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I have just tried the braid out first time, working on getting better… also I want to take a moment to say “thank you” to all the men who support our natural hair. It makes a huge difference. We love y’all. Thanks again. All love
I like that. Real nice.
Do this to my hair every week. I love the results.
Super cute
I like that
Allie, this would look cute on you.
I agree! I’ve been wanting to try this style
Like . . .
I need to here some of those rods
Love it
This might come out crazy too
I wanted to see what it looked like before you comb it back
I was too embarrassed
I didnt take no pics of that bs
Pretty might haveto try
Should this technique work on natural hair? Cause it looks as if she has a relaxer…
I use rods like those all the time without a relaxer.
Rods stretch my curly hair and make it look super straight if I do it right .. It will deff work on natural hair(:
Luv it!
They cute
Live it !!!
Cute style
Where did you buy the curlers from?
She’s so cute. I love that hair and makeup!
So cute
What kind of holding cream, lotion ,or gel can I use to have my hair look like yours.
very cute
Luv, luv this hairdo♡☆♡
Very cute. I like that look!
look very nice nice
I have just tried the braid out first time, working on getting better… also I want to take a moment to say “thank you” to all the men who support our natural hair. It makes a huge difference. We love y’all. Thanks again. All love
Jelly soft curls?
Did you straighten your hair first or rod it while it was wet?