As us girls get older we tend to go on a quest for the best kept beauty secrets. We do not want anything sagging, drooping, discolored or falling out.
You can call us vain if you like, it really doesn’t matter because the truth is at some point in most women’s lives we will all consider making improvements to our appearances.
The thing about the beauty world is that many things that are beneficial for us can be derived from a natural source. In this post we want to focus on the mineral silica.
If you know all about it then this beauty mineral then great, but if you don’t, then you might want to keep reading because we might have a gem that you may help you achieve your goals faster.
Silica is a rare mineral that is found in grass, some fruits, many leafy green vegetables, onions and whole grains. The mineral is essential for large range of body development processes including bones and hormonal balance.
Children tend to have more silica than adults which is why when we look at our children they have the most beautiful lashes, gorgeous hair, the best nails and smoothest skin known to man.
However, as we get older our silica levels diminish. Since it’s silica that allows the calcium to harden and create strong bones, without it our bones lose density and become brittle which is why osteoporosis is prevalent among the elderly.
Silica also allows for a mineral balance of calcium and magnesium* in the body and it is essential for preventing osteoporosis and calcium deficiency. As a matter of fact if you do take a calcium supplement, you may notice silica within the formulation.
The question is how is Silica great for your hair?
One of the the main things that causes hair loss and shedding is an imbalance of the female sex hormones. Silica as mentioned before helps to balance the hormones within our body. As long as our hormones are somewhat settled we can hold on to our hair, make sense?
When you take silica you can prevent hair thinning, prevent hair loss and add luster and vitality to your hair.
In addition to preventing hair loss this miracle mineral is also responsible for giving the hair follicles all that they need to remain strong and working properly. That means tons of growth not just with your hair, but your nails as well!
Research on the benefits of silica still continues today and according to Insider health:
A study in 1990 found it an absolute necessity for the proper function of skin, ligaments, tendons, and bones. Silica supplements* are taken regularly by millions of people to strengthen and improve their bones, connective tissue, hair, and skin. Silica adds strength and flexibility. It’s obvious why strength and flexibility are essential to skin and bones. It’s also important to know that silica supports blood vessel health, making it extremely important in supporting heart health.
Where can one find silica?
If you are on a whole foods diet, the chances of you running into silica* is pretty high. The mineral is mostly found in plant and grain sources. Apples, cherries, oranges oats and unrefined cereals are great examples of foods you can eat to give you a good dose of silica.
If I were you I would just make a smoothie of all those things to ensure that all my bases are covered. If you are a meat eater then your best source of silica is fish.
If you have a deficiency the best way to get silica* is through some sort of recommended supplementation if you go to your doctor. Or you can try a few herbs like, Springtime Horsetail or Bamboo.
If you do plan to supplement try to go for the one that has bamboo extract variety more so than the horsetail variety because the bamboo is the richest source of organic silica.
Bamboo extract has often been touted as great for promoting hair growth and adding to the health and vitality of your hair. If you ever wondered why, it is because of its silica content.
Some additional notes
We would not recommend bamboo supplementation for children under the age of 12 because as we said, kids tend to have an abundance of the silica already.
If you are middle aged then this might just be the thing that can help with hair loss or loss of hair vitality. Sometimes we just need something extra to help our bodies be the best they can be even with eating healthy.
Ladies, as with everything our suggestions are by no means meant to replace any sort of medication you have nor is it meant to be a substitute to the advice given by your doctor.
If you have any underlying health issues, please check with your doctor because you might already be using a medication that contains what you need without any additional supplementation.
I don’t know about you but I think I am going to get some apples right now! Hope this information helped you all!
Black Female Compound says
I can’t find silica in the stores.
Rosie Williams says
Bamboo tea has the highest concentration of silica that you will be able to take and it really does work. Check it out on Amazon.
Timo Deutsch says
Silica has worked for me
Charleana Nelly says
What is it anyway?
Lucy72 says
What’s the mg we should take?
Tracy SgtWife Phillips says
Tried this for 3 months. No major difference.
Carmen Martinez says
I’ve been told about silica, my mom told me! She said,silica, horsetail, biotin,msm,prenatal multivitamins…are great for hair growth! But,the real secret to hair growth is to become a vegetarian and stay away from all meat….eating meat stunts hair growth! Drink lots of water too…