Use this simple regimen tweaking where necessary to grown your relaxed hair to its full potential
When growing out relaxed, texturized or texlaxed hair, there is one thing that you must remember. Moisture! Without it your hair will break, period. With any relaxed hair regimen this must be taken into account. The following are other points to consider:
- How often to wash your hair
- How often to deep condition
- How often to have protein treatments
- How often to clarify your hair
- How to style it to retain the most length
- How often to trim your hair
- How often to have hot oil treatments
- How often to rotate your shampoos and conditioners
- How often to have retouch the new growth
Outlined below is a moisture rich regimen for relaxed, texturized or texlaxed hair:
1. Co-wash (condition wash) hair on Monday with a moisturizing conditioner*, wet wrap with minimal oil or silicone serum to seal and air dry overnight for a straight style.
2. Co wash with a moisturizing conditioner* on Wednesday and air dry making sure to seal with oil or silicone serum. Pin curl the hair overnight for a curly do.
3. Never brush the hair when it is wet as this is when relaxed hair is weakest. Use a wide tooth comb* to detangle dry or mostly dry hair.
4. Keep hair moisturized daily between washes with a coin sized amount of a good hair moisturizer dabbed through the hair with fingers. Avoid combing excessively.
5. On Saturday, wash hair with a sulfate free shampoo* and deep condition with a light protein conditioner. Roller set the hair, sitting under a dryer for a smooth straight style.
6. Rotate the conditioners (both moisturizing and protein) every other week so that the hair does not stop responding to it.
7. A hot oil treatment should be used on the hair every 4th Saturday.
8. For special occasions smooth the hair out with a flat iron* for a straight style. Make sure to use heat protectant* beforehand.
Would you be able to give a list of hair products to use for all stages of the procedure please?
I thought all "cones" were bad, so what product has silicone serum?
The Real Person!
The 'evils' of cones are exaggerated. Everyone's hair is different, just the way some people are protein sensitive and others love protein. I use lots of products with cones and they have been nothing but helpful for me so I would say that it depends on your own hair.
Hello Alma,
The described regimen is similar to what I was doing before I started work. I found it difficult to keep up the dc’ng during the week but did so on the weekends. I’m finding that my hair really loves the water and need it. This is my last week of work for a minute and now I can get back into the swing of really caring for my hair. One question I have is what is a caramel treatment?
The Real Person!
It’s like a home made natural hair conditioner. Here’s the recipe