Lol.. Love his hair!!
That is luxurious!
Beautiful curls love it
Beautiful curly and straight
Healthy hair
As I’ve continued to say, guys always have the prettiest natural hair.
There are plenty of men with great hair, and care just as much as women. My son happened to have hair like this and I will encourage him to take care of it, take his vitamins, and do hot oil treatments.
I love his hair, my hair is somewhat like his, what type of hair products do he use to bring out the uniform of his curl pattern so well?
In this picture I had in Wen hair mask. Being that my hair is naturally curly, it didn’t take much to tighten it up, but that’s not what the mask is really for. It’s supposed to be rinsed out after a while. I need to find a leave in curl definer.
I have been using the world of curl gel but I don’t like that it can be wet at times when you first put it on. My curls may be a little bit bigger than his in most places.
He has a beautiful curl pattern almost resembles grade 3 a/b hair type…..(He actually has an established curl pattern) ….As a 4C curl pattern, I have to do a totally twist out or roller set to even begin to get this….SMH…..
OMG! Beautiful!
Give me till summer 2014 I’ll be *gone with the wind” fly too!!!;-) love healthy look
Personally, I don’t believe that a man’s hair grow faster than woman’s hair, it’s all about how you take care of it and genetics can play a major role. With that said, I can’t stand when people tell people how to comment on a post! Don’t post if you can’t take the good with the bad. After all, you may get some good advice, even if you don’t see it as such.
Men don’t manipulate their hair as much as women do. That’s why men’s hair is healthier and grows much faster.
My brother has hair like that since 5 years old, now he’s 49 years old and still have his hair I’m jealous.
Man, women pay good money to achieve those type of hair results. 🙂 #hairenvy
Omg. His name is Shannon? His hair is fierce. I wonder what his ethnicity is…I am so intrigued
Both my boys have hair like that
That Last Pic. Perfect Texture Of Hair. Love It
Your hair is very health
His hair is laid
Beautiful hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just wow
Thank you. It was unexpected. I just woke up and saw all this.
this is my curl pattern also
Yes yes yes flawless
I like, ima have to try this
I agree on no censoring but it wasn’t my idea. I didn’t even know they were going to post this. I just woke up and it was here. I’ve never really had it cut or styled. Length has always been my only concern. I don’t know how you can tell it’s not right for my face when my head is turned but maybe you just can. If you can suggest some cuts that wouldn’t take away much length or make me look like a woman I’d like to see them.
What nationality are you Shannon?
Black and blacker. Lol. I’m of Irish and Indian decent and other things I’m sure. But both of my parents are black.
Oohh…I love it
I need him to take care of my natural hair….n I need all his tips
I don’t make a pretty woman.
What beautiful texture . Thank you for sharing.
Keri Ross lol
Lmfao you look perfectly fine as a Man!! Shannon ByAny Means
It looks beautiful and health what do you use?
OMG Shannon ByAny Means work! I love your curls, it looks nice straight as well but those curls Hunni!
Ohh design essentials has a great leave in curl definer.
Love the hair!
“That ain’t nothin but Ultra Perm” #ComingtoAmerica lol Loooove your hair. #stillswooning
Beautiful hair ,how long did it take to blow dry and what was used???
Your features and complexion look Native American. The best detangler I’ve found is the dark and lovely au naturale knot out conditioner.
Fabulous hair !!.
Finally…..I see my curl pattern….kinda hard to explain…but hair gets weighed down with most products and wash-n-go’s hate me….my hair tangles horribly …..still trying to find the right combo for me……but you have nice hair!!!!
That must be it. Thanks babe
Ok I didn’t read the other comments but first I wanna say u hv some beautiful hair n second I wish I had hair lk yours
This hair is healthy and beautiful!!!
Eye love black men with long hair and beards on the face…mmmmm
Hell I want his hair lol
A gorgeous head of hair
Love it love it love it
The Real Person!
Shannon ByAny Means Hello Shannon, we have emailed you a couple times about your hair story, sorry you were kind of blindsided, but we have contacted you about the story you submitted and also about when it would be published. Did you receive any of our emails?
I didn’t. Perhaps you have the wrong email address.
The Real Person!
we used the one you submitted in the hair story, I am sorry you did not receive any of them. None of them came back to our inbox..oh Well thanks for sharing your story we enjoyed it! and we cosign with everyone else that your hair is gorgeous
It’s probably something I’m missing on my end. Thank you for the feature and the compliment.
It looks nice with the natural kinky look I wouldn’t change the texture
Love the texture
This is my curl pattern. So glad to know my hair isn’t a lost cause and can look as beautiful as this
Healthy hair!
I’m jealous. Hair looks better than mine. Lol
Pretty hair
We’re blown out and laid together! I was terrified to straighten it! But I trusted my heat protectant and went in for the kill! Love your style and body luv!
Okay what are you using to loosen the shrinkage… mines shrink up severely…
Yyyyyyyy is it all mens hair is just 2 glorious
I likeyour hair my little hair so messed up until it’s pitful
I love it.
I love his hair.
Niiice! His hair is so pretty
the blow out pic is nice, but the curly pic is the hotness. im trying to get there.
so what happened here and how did u do it ??? …. #LoveTheHair
That hair is gorgeous #luvit!!!!
@Shannon. Your hair is absolutely GORGEOUS. I’d love to have my hair look that healthy and long .
Lmao you brought attention to yourself with that statement only thing one can say is your hairs on point n most men do take care of there hair more than females 😉
How do you find your curl pattern ?
