Even though I am not transitioning I love seeing information on transitioning and any tips someone might have because I remember how hard it was for me and how much I needed just anything to get me through the hard parts. The best person to learn about transitioning is from a transitioner herself and my girl from Journey To WaistLength is just that girl.
As many of you all know who follow her on YouTube she recently decided to transition and in her latest video she gave 5 of her best tips for transitioning hair. Well we will allow you to take a look at it below but before that we wanted to add 4 of our own tips as well so here goes:
1. Protective styles – You here this all the time but they really help your to get over the humps quickly and you just don’t have to worry about your hair that much while wearing one. This doesn’t mean totally ignore your hair or scalp, never that, but it makes things slightly easier.
2. Patience – The video will mention this and we cosign wholeheartedly because if you do not have patience you will give up, so use this period to develop that skill because you will need it even after you transition.
3. Treat your transitioning hair like it is already natural – Personally this was the probably the best advice I received while I transitioned because believe it or not there is a ‘relaxer state of mind’ and you kind of have to remove all of that and start fresh with how you approach your natural hair.
4. Get Your Core Products Now – Don’t be a product junkie, we joke about it all the time but really it is best to have your Holy Grail products set in stone so that if you happen to stray you know who your “day one’s ” are.
Check out the video below:
Well that’s it, if you have successfully transitioned what are you best tips, lets get the comments going so that someone can really benefit.. GO!
Be patient and mist your hair with water daily
Make sure you deep condition your hair often. Protein is important to keep the hair strong at the weak point where your relaxed and natural hair meet. But Moisture…MOISTURE…Moisture all the time…one that detangles. Comb through and less heat as possible. And ladies, stop being so scared of getting your ends trim…your hair will grow back GEEEZZ! And it looks and feels 10 times better.
Should cut your hair first or just start with what you have ?
Thanks Tiff. I cut my perm ends off this weekend and my hair is so short, I can’t even put it in a pony tail like I used to wear it. I’m 66 years old and wear a hat on 3rd Sundays to help at Communion, and my hat will not fit on my head. I don’t know what I will wear in August 3rd Sunday. LOL my hair is so dry. I brought Shea Butter, Hawaii silk spray, Nuv Bo spray, Olive Oil, Leave in Conditioner for Gray hair, and so much else, My hair is still extreme dry. What can I use? Help. Thanks in advance JT
This is my fourth time transitioning so I hope I can go through with it this time.
This is my third time. I’m hanging in there so far.
Should you cut your hair to start transitioning or just go with what you have
You can do the big chop but it is not necessary. Keep your hair moisturizer and use protection styles. If you can use natural products. I make a lot of my own.
Awe ok … Can you name any natural products that I can use
You cut your hair after every inch of new growth of your relaxer. Like, when you have an inch of new growth cut an inch off, if you have another inch cut another off.
No don’t keep cutting your hair or you won’t retain length.
Get a trim every few months.
I agree with Angela Adjoe Phd…You don’t have to do a big chop, but if you’re not good with hair care, I’d suggest it or go to a professional that knows natural hair. Also… a lot of products in your kitchen/refrigerator are the best for your hair and skin. Virgin olive oil, mayonnaise, eggs, etc.
Ok thanks !
Got tired, angry, and frustrated with buying these products and wasting all my money
Chop it and began experiencing with your natural hair!!
Bad hair has nothing to do with texture. Too many of us think nappy =bad. Guess what, some with 3b hair have issues too.
Kerimah Rogers it’s all about the products. What works for 1-3 hair type does not work for 4 hair type. Visit a hair shop they should inform you on the product s for your hair type.
True….they should. Thanks for your advice. I was just venting in my above comment
I transitioned but didn’t know much about managing transitioned hair. I didn’t keep moisture in my hair like should have. So where the relaxed hair met the natural hair started to break off. By this time I was over a year in a half into my natural journey. So my beautician but of the relaxed hair. That was the best thing for my hair. My hair has grown so fast since then, and I have fallen in love with my hair. I have been enjoying my curl pattern and experimenting which products my hair loves and don’t like. I will never get a relaxer again.
I chose to big chop because I didnt want to deal with two textures….. no regrets! It was the best decision ive ever made, and I truly enjoyed watching ky natural texture come in! (4a kinky coily) do what qoeks best for you, were all in this journey together 🙂
Not natural yet Marla….every time I attempt it I get to 9-10 weeks without perming and I get frustrated with the new growth and end up getting another relaxer. I’m not a fan of the big chop so I will figure something out
You will be shocked at your texture once you are fully natural. Natural hair is different then relax hair. It takes time to see your true texture come through…With some tlc and regular moisturizing, your beautiful texture will show. Believe me, I felt the same way you feel. I didn’t do the big chop either, I wore wigs until I felt comfortable enough to cut my relax hair. Give it a chance, your hair is good girl! God gave it too you! Kerimah
Thanks for sharing my video!!!
I am a beginner transitioner.. And since i started i been having major breakage.. I know some breakage is good, dead hair or whatever but alot of hair has been breaking off specially when i blow dry my hair.. Help please?! Any advice or products i should use. And i also been wearin kinky twist alot so i wouldnt have to worry about how to style my hair everyday.
Hey Mia.I’m a new transitioner too.I haven’t been experiencing breakage just the usual.I think you should lay off the heat a while.From me being a blog junkie,I know air drying is best for transitioning hair.Also,how do you detangle,wash?what’s your nightly routine like?
This is my 2nd time going natural. I was watching your video, what is stretch in and how is it done?
hi, stretching is done by blow drying your roots/new growth stretch or using the banding method. I have videos on both http://www.youtube.com/youngebz07
thanks for sharing my pic!
Treat your hair as if you are already natural while transitioning
My hair was badly damaged, so i chopped it and went natural.
15 months post in a few days! 🙂 still transitioning
Sew ins! Lots & lots of sew ins! That’s how I transitioned.
I love washing my daughters natural hair its her curl pattern is so amazing!!!
Box braides
Moisture! That’s by best tip because it helps the hair remain manageable.
Protective styling for a year then trimming the remaining permed ends worked for me!
Loving my 3c 4a tresses
The 3 strand twists. I would’ve never made it