OK, what do you think MOST women are doing on Thursday nights? Well, the way Kerry Washington has been on fire lately tells you most are just like me and all up into the hit TV show Scandal.
I am a HUGE Scandal fan and an even bigger Kerry Washington fan. I became aware of her in the Fantastic Four movies and have loved her in just about everything she’s been in ever since.
When I watch Scandal, I feel like a Gladiator! I know I should be at that table solving DC’s most scandalous secrets with sexy Harrison, crazy Huck, halfway gone Quinn and highly opinionated Abby.
All of them are flawed but somehow bring their best to that table. However, let’s not forget the leader of the group, the one that makes the show sizzle. The queen of the Gladiators, Olivia Pope.
She steals the show with her performances and I love her! She’s talented, gorgeous, she’s everywhere and she’s…drum roll please…
Yup, that’s right. Kerry Washington has natural hair. She’s been natural all of her life. Wow! Now, I know there are thousands of black women who also hold that title but we aren’t introduced to many in the entertainment industry.
Why? Well, showing pride by being natural is relatively new and having tons of products and support for natural tresses is even newer.
Back when she was a little girl or even a teen it must have been kind of hard finding things that kept her hair gorgeous and healthy. You’d had to have been a lot more creativity back in the day.

We found out she was natural all of her life through her hair stylist of 11 years, Takisha Sturdicant-Drew, in the June/July2013 issue of Sophisticate’s Black Hair.
In the issue, Takisha goes on to discuss Kerry hair type as wet and wavy, along with her desire to keep her hair healthy by staying natural.
Kerry does wear her hair curly sometimes and even in some of her movies and shows. Yes, if you are a gladiator then you remember season two and that steamy shower scene with Olivia and Fitz.
You remember now? Uh huh….yea, I know you do! It was nice to see it all curled up (like most of us have our hair when wet) and not bone straight.
Their attraction is so magnetic and believable! Gotta love the realness they bring to the screen and I clearly remember thinking…Oh man her hair is CURLY! I was impressed.
Now, don’t get it twisted…this is not the first time Kerry was caught sporting her gorgeous locks in their naturally curly state. I’ll go back a bit and refresh your memory when you saw her as a curly top cutie.
Ok I gotta netflix this show to see what’s it all about
I love Kerry!!!!!
Can’t get into it, but I adore Kerry.
That’s my show!
I am crazy for these show!!! Cant get enough
Scandal is my favorite show.
I am I am I am……….love me some Scandal I don’t miss an episode.
Not obsessed at all never looked at it and never will!!!
Just because I don’t want to see that show does not make me a hater! U r on defense if you don’t want to see Black people in more positive roles I would not call you a hater its a matter of choice!! grow up everybody is not a follower!!
NOT… Watched half of one show! Don’t understand ALL the hypre?! O_O
couldnt get into the show. Watched the first two eps and ….nope nothing but… she has beautiful hair!
One day my hair will look like that 🙂
Can u guys please vote for me. It” s a natural hair competion.
(DJIS LIKE e pic.)v
Love the show. Truly entertained by it.
My sis Ennisa Brown!!!
Yes Carla Peterson I loves that show as does Nina Sutton An’Drea Wilson-Litchmore call us Scandal Fanatics
I just love Kerry. she’s amazing and by far one of the most beautiful black women.
Luvs the show she rocks it
I could never get into Scandal. But, she’s at the height of her career and that’s a great thing for her, so kudos!
She looks different.
I AM TRUE GLADIATOR!!! Dont miss an episode
Love the show and love Kerry. This pic is from Django Unchained, and she was great in that too!
Is it just me or does anyone else notice how her weirdly shaped her face looks in this photo??? O.o
No I noticed it in save the last dance lol. She has plain Jane looks
I still don’t understand how a Black woman being portrayed as a mistress/whore has a lot of people jumping for joy. Smh Black women will never secure respectable roles if they continue to settle for and celebrate being stereotypically portrayed.
I never watched the show, but from what people tell me about its not about her just sleeping with the president. She is an educated black woman that cover scandals. The show isn’t all about her sleeping with the president. If all you see is a black woman being portrayed as a whore on this TV show you may need to reevaluate yourself .
I’m so tired of Black people trying to knock someone’s success down. there are way more shows and movies of white women actually being betrayed as whores and crack heads than blacks, but no one is undermining their success. Nowadays there are shows of black families that you can enjoy as well.