Beautiful Hair. Just lovely.
Your a man with naturally curly hair and now it is straighten….Ok???? That is not an uncommon hair procedure for women.
His natural curl is beautiful
His hair is pretty!!!
Looks great!! Men’s hair always seem to look much better lol!!
You better work it 🙂
What r u using.
man o man… why do men always have everything better??? LoL… always better natural hair and nails!!! argggggg lol 🙂
My sons hair is like this young mans hair I use crèce pelo leave in conditioner on him it’s from Dominican Republic this product
Nice tresses.
We have the most unique hair on earth.
Guys hair always grows out nicely!
Nice !!!!@ least its YOURS !!!!_
I know women that would fight for ghat hair.
His thing is laaaiiiiiiiddddd to the max! #GoHim
Pretty hair…DO NOT CUT IT!!
Ur hair is beautiful
Beautiful hair 🙂
Gorgeous hair, it looks healthy! Do you Boo!
Shannon has a beautiful head of hair!!!
His hair look well kept.
Gone from steel wool to smooth crimnal ..relaxing my boyfriends hair is hard
Wow beautiful hair!!
I’m so scared I wont get my curl back. I want to try this tho. Nice!
Nice hair!.. Love ot!!
Y I can’t get mines like that?
You have beautiful hair!!
I love the hair! how did he get it straight though?
I like them all
Damn i wish my hair would curl like that!
Very Nice when its straightend!! the curl pattern is a good is a nice grade. Your first Man I have seen that came on with your hair texture, good for you. I wish my hair looked like that straight!!
His hair is fabulous . Im in lovee
I’m a white girl & I’m jealous. Serious lol
Any negative comments would be HATE, his curls are so pretty.
Awesome my son wears his hair out n long until time do the wash n set then its two braids. …
My haïr looks like that
Glad to know this is actually a man. Whew!
I am Jealous!!!
Love the curls.
That hsir looks gooood
He’s hair is beautiful!!!
His hair looks better than mine.. Can i have some tips? Pls!!
My new hair crush!!!
Maybe some layers will work better. it won’t take away from the length altogether, but will fit your face.
I am jealous too!! Wow
A couple cucumbers on the eyes and u will be flawless!
A nice style I’ve seen that is sexy on men with lengthy curls and a nice edgy look is simply wearing a thin head band around the head…gives all your curly hair a more controlled look sleek around the ends then bam loads of curls hanging loose… 😉 I cosigned on if you rock it straight…layers for definition is a great idea as another suggested
I’m so jealous!!!! Lol
<——-hater lolsmh
Get that Shannon…I know some women who’d love to have that hair!
i’m jealous….amazing
Curly is better. ..
Mop head
Psh…he aint got nothing on Prince though
Better hair then me T.T
It’s pretty
Jealous. always have perfect hair…its so shiny
Gorgeous healthy hair, wanna trade?
D@mn….luxurious hair, I see you!
Them curls tho
I like yo hair straight or may be some curls like snoop
Shannon is killing it with that pose!! 🙂 love the hair.
If I had hair like that.
A Man that is taking care of his Hair Marvelous!!! Alright Now!!!
Alright nah !!!
I love his hair!
We call that the fly guy lol
Now the proper term is Thermal treatment. Silky
I love Wen also
He takes care of his hair, its pretty.
I wonder what products he uses. Nice!
Very healthy looking…..
Hair is beautiful
Its her page and I think its her right to ask others not to be rude. By the way gorgeous hair
I Love your curls best. Beautiful hair.
Your hair looks fab!
I like it both ways curly and straight
You and your hair are gorgeous!!
His hair looks better than most women’s!!!
He just have “Good” hair point blank and the period
Wow nice!
Love men with hair! #kattwilliamsswag
Either or iether…”curly or straight” they both look good….you go boy!!!
I’m jealous! 🙂
i admit it..I’m sooooooooooooooooo JELLY
Beautiful head of hair!!! Sooo jealous!
Curly is sexier…. Nice blow out though
that’s exactly my same hair texture naturally curly straightens silky lol
Man I love his hair….it’s cold
Shidddd, his hair looks better than most female, lol
Why can’t we keep our HAIR the natural way. It’s always something artificial about us ..HAIR
Its frizz free !! How does he do that !!!!! need to know !!!
Hair beauty … I love it. ❤️
Nice hair. Like it both ways.
Yes hunni im in love with your hair
I wish my husband never cut his dread locs off. Men with long hair is so sexy Blacks,Latinos,Asians,White. If you got it going then you got it going. Do you Boo Boo! Forget what everyone is yapping about. Let them kill themselves & you keep on living you life. Always be true to yourself & be happy. If your happy with yourself & God & live by his word. Then nothing else matters.
You have beautiful hair
loving his curls
Love it in either style!
Beautiful hair!!
Nice curls!
It’s nice to see a mans take on natural haircare. Great article, thanks:)
Beautiful curls. Did you use the maximum hydration method to bring in more definition to your curls?
We have the same curl pattern, good job.
Can you post a little more haircare tips for permed hair. I permed my hair after being natural for a year. I’m 3 months pregnant so it would be nice to see some more helpful tips because my perm and hair texture are fighting.
It doesn’t surprise me majority of men grow their hair faster then women regardless what they do lol xoxo
I use Wen sometime love it QVC
My hair loves Wen (Fig).
Just my opinion I can’t get into the men with hair thing. The bible says a woman’s hair is her glory but it’s an embarrassment for a man.
His hair looks like mine!