Also known as aritha* or reetha. This is actually a berry, not a nut, and is commonly used in India as a shampoo. It acts as a natural cleanser or detergent (I also use it to do my laundry and wash dishes).
It can help with treating skin and scalp disorders, such as dandruff. It’s also an excellent tonic and helps to get rid of fungal and microbial issues. You’ll find this commonly mixed together with shikakai* and amla*.
Another great oil to add to your hair growth regimen. The oil from sesame seeds are very nourishing and is high in vitamin E*. It’s excellent at combating hair fall and keeping your scalp moisturized, conditioned and hydrated. If you’d like to keep your hair black, this will help with that as well.
This herb is oftentimes referred to as the king of herbs in ayurveda and for good reason. It offers so many hair and scalp benefits, including enhancing hair growth, preventing premature graying and hair fall and nourishing your hair and scalp for ultimate health.
You can easily make a paste with the leaves or powder form of the herb. Allow it to sit on your hair for about 20 minutes before washing it out. Doing this regularly will help with hair growth. You can also mix this with amla*, shikakai* and aritha*.
Also known as the miracle herb, methi is popularly used as a hair growth remedy. Simply grind up the herb and make a paste with it. Just like with the bhringaraj, you allow it to sit on your hair for 20 minutes before rinsing it off.
The powder and oil form of this herb are both excellent for hair growth. Just like with the other ayurvedic powders, you make it into a paste and allow it to sit on your hair for 20 minutes.
As an oil, you apply it as a hot oil treatment, massaging it into your scalp. It will help to improve circulation in your scalp, which aids in hair growth. Over a period of months, you will notice your hair growing faster, thicker and longer, and there should be less hair fall. It also helps to eliminate dandruff.
With this grocery list, you should be able to conjure up all-natural shampoos, conditioners and oil treatments to help give you the long, healthy hair that you desire so much!
Have you tried any of these ayurvedic ingredients? Do you plan to?