You’ve done a cute twist out, but what’s next? If you are a fine haired naturalists like myself, or if you just like extra volume in your hair, you may want to add a little umph to the style that you spent so much time trying to create.
You pick up your afro pick, but what’s next? Where’s the line between cute curly fro and wild mane? No worries! Below we’ve included 5 do’s and don’ts for using an afro pick to get the best results every time.
Do it on dry hair
First things first, when you use your afro pick you’re probably going to want to use it on dry hair. One of the biggest things naturals know is that if you take down a style while it’s wet, you’re going to get nothing but frizz. To make sure that your curls are able to form and be defined in their own way, let your hair dry fully first. Then you can start using the pick.
Do it on day 1 hair
Most people use their afro pick to truly define their day one curls. When you first take a style down, that’s when it’s the most flat. If you don’t want to wait until day 2 or 3 (after you’ve finally slept on it more and you curls had a chance to drop), then use your afro pick on day one. It will help you get the big curly fro look that you were looking for.
Don’t overdo it
With that being said, don’t overdo the picking! If you want to make your style last a few days or even a little over a week, you don’t want to get it so big on the first day that it looks like a nest on day 4. If you like frizz, or if it’s for a one time occasion, on the other hand, then feel free to use the pick to get that maximum full look.
Do gently lift the roots
Now comes the test of using the pick – when you actually run it through. To get the most voluminous look, place the pick at the root of your hair and gently pull up.
Lift at the roots and repeat all over your head. This way your curls won’t be disturbed and you can see more volume. You can also shape your style in the way you want it to lay on your head.
Don’t tug all the way through
Even though you are lifting your curls, do not run the pick all the way through. Trust me, this is a mistake I had to learn through extensive trial and error. Pulling the pick all the way through is similar to just combing out the curls. Instead, lift at the roots and stop. You’ll still have definition and volume – the best of both worlds!
These are our tips for using your afro pick to get the best possible style! Comment below and let us know what your do’s and don’ts are for using an afro pick.
Good info! I just learned how to use an afro pick to create volume for my fine, low dense hair. Now my wash n gos, roller sets, and twist outs have the illusion of looking thick!