This is an issue that has been irritating me to the core. OK, let me refrain from being hostile. This is an issue that has been irritating me for years! Oh well, I tried, I tried but my heart isn’t in it because it’s a problem that needs to be fixed and I think that the Natural Hair Movement (NHM) is one of the ways to change that.
What do I mean? Well, let’s face it…black women, can you find a Beauty Supply Store in America that isn’t owned by Koreans?
By the time I was living in New Orleans and going to college, weaves were big business and you couldn’t pass a block without seeing an ultra-big Beauty Supply Store in the shopping center.
Now, am I equating the BSS with weaves? Yea, kinda, because I can’t remember that many stores being around until weaves got big. I also can’t remember being in a BSS without Koreans running and owning it either.
Now, I have nothing against Korean’s and their entrepreneurial spirit but I do have a problem with them selling every product known to black women for our hair when there are barely any black owned beauty stores.
IT’S OUR HAIR!!! I know we corner the market on the salons and hair stylists that do our hair but we have too many other areas of marketing that we fail to control.
There are the hair products, the added hair, the accessories and even hair trends. We have the numbers and the power but let me slow down before I have people riled up talking about a revolution. I’m just wondering why we don’t monopolize this market and have the majority of beauty supply stores that carry the products we use for our hair.
Now, I’ve heard a few reasons as to why Koreans are owning and running these shops where we find our hair products. One reason being Koreans can get loans from prominently white banks that will not often lend to blacks.
I have heard of banking or lending discrimination and I’m willing to believe at least some of that is true but for the vast majority I know there has to be a deeper explanation.
Sally’s Beauty Supply is the largest chain in America with over 2,300 stores but if you add all the Korean BSS’s together you get three times that many! Scary but true.
Variety demands
He needs to try his Owen products! Variety is not demand.
Besides supremacy issues blk ppl still have to fight against today…the Korea stores seem to have a bigger variety, I would have to drive at least 1hr away to get to a blk owned beauty supply store that would have everything I needed and a good selection of options too! It’s sad!
I agree. Most black people still have a problem supporting each other. As a people we tend to think “we” should get a discount because “we” are supporting each other. Unless that is something we” do in other stores, “we” shouldn’t do that in “our” stores. In addition to that thought process, I’ve seen “our” people charged more for a product just because of the color of our skin causing us to raise the in-store prices to cover our shipping costs. It’s like a catch 22 – we want to own stores catering to us but society and our own people make it a little difficult.
Discounts will NEVER grow a business, and “we” only seem to expect continuous discounts from our own people. As someone who has tried and failed several times to grow my business, that really ticks me off. No matter what price I set, it’s always “too high!” for my own people. My hookup-happy friends don’t care that they’re eating away at my profit margin, which I need to feed my family. The mentality is clear; my people still don’t believe that I deserve to make a profit, but they will line Korean (and European) pockets without the slightest argument! How about hooking ME up by paying the price that I set?
I agree with your statement. I am a designer of one of a kind clothing and jewelry!!! I work harder on average than people that do the same thing of another ethnicity. I am Always asked to lower my prices and they are Very reasonable sometimes dresses under forty dollars, one of a kind and well put together. Truth, we Cannot survive and its our own that does it. Sisters will see my earrings and ask me to lower costs and then they will go to Claire’s or Spencer’s and pay the same amount for a mass produced article of jewelry…smh! It can be disheartening, but I won’t give up!!! I’m glad to know that they are people like you who see this and speak up about it. Thank You for your comment!!! I wish you Blessings Up Always…stay focused and think positive even when it just doesn’t pan out. One day it will, I have to believe that!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I look for product variety, price, customer service, knowledge, and shopping experience …I don’t care who owns it
I hear you but I do wish more black people had the opportunities to own more stores and to keep our buying dollars within our community. Thanks for sharing.
I agree that there are few black own beauty supplies stores. There’s a lot of underlying issues when it comes to this topic. There’s also a lot of questions to accompany this. One thing you can be sure of that it all comes down to the dollar bill. Money talks period. Think about it. If we as a people want to establish and grow business, how come we just don’t cater to our people. Think of all the African-Americans who manufacture natural hair products. How come they just don’t supply their hair products to black retailers only…because of MONEY. They know that the only way they’ll succeed at growing their business is to mass market. Also, I’ve been to a Black-owned BBS. The only thing that was discouraging about it was the limited selection of products and high prices. It simply a matter of supply and demand. Black woman are in need of hair care products and unfortunately Black own BBS don’t have the resources in order to meet the demand, so Black woman flock to Korean owned BBS. Koreans are unfortunately has the means to get the products Black woman want. In the end, we need to simply come together as a people and support our own. Quite frankly, if Black own BBS had the same connections as that of Koreans, there would be some SERIOUS competition in the hair care business.
