Introduce yourself . . .
Hey, My name is Briana and I am a 20 year old working mother of one that recently BC’d! I am not a product junkie by any means.
Are you relaxed, natural, texturized or texlaxed?
What’s your story, how did you get to where you are?
I had been 90% natural since March 2012 with the exception of me relaxing a small portion of hair for the last time in July 2013 for a weave that I wore to make my hair prep time easier. Biggest regret.
I finally decided to cut everything relaxed off on September 1, 2013
What is your typical weekly regimen?
I co-wash up to 5 times a weeks, always leaving in some conditioner once I am done. I alternate weekly with the shampoos.
Are you happy with your progress so far?
Very. I feel so much better about myself and the progress I have made to get my hair to a healthy state since I became natural last year.
What’s your signature style?
My TWA wash n go is my signature style at the moment.
How do you ensure that your ends are protected from the elements and your hands?
Oil sealant after moisture during the day and a silk scarf* for when I am at home.
Do you have a goal length or are you more concerned about the health of your hair?
My main concern is hair health but I am hoping to see some hair growth as time goes on.
Is there anything that you hair hates?
My hair hates shea butter* and most shampoos.
Do you have any favorite hair products?
Organix Biotin* and Collagen conditioner, coconut oil*, aloe vera juice* and WATER!
Where can we find you online?
Instagram: @futurerogerarliner
Zalina Jones says
I love this….
Shawnee Wiley says
Sharaye Martindale says
I juss cut my hair like this today! ♥ it!
Phillinia PhatPig Adams says
congrats! on the Big Chop….welcome to the Natural Sistah Hood
Evangelist Trudy Jones Hodge says
I have become natural and I’m loving it…….
Emidio Vagnarelli says
RAVEN says
I am so glad I came across Briana’s story because I did the BS (big shave) about 2 weeks before she did. My hair is a little longer than hers now and I still love it. It was very curly and cute at first but as it grew out it became less curly unless I keep it moisturized. I love my TWA and deep condition it about once a week or every 2 weeks. I make sure it is always moisturized and use water along with Olive/Castor/Avocado oils. The odd thing is that the only product I have found that actually gives my hair moisture + beautiful curls is a leave-in called Hollywood Beauty with Olive Oil. It is green and comes in a large jar for under about $5. I also sleep in a disposable shower cap about 3 nights a week (GHE = green house effect), which I think has helped with my growth as my hair has grown remarkably well in only a few months. I love my short “do” even though I wear wigs when leaving the house, but am all me when at home.