Are you considering cutting your hair? I have! As a matter of fact it has been a recurring thought for me, one which I plan to act on very soon.
I have had long hair for most of my life, there were periods during my relaxed days when my hair was cut short but even then my ends always grazed my shoulders. The next time I cut it, it will be drastic, one of those cuts where you will feel obligated to explain your reasons when you really do not have to.
Recently I came across a video from Elle who runs the channel @Curlsunbothered. She cut her long waist length hair into a cute tapered cut and recorded it all.
Then she made a video kind of explaining why she did it, mostly because she was being asked over and over again. What was surprising or not so surprising is that she did not have any real profound reason why she cut her hair.
Actually her reasons are pretty similar to anyone who may consider a second big chop especially when your hair isn’t damaged or a relaxed.
The common reasons I have heard so far:
1. I cut because I wanted to
2. I am so much more than my hair
3. I want to show you more than just a hair tutorial
4. I want a change
I really liked Elle’s “why I cut my hair” video because it cuts to the chase and it attacks the stereotypes about long hair that can make some women feel relevant or beautiful. Additionally, within the social media space especially when your hair is your business you can get burnt out when you always feel obligated to have long hair and maintain it because that happens to be the goal of most of your audience.
The bigger lesson for us as bloggers and vloggers within this space is having a healthy relationship with hair, keep it healthy and make sure it isn’t a crutch.
Watch this video where Elle explains why she cut her hair and how she feels after two months of growth:
Are you planning to cut your hair? Share your reasons below!
Michelle Sutton says
So… April Gardner. It’s only hair, right?
Debra Roberts Tillman says
it’s your own hair, why explain cutting it? Not everyone is obsessed with shoulder length hair.
Shaunda T. Whitlock Randall says
long hair short hair don’t care
Debra Roberts Tillman says
Exactly, length doesn’t define us!
Almaz Alem says
I choped of my hair and my 5yr old son was devastated that was my only sad part I loveeeee my hair waist length or tappered i wouldnt change it
Yolando Mitchell Brown says
I don’t get the obsession with length and style of hair. Do what you want with no apologies
Keke Jones says
Long or short. I think it’s all beautiful regardless.
Sheena Victoria Graves says
I would like to go natural,,,,but that chop is gonna look terrible on me ,,, so I don’t know what to do then it takes too long for my hair to grow back,,,,smh
Vedejah Scroggins says
I didn’t chop mine off all at once I did trims and treated it like natural hair until all the perm and and damage was gone
Vedejah Scroggins says
Well at times I think of going back relaxed but natural and relaxed for my hair both have their own sets of problems I will admit my own natural hair is harder to take care of but it looks better and thicker it’s just the maintenance that aggravates me I can’t just go to bed like I could relaxed I gotta moisturizer it comb it and put it away or else it will break off then my Afro will be uneven for a while ???? some naturals don’t have to do much and it’s fine but mine breaks easily when I don’t care for it the way I should which is often I get lazy but it grows much faster as well so it all just depends on your own natural hair and how much maintenance it will take and it’s not something that you will see results from immediately I’ve been natural two years now it was long I box dyed my hair and had to trim it and cut it out and it’s just now a year later finally all gone so I prefer the natural just not all the maintenance it requires
Sheena Victoria Graves says
I’ve been relaxing my own hair for years,,,the last 2 years it has really been breaking off bad ,,so I’ve been cutting on it ,,I can’t cut hair ????????,& it’s like it will not grow,,,
Vedejah Scroggins says
Have you tried hair skin and nail vitamins? When I mess around and break my hair off I put it in an updo for a while and then take the vitamins and it’s back to normal in a few weeks
Sheena Victoria Graves says
Nah,,,I think I need too !! It’s bad !!
Andrea Dunbar says
I had long hair recently went short I love my short hair style
Phoenix McGee says
I’d rock a twa or pixie if my head wasn’t shaped funny. So I’m going for long lengths lol.
Alvinia Jenkins says
Because she felt like it! Stupid question. You need no one’s permission to do such a thing.