Yes. Hard to find
I agree w/Mika. ALL of the black (African) owned beauty supply stores that I’ve visited in Houston have very little to offer. Meanwhile, the Asian beauty supply has everything needed for your beauty needs. I would love to patronize my own as support, but “variety demands”.
Yes, variety is the spice of life.
Most black owner stores can’t compete with the prices. Did you see good hair/bad hair by Chris Rock?
Actually no. I know what you are talking about but I didn’t watch the movie for various reasons. I am probably gonna have to break down and watch it.
Chris Rocks “Good Hair” Really opened my eyes and honestly one of the many reason I went natural, and there was one scene that really made me say no more perms, all I’m going to say is that there was a piece of chicken involved..
Any way it disturbs me how people who are from other countries can make money and create there own business but we can’t. You said it right they are taking away our culture.
Its easier for themq
My opinion black owners price are high. So how can you support them.
They probably cannot get the lower prices like their Korean counterparts. We can support them because that’s keeping our buying dollars within our community.
You’ve hit a very important point–the one I would love to make without sounding like I hate my own people. The truth is that we–Black people–don’t support our own as much as other races do. Pardon me for sounding angry, but it’s a very touchy subject, and I take it personally. I can’t tell you how many times I have tried to start my business, and the most flak I get about my supply and especially my prices come from my own people. “Mary Sue” and “Ming Lee” don’t have to deal with “That’s too high!”, and “Come on, hook me up!” We need to stop being crabs in a barrel and support our own people, without making the same tired excuses. When you put money into the business, the business can afford better supply and variety. Help your people help you.
All of the stores prices are high, even the Korean or any other ethnic group that sells Black oriented products. People can spend money when they want to spend money. It’s just an excuse not to support.
They have the hookups and won’t give them away
Good hair by Chris rock is one of the best tv documentarys ever
Yes! Along with lack of variety the prices are more at a black owned beauty supply stores…js
Are there any black owned in Greensboro
Because we don’t have that overseas connect!
It’s not that we don’t have the connections, it’s that the Koreans have made it so the sellers won’t sell to black business owners. It’s a very calculated move to keep us out of our own hair business.
Wow. Hadn’t thought about that. You may be onto something.
It’s what I discovered through research months ago. There is an organization that was formed to help “us” open beauty supply stores and break through the wall of “no’s” when a black store owner goes to buy hair. I wish I remembered the name of the organization.
Think its called BOBSA
Black Owned Beauty Supply Association. My Pure Remy the company I am a hsir distributor in just told us about it on the last conference call.
Very insightful article Sabrina!
Years ago (think 1959-1967) My parents had a small grocery store. The store was a hub for the community, women came in and had coffee, talked to each other about problems, exchanged recipes, gossiped, and of course shopped.
My parents allowed those less fortunate to purchase on credit and pay as they go. This lasted until the first Koreans moved into our neighborhood. Their store was very well stocked, more so than my parents store ( who could not get the credit Koreans were allowed at the banks).
Needless to say, soon my parents customers would walk right past my parents store, go to the Korean store, walk back past my parents store with BIG bags of groceries,( still owing my parents credit!!!) The Koreans had successfully shut my parents down, despite the strong community ties that were formed over the years with my parents.
My mother STILL has the Black credit book she kept accounts in. All remain UNPAID. To be honest, I think we all know Black Folks rarely stick together. EVERY other group does and that’s why they succeed as a group. They can come over here, not speak the language, not socialize outside their group, and wind up wealthy.
This is ashamed!!! Black folks really need to get it together and realize. NO ONE HELPS those who don’t HELP THEMSELVES. No one LOVE those who don’t LOVE THEMSELVES!!!
