What do you think of this wig ladies? To me it’s fly as sh*t
Posted by Trendinghairstyles on Monday, January 11, 2016
Literally just today I saw the above video on Facebook, I was kind of impressed the wig was seamless, made to perfection in my opinion.
Then I saw the comments, a ton of them praising the wig*, many of them super negative and one in paticular stood out to me check it out:
They want us bald. It creates long- term income for the so called elite because we pass the curse down to the next generation.
The illusion creates mental disorders, a feeling of inadequacy, depression and low self-esteem. This in return, affects her relationship with her significant other, or lack thereof.
She will claim to be independent to avoid her secret being exposed. She can’t enjoy intimacy, because her wig may come off. She want exercise because she’s afraid her wig might come off. Her ego will be her protector because no one can know how she really feels about herself. The psychological and financial warfare is very real and it does not discriminate.
If I were to give the commentor any sort of credibility I would just say that sometimes we do use hair to cover up inadequacies but my first thought was it is probably not that serious and who is “they”?
I think these days many of us do not use wigs* as a crutch but rather as a way to switch our style up without the manipulation of our own hair. Additionally if wig companies were not working hard to improve the construction of wigs* and make them look even more natural than they do now, they would not be doing their job.
The point is sometimes when we see a video on Facebook or any social media platform we should just focus on the video for what it is.
It should not be a personal attack on the person involved because frankly we do not know her story! In other news how dope is that wig* construction though?
We love to tear each other down. Especially over hair. I see nothing wrong at all with this wig
I can’t with that comment though. Please, pay no mind to lunatics over the Internet, cause clearly whoever wrote that ain’t got enough sense to buy a red bug a wrestling jacket.
It’s nice they them to kiss your wig
That a nice wig I would rock that
I don’t see anything wrong with the wig also it would be good for someone who’s going through cancer and loosing their hair
That person was reading into that wig waaaaaay to deeply. That’s a really nice wig though
the wig is nice but people try to make more out of it than it needs to b. its sad how people can turn a woman wearing a wig into something so serious . All I Say to the writer is Lighten Up
If you have to beg for positive comments maybe other people arn’t the only ones who have “issues”.
Who the hell cares what people think?! That’s THEIR opinion. Do you.
I like it….just trolls doing what they do!
That comment sounds like it was written by someone I know. (secretly chuckles).
it looks real to me. black women : please stop the hate / negative attacks on each other. we have to put up with enough from outsiders already.
I like it
Well, if you take everybody’s opinion to heart, try paying your rent with their opinions. People will say stupid stuff just to get attention. You also have people that live to make other people miserable. Have faith in what you do and who you stand for and the heck with everyone else. At the end of the day, whether you wear a wig or a weave, it matters only to you.
Damn what other people think. I believe someone will always have something to say and the only person that you can please is yourself.
WHERE CAN I BUY THIS WIG? I don’t care about any negative comments, just point me to the website!
Same here
It’s beautiful. Very sad when you put so much work into what you enjoy doing the people put too much effort into bringing you down. Black women we are our own problems. If you don’t like something and you don’t have something nice to say, just move on! We year each other up so much that outsiders also think they can do same to us. When it happens we explode, not stopping to think twice how they could do so to us. The hate it too much!!!!
So by reading the article the comment that was made towards this woman and her wig had Hotep written all over it. They think they know every Black woman’s story without even knowing her. That comment was so sad and ignorant
I love this wig!
Anyone can be an extremist behind a computer. Just a subdivision of trolling.
Where did you get it from people would say anything to tear you down smile you look nice jealousy will get them nowhere we are suppose to lift each other up they are just ignorant
Oh you know, just about everything you do is cause to revoke your “black” card. Lol
I don’t see anything wrong with this wig! It’s so natural looking! Where can I order one from? Website please!
Everyone has an agenda online. For many, it’s to check things out they may otherwise never see, be entertained, perhaps learn something. For others, it is to tear others down, hiding behind a keyboard and possibly a fake profile. For yet others, it is to force their opinion on others, under the guise of ‘educating’ them on what they are doing wrong or why what they are doing is what’s wrong with society. I have a feeling the person who wrote that scathing comment may have experienced a female who acted in that manner about her wig, and now feels it is their mission to warn others about all the evils of wigs. Eh. Me, I just come to learn and see. If I don’t like what I see, i just keep on scrolling.