That sounds nice; an educated Black woman who covers scandals AND is also a stereotypical mistress/whore. Now that’s what I call progress…NOT! Lol That’s a classic example of White people giving Black people scraps and Black people falling to their knees with overinflated gratitude. Smh
And why do many Black women care so much about what the White woman is doing? A lot of Black people have this thing where in order to avoid taking any accountability they come up with the delusional thought process that, “White people are doing it too.” Just because many White women are portrayed as lustful sluts in multiple areas of the media, does not mean that it’s okay for Black women to follow suit. White women are not responsible for the Black woman’s actions THE BLACK WOMAN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HER OWN ACTIONS.
Nobody is trying to knock down anyone’s success (if being satisfied with playing yet another stereotypical Black female role can be viewed as “success”). The facts are the facts. And unfortunately many people cannot handle the truth.
Black women need to stop settling for the bottom of the barrel treatment, roles, resresentation, etc. No one is going to respect Black women if they evidently have no respect themselves. Don’t Black people understand that the world is laughing at them on a daily basis. The media portrays Black people in such a degrading light. Why is it so hard for Black people to understand this concept?
How is acting like a mistress a bottom role? My whole point is When you see a white woman playing as a mistress do you shake your head and undermine her success. Why is it any differnt than when a black woman ACT that role? I don’t consider that role stereotypical for black women to play when most black shows I watch they aren’t mistress or whores, but white women are. I’m not saying its okay for Black women to do it because white women are, but why when one black woman play a role like this she get people like you talking shit about it.
I would understand if you were saying women in general need to stop being portrayed as whores or mistress (which are two different things), but you specifically said black women. I would even understand if you stated that shows like this stay on air, but shows like Hawthorne don’t, so black viewers need to support shows the portray blacks in what you feel like is a better light, but at the end of the day Drama TV shows rack in views no matter what ethnicity is playing the main role. She is acting doing what she love how is that selling her soul, but when a white woman do it she is doing a great job and get around of applause gtfoh with that discrimination bs.
Yada, yada, yada… It’s’s a damn show that is meant to have people talking. No different than a soap opera.
Dont like this show.
I love this show! It’s entertainment and NOT based off of the person Kerry plays in the show, as far as being a home wrecking whore. Get over it. Some of y’all are taking it waaaaayyyyy too serious. Yeah she is black and IDIOTIC people very well may equate her in the show to all black women, but hey…Some folks have to keep lies going on in their minds to help soothe their egos and think they are better than black folks. Just like Joan Rivers…Trying to do everything in her power to become halfway relevant again with her ignorant remarks about POTUS AND FLOTUS.
I’m so damn annoyed by the consensus of African Americans. This show would have continued with or without a black woman portraying a mistress/leading role. Why are you so consumed with it? It’s a television show meant to appeal the masses and that’s exactly what it is doing. She isn’t portraying black people, queens, she is acting. THAT’S IT. If that’s not your cup of tea, then so be it. But don’t make it into something it’s not.
How you gonna be an actor, but have limited roles you can play? It’s called acting for a reason people! LOL
That sounds nice; an educated Black woman who covers scandals AND is also a stereotypical mistress/whore. Now that’s what I call progress…NOT! Lol That’s a classic example, yet again, of White people giving Black people scraps and Black people falling to their knees with overinflated gratitude. Smh
What is there to reevaluate? Is a mistress, a woman who CHOOSES to degrade herself by sleeping with a married man, not a whore? When did choosing to be a mistress become a virtue?
And why do many Black women care so much about what the White woman is doing? A lot of Black people have this thing where in order to avoid taking any accountability they come up with the delusional excuse that, “White people are doing it too.” Just because many White women are portrayed as lustful sluts in multiple areas of the media, does not mean that it’s okay for Black women to follow suit. White women are not responsible for the Black woman’s actions, THE BLACK WOMAN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HER OWN ACTIONS.
Nobody is trying to knock down anyone’s success (if being satisfied with playing yet another stereotypical Black female role can be viewed as “success”). The issue is with the role NOT the actress. The facts are the facts; Black people have become complacent with selling their souls for a quick buck and notoriety, and unfortunately many Black people cannot handle this truth.
Black women need to stop settling for the bottom of the barrel treatment, roles, representation, etc. No one is going to respect Black women if they evidently have no respect themselves. Don’t Black people understand that the world is laughing at them on a daily basis? The media portrays Black people in such a degrading light. Why is it so hard for Black people to understand and subsequently challenge this concept?
If Black people can be so comfortable with their consistent negative portrayal in the media, then they need to stop complaining when non-Black people treat them like sh*t, because essentially they’re agreeing with such treatment.