Eleanor, I very much relate to your story. I am from the same generation as you. I remember going to the store in my community; and my family bought on credit as well (only we made sure the bill was paid). I amazes me how we complain about how prices are higher in a black owned store. Before I go off on a long, drawn out tangent, I just want to say that if your store was in my community I would have supported it. Never mind that your bread may have been 20 cent more than the national chain. The national chain would never give me anything on credit just to get me and my family over the hump. Any you can bet your last bottom dollar that 20 cent more for a loaf of bread doesn’t compare to a growling stomach.
WOW!! Now your mother has a real jewel she should be writing about or have written and edited “Unpaid Grocery Debt” or “Remaining Balance Due” or something. What a truly sad and real situation if I have heard any in my 40yrs. By the way I hardly ever EVER leave posts for any site or reason but this one my fingers and mind I have placed the blame. You tell your mother, if possible, to hang on to that sad reminder and keep it close. God’s blessings and favor upon everyone!!
This is very true, I live in the United Kingdom and South East Asians (mainly Indians and Pakistani’s) own the majority of Black Hair shops. I hate going into the shops as they guard the shop as if they are prison guards watching over prisoners in a yard- they have workers strategically placed in every corner of the shop, they have security cameras and mirrors covering all areas of the shop also. They even have the nerve to follow you sometimes, I hate that they hate us (By showing us such disdain by assuming we are all thieves yet LOVE our money). So many black people overlook this fact, they don’t see the bigger picture, they are more concerned with the price, getting that product for £3.99 instead of £5.99 (I get this as I am guilty of this myself). However we should care about this, the black hair industry generates millions of pounds in the UK, I can only assume that this is far greater in the US, why should we not be profiting from an industry that predominately caters to US. The lack of unity and faith in the black community is what in my opinion holds us back, ‘United we stand Divided we fall’. South east Asian people understand this as they are overall quite a close knit community and help and support each other in business and in other areas and are in doing much better financially than African-Caribbean people in this country. Communities that do well socially and economically are respected even though they may still be subjected to racism and discrimination.
Lord God Khaya, you just said a mouth full and I enjoy every piece of it. Women can cuss out LaKeisha like nobody’s business for shorting them on a rib tip platter but let them go into one of those Korean Beauty Supply stores, they just as mild and meek and subject themselves to be ridiculed like they are on a slave platform, being followed around, talked about by those Koreans in their language, putting them on a showcase, trying to find the right wig for them and telling them it’s pretty and nice when all the while it looks like a damp dog and don’t talk about the return policy, you buy, you buy….that’s it, don’t come back because we got your money now so skedaddle outta here until you come back with more money to buy new hair. I pray our sistas wake up and realize we are just pawns in this hair game and we are the losing pieces. If anyone knows of any Black own BSS, please pass on the information.
I don’t even know if there is a black owned beauty supply store here in a Oakland anymore. There used to be one but he NEVER had any inventory…you want to support black owned businesses but they make it hard when they don’t have any products to buy!!!
It depends on where im at or what I need at the time. Not too many black owned beauty supplies stores where I live.
I wouldn’t care if a Australian owned it. I look for great customer service, variety of products, employee knowledge, and preferably locally owned.
I often wonder why???
because they have connections on the goods, and they know the Black hair care stores is were the money at.
So true.
Here in louisville, ky. I’ve only ran across one black owned hair store and they really don’t carry natural hair products like the other stores do that are not black owned.
I know exactly what you mean. I’m in Louisville too and the only non-Korean beauty shops around here is Sally’s and believe me, Sally is NOT Black! You don’t see the Korean owned shops in the wealthier sections of the city, Only the lower-middle to low income areas, but then again it’s no secret that Black women spend more money on hair products than any other ethnicity, so they go where the money is. They hate us but they need us. I haven’t stepped in a Korean BSS in 5 years and I don’t think I ever will again.
Nope cuz I don’t use any of that stuff. … professional products only
Because their coming to the USA taking over everything!!!!
I do support black owned beauty supply stores when I can find them.
Not only variety demands…but prices….I have been in many black owned businesses. ..their prices are ridiculous! ! And we never want to cut eachother any discounts…you got to give a little to get a little! !
Korean has the bus warehouses locked down…
Unfortunately it is still a big struggle for African American to get loans like that ,it’s easier for foreigners to get business loans!
I have a black owned not too far from me…I don’t mind the drive, but don’t go bcuz they ither are out of the products I need (don’t purchase enough stock) or they don’t carry my products I buy (not enough variety)!
Because black people refuse to step up and be entrepreneurs
What does it matter hair is hair.
