Barring protein sensitivity there is no reason why you should skimp on protein in your regimen. If you think about it, since hair is made up of protein, when you wash, brush or style your hair, you are always losing protein. For that reason, it makes sense to always have a stash of protein conditioners in your arsenal to replace the losses especially if you have fine strands.
Call me a realist or call me out for being paranoid but when you have the thinnest strands on the planet like I do and you KNOW that a strong gust of wind will lead to protein loss in your hair that will need to be replaced, I think that I’m justified.
Most often it is those with super-low porosity hair that struggle with protein sensitivity. If you find that your hair is protesting against protein treatments, you may still have to include some protein in your regimen occasionally. Perhaps for you that might be considerably less frequently than others who do not have this struggle, and certainly in far less potent levels than ordinarily present in the average protein conditioner.
Now I know that protein patching is often not on the agenda of people with protein sensitivity. You may be tempted to avoid it like the plague and always opt for moisture-based conditioners, but over time this will hurt your hair. You will need just enough protein to patch things up when your hair starts acting out of character.
Many conditioners marketed as protein free may still have a small amount of protein mixed in to help with that patching of the hair I mentioned earlier, but it usually won’t be in large enough amounts to cause any problems with your hair.
Protein sensitive or not, everyone needs a good moisture-protein balance to maintain healthy hair.
So for those truly protein-sensitive souls here is a list of 8 great conditioners that are mostly free from protein but high on moisture.
1. Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner
We certainly appreciate a product that does double duty and this one fits the description. Not only is this conditioner protein free, but it’s also a great conditioner for a co-wash and great for deep conditioning* too.
It’s often the recommended conditioner for women who have bleached or colored hair because it is so great at hydrating your hair after a chemical process.
Even though the product doesn’t mention relaxed hair specifically, the ingredients alone will tell you that if you have a relaxer this is a great conditioner to have in your arsenal.
2. Aussie Miracle Moist Conditioner
Be careful with this one because though it is a great product, this thing has so much moisture that daily use might lead to mushy strands that have been overly hydrated. Also known as hygral fatigue.
Moisture is great, but too much of it can be awful for your hair if you don’t know what you are doing. The point I’m making is the product does exactly what it says and that is to cure parched thirsty strands with a moisture injection.
At a low price point, you can grab a couple of these so that you don’t run out. Aussie Moist is a must-have for those with relaxed or natural hair.
Hi. Im in South Africa and i was wondering if this products are available here. If so,where can i get them?
Great list. I had heard of a few of these before but I thought all VO5 & Suave conditioners had protein. Good news for me although I’ll probably go with the Aubrey organics. The Aussie sounds great too but I’m not sure if it has cones.
How do i know whether to choose protien or not I am so confused
Good information
Aussie moist is not protein free. It contains silicone.
I’ve used 1,2 and I like them both