Unfortunately not enough variety and the prices are more reasonable…
I’ve owned a Beauty Supply Store and have tons of friends with stores….I can go on and on about this subject.
Would love to but mainly Asian
It might b bcuz its easier to get loans from the banks for asians…i can barely get tha homie to pau me back my 20 bucks
Foreigners get government grants and different monies that allow them to have successful businesses. They truly are awarded for becoming citizens as where blacks have to spend more and work more just to start a business let alone invest in having the supplies.
I make my own natural products for my locs. I shop at Sally beauty supply, Walmart, and as a last resort Asian-owned beauty store if I can’t wait or find it anywhere else.
We are too busy buying the hair when we should be manufacturing and distributing the hair. As usual our focus is in the wrong place
I don’t even know any black owned in Cleveland and don’t care to be honest I’m always searching for a deal black owned shops back in ny where I’m from cost entirely too much
Yes they do
Their prices are more reasonable and they have a wider variety of products
Ive always thought this…
Of course they outnumber black-owned bss’s! there’s a black owned on near my house and their prices are ridiculously more than the other non-black owned ones in my area. I refuse to go to a black owned business or any business w/ higher prices when I can go get what I need cheaper.
In the past I would seek out black owned stores, but their prices would be much higher than a Korean or Arabic owned beauty store. So I don’t care who owns it as long as I can find what I’m looking for at a fair price.
It’s the PRICES. nothing more, nothing less. I want to be more supportive of black businesses but 9 times out of 10, the same product will either not be in stock or higher. The exception is Wal-Mart or Target. But I def don’t patronize Korean beauty suppliers half as much since returning natural.
Because we won’t support each other
These conments tho….smh. Fact is, we can’t get loans like foreigners can! They get interest FREE visas and they use that to start a business, then they get their products cheap from overseas so of course their prices will be cheaper!! People always want a “hook-up” but don’t know the meaning of profit/loss, income statements, markups, etc etc. This country made it too easy for aliens to get rich! I knew people that had beauty supply stores in the DFW area, those Asians came through and bought an old Target store and ran them out of business! THEY….stick together, whereas we DON’T! And that will ALWAYS be our downfall as a people!
They out number black owned businesses because we have got to be some of the most selfish folks on earth! We don’t support each other, we’re always thinking somebody is trying to get over on us! These folks stick together, support each other whether they know each other personally or not! Black folks need to take heed!
Asian’s control the black hair market making it hard for black owners to carry and order various products, The manuals in which you order from are written in there language (Korean) making the process even more difficult for black owners to keep up with supply and demand while eliminating the competition at the same time causing black owners to over price the limited product’s they receive to stay in business… Fact: They will not spend there money with you… that’s the truth drink it!!! Fact: You making the richer, that’s why your only option is them…
I say this all the time. We are the largest hair product consumer and the least represented in the business. #boom
When i go into a black owned beauty shop,the first thing they do is look me down and try to sell me some non quality hair and /or accessories!!! Get mad when you don’t buy for high price, and once you leave store cussed you out and refuse to serve you again in near future!!!! Unprofessional!!!!
@ Marsha Denise Willis-Howard, please give us the list of these black owned businesses.
The only black beauty supply where I live has limited stock and high prices! Sorry but I’m on a budget…
lets be real here Asians have help over seas too they can get they products cheaper too. And they stick together key word stock together. I don’t wear weave so I don’t go to the Korean shop it’s rarely I do. When I do go which is not a lot I get flowers brush some hair product maybe a shampoo that’s it. Not they weaves. When I see a black owned I do try to help them.
If I knew where one was I would go but we don’t have any in louisville , notice everyone is saying the same thing blacks charge more that’s because the korean took over with not having to pay taxes and having a connection they know nothing about black hair but you are steady giving then your money I rather talk to someone who had experience.every hair is human hair to them even id it is burning and melting in front of them.they won’t get my dollar no more
Yes I do, I support black beauty business , however it’s harder the you think open a beauty supply store, they get their supply’s from other Asians they will not sell to you if you are not Asian I know I have tried.
It all comes down to the cost of the products. The Koreans are able to get their products cheaper so they can sell them cheaper. It’s a recession. Money is tight.
N nevr
I very much disliked this article. She forgot to mention that black owned businesses were sold to bigger companies and that’s a big reason why there are few black owned BSS.
The government denied most small business loans to black people. They have been giving the Asians loans since they arrive on the boats. Free housing, food, and education.
I live in St. Louis, MO which is a fairly big city and I don’t know of any black owned beauty supply. We are flooded with foreign owned BSS, which I shop at very occasionally. I get all types of treatment when I go to some of them. I’ve had people there talk down to me, call me honey and sweety, not let my kids use their restroom, etc. There was a black owned BSS here several years ago and the customer service there was great! I mean the owner even remember what my favorite products were. However, he said he couldn’t get a good wholesale price on hair and ultimately ended up closing. I think we need to stop shopping there until we get better service. There are a few that have pretty good service and a few that have black employees, but they are the exception. Rarely when I come in do they ask, is there anything I can help you with? Rarely do they have any product knowledge beyond whether they carry it or not. So I get the majority of my hair products from the drugstore and health food stores. I could talk about this all day, but I won’t. I’m glad you addressed this topic though. We NEED to talk about it.
I live in the suburbs of Chicago… I sought out a Black owned beauty supply and it was the worse experience ever!! Because it was a Black owned business…I went back again and endure the same terrible treatment. I will always support any Black owned business but not that place ever again! Truth be told..doesn’t matter who owns it, if you treat your customers in a bad, rude manner, don’t expect a recommendation or more visits!
i’m convinced by most of these comments: we are a sick people. it’s over for most of us (maybe that’s a good thing). no more to say.
I have been saying the same thing. I am a hair distributor for a black owned company. When I tell my friends and family that I sale a higher quality hair than the beauty supply they say that they will check it out and then they don’t because they feel that we are ripping our own people off. They then think well you not getting rich off of me. They also assume that their my color or my friend let me ask them for a texture of hair I never buy because I can’t afford it and see if they will give it to me discounted. It truly sucks that they will support those that truly do take you for advantage and try to use the ones who truly are there ro help.
Dont seem to be many in Los Angeles. The Asians have it all. And the even know their products. Gotta love ’em for hooking me up.
I’ve even advised people they could join the company and get the wholesale pricing and have a great product everytime and have the option to sell the hair to someone who says they like it. The only thing I hear is I can’t afford it right now. Which one is it you just asked me can you buy 2 bundles of 26′ Malaysian hair, but you can’t afford a one time charge of $34 to have access to this hair at wholesale prices for a lifetime and have it sent straight to you instead of wasting gas and dealing with the stores that have the ghetto girls in the back that act like they don’t see you at all. It’s pure laziness to me.
Could it be that the korean owned shop is cheaper ?
Because the black ones are rude!
Paynes Beauty Supply is a black owned and operated beauty supply business. Straight Request is a black owned manufacture. Check us out at
Because they have access to more suppliers. They can also buy more inventory for much cheaper than we can. Dont forget about the exemptions and incentives that they get for moving here to open businesses. Many of their suppliers are right their in their native country….. They only pay a percentage of what you and I would pay for supplies.
You are right. I cannot deny your words even if I wanted to.
Louise Due Kjøller, you’re right! They are significantly cheaper because they buy their products at a fraction of what black stores pay.
I love it when I hear concerns about prices. I’ve heard customers mention such and such is cheaper, then call the place and ask the price just too find that it’s actually higher. Folk see black and assume high…
There are many sterotypes about black businesses within our own community!! A lot of that negative labeling needs to stop! Thanks for sharing.
This story was just coincidentally sent to me…
Lower prices.
I agree 100% CUSTOMER SERVICE is very important.
Well price is not my issue, I’d like that list of businesses you know of.
Please watch!!
My old co-worker was part owner of a black beauty supply store upstate New York and she use to tell me the struggle her and her business partner went through I would give her tips on what ever info I learn it’s sad the Koreans got the hair game on lock we are the laughing stock of American because we continue to allow that to happen I feel like our ancestors fight for freedom is in vain sometimes
I haven’t come across one
Where are they.
Aren’t the people making the products black
Many are but a lot of the bigger manufacturers are jumping on the natural hair bandwagon and slashing prices to get back their customers. Many of us left after we stopped relaxing.
As long as blacks keep producing that’s cool.. In england its asian indians, they follow u round like a bad smell. They don’t actually have a clue about the products.
I do. But black owned are twice as high, because they have to pay twice as much. To me, the reality is I want to go where its the cheapest no matter who’s behind the counter. There is a black owned one in my city.. I was so excited.. He charges 7.99 for Ardel eyelashes.. And 8.99 for the kanekalon braiding hair… :0 at this point ill never go back!!
That’s unfortunate but you already know the reasons. Maybe ask if they can have more sales or have coupons so they can properly compete with the lower priced BSS.
8.99 for a 1.99 pack of braiding hair?!?! that is CRAZY!
I don’t. I go where is closest and has what I want! The black owned I have been to charge way more, have smaller selections, and have attitude. Most of the Asian ones here also hire tons of black people! Who cares anyways. Everything has come to race!
Well, I like keeping our dollars in our community because most of the Koreans do that and actually keeping dollars within your community helps to uplift all within it. It’s just another way to build black people up and become more economically sound. WE give so much of our money to other communities and it hurts us in the long run.
Where are they in Mobile Alabama???
I agree with this article! But for me it seems like Black people are greedy with their prices, they want to charge an arm and a leg for stuff you can get at a Korean store for a more reasonable price. In New Orleans, you can go and buy a pack of spongy rollers for $3 at a Korean owned store but at a Black store they want to sell you the same thing for $11.
THat is sad. I hate that I have to shop at the closest store but like in your situation you really don’t have a choice. Thanks for sharing.
I’m sorry you did not like the article. It’s hard to get everything into one piece because this is a bigger issue or problem and there are many reasons why we shop at the Korean owned stores and that there are fewer black owned stores. I appreciate you commenting.
I don’t know about some of you but I need to shop at a black owned beauty shop because what do Asian people know about our hair??? Anyway i have gone to plenty of Asian owned beauty supply stores and have felt uneasy because its like they follow you around the store and watch you like a hawk, make you not want to shop and not all their prices are cheaper! Im done, im waay too tired to go on.
No not really.
It doesn’t matter who’s running the shop that I’m purchasing my products at as long as I’m treated like a valued customer just as everyone else. I’ve gone into a hair supply store in New York that had Guyanese, Korean, and Blacks working there. I got treated BETTER by the Korean worker than I did by the Black worker. As I was reading products, you could see him standing at the end of each aisle as I was determining what I needed, staring at me like I was going to steal something! The Korean helped me to find what it was I was looking for. I’d be all for supporting more Black owned businesses and ventures if I could find some that’s worth being supported in the first place because not all of them deserve our money just the same as some of these Korean owned stores don’t deserve our money either.
I don’t know of any black owned stores in baton rouge, if you do let me know. But I don’t shop the Koreans either. I use Sally’s mostly, its walking distance to my house. I also use Walgreens, Walmart, and Amazon for most items. When I get my hair braided the braider provide the hair, she is African, don’t know where she gets it from though. I don’t wear weaves / wigs so I’ve never had a reason to shop the Korean stores. The couple of times I went in 2 or 3 I was treated poorly like you mentioned and never went back. I’m a professional career woman, I don’t want to be followed around like I just got out of prison for shoplifting.
Black owners of beauty shops represent the true value of our products. But we so accustomed to bargins.. Dig deeper n support each other. Its the only way to claim back our products
Blacks dont produce any of these materials. We can’t because their is no demand for “our” hair. HOWEVER, many blacks have learned the secret WHICH IS; purchase hair from an online distributor. Granted, its still a non-black vendor BUT you will save a heap of money. Furthermore, Korean hair products are CHEAP (NOT INEXPENSIVE BUT CHEAP)…Sally’s is the absolute best for great hair products like oils and moisturizers. Your natural supplement stores or drug stores are also good. I dont patronize Asian stores anymore because they DONT LIKE US. Plain and simple….that’s like handing over a loaded gun to your enemy. I’m a licensed Barber and weave tech, so I use mostly professional products anyways.
I totally agree with your article. I sent a letter to Walmart, Target, Dollar General, etc about black women majority purchase of hair care products for us – I asked them to have more affordable and attainable products. I have gotten positive feedback concerning this problem. I too have no problem with Korean businesses but not when they don’t know our hair and neither do they care to know. The big problem is distribution for black-owned BBS most hair etc comes from Korea or India and they ALWAYS give that business to Koreans or Indians period. (I have done the research) personally if I can’t find my products at Walmart, Target or Sally’s I order online.
Believe me your article does not make sense I don’t think you actually critiqued the article because if you did – you would make sense. We and only we are the problem. An african American despises an african from Africa , a black carribean despises an african in the diaspora the list is endless. Unless we believe we begin to appreciate that we have something in common and move towards making a difference, the Korean in the US, the indian in Uk will use our weakness to their advantage. I am from Africa, you are of Africa lets move on and make a change.
I stopped patronizing Korean beauty supply stores about five years ago because of the disrespect shown to me as disrespect to me as a customer. I live in Las Vegas and there are several black owned businesses where I can purchase the products that I need. However, if I cannot find them I will order online or go to a white owned business before supporting the Koreans no matter how many black people they have working in their establishment
I’m recently relocated to Las Vegas and would love to know the wearabouts of black-owned beauty supply stores. I’ve received very good treatment from the Korean owned ones in my neighborhood but would prefer to patronize black owned. I’m in the Central Las Vegas area by UNLV. Can you give me some locations that you’re already familiar with, or the cross streets so I can look them up? Thank you very much for your commenting.
Cause the product comes from Asia
I try to support the Black owned business’, just because there trying and they want to make a statement! We have to support are own! The korean’s they move over here to the U.S. and they really dont have to pay any taxes or they come from a wealthly backround. So, when Black owned business do open a business, no black people support they keep on going to the other side (whatever that may be) and give them your money! If I can help it, my brotha’ or my sistah will get my ends! I feel you but do ou feel ME!
I can’t find one in Saint Louis. I have attempted to buy products from salons that are black owned but the markups are too high.
For years we only had one beauty supply store with the variety of products and other items in Baldwin, New York. It is owned by Asian Americans. Althought they never mistreated me I often hear other patrons complain about their treatment while I am in the store. But last year a Black owned shop opened up, with similar products,a great assortment and comparable prices, so I now patronize “Gabbys.” There is absolutely no reason not too. Plus I really want them to succeed.
That’s the biggest problem.
Our lack of solidarity is troubling and a valid reason we do not own as much as other races. It’s not the ONLY reason but it does factor in .
Where I live there is no black own stores, walmart and target don’t even have half of black products, the shelf is so small for black products. Walgreens about the same. Now in Los Angeles, ca there is a lot more black products everywhere, but the places are not owned by blacks. Blacks use to have all the beauty stores , but they scolded them and moved on to other things, then the Koreans came in big time. I mostly order my products, it’s a shame that there is no black owners of the market and that you can’t get the products on the ground . The valley seems to be behind in all of it.
Does it truly matter who owns a store if they have what you need? I’m Catholic and I buy from any religion owner. This is 2014, everything and everyone is mixed in with each other whether it be race religion sex or orientation. Now a days, the most racist people are the ones crying race discrimination. Who owns a store means absolutely nothing unless you make it something. If they have what you need, why does it matter?
I don’t know of any.
Not really, I just look for black product.
Black owned businesses are higher and Korean stores are able to buy in larger quantities. Also, the seller is not selling to Blacks like they are too other nationalities.
The ones I knew of locally were always dearer than other shops.
I have been asking that question for the past 20 years.
I have always supported black owned businesses.
I wish they had one in my area.
most of the time you go into black own beauty supplies shops the black in there act all stuck up when you walk in they act like they not interested in your business they all off somewhere in a corner talking about baby mama drama or something that they think will get them to the top ; i’ve been in a lot of black own shops and they act just the way i say they do but; you go into a korean shop they always running to get your money if not that asking what can i help you with; and you complaining about them getting a government grant they get grants for everything they need and want why not try it a stop being so negative about it and talking about it be about it and do your own thing file for a government grant yourself a see some results. It has nothing to do with where you live or the color of your skin let go of some of that negativity and it will work for you as well.
For some reason we don’t invest in ourselves but judge others when they don’t give back, these black hairstylists should especially own their own beauty supply stores, this people follow you around the store you can hardly understand what they are saying, they have sensor tags thru hair… me and my mother got to arguing because I didn’t want her to purchase hair she couldn’t feel nor see because it had a sensor tag then the man had to nerve to say it’s 100 human hair, I took off my rubber band and my natural hair fell pass my shoulders and I said NO this is 100% Human Hair…
Black owned beauty supply stores prices are to high!
I want to support black owned beauty supplies in Los Angeles, but I haven’t found one. If anyone knows of any, please reply.
I have done some research on the issue and discovered there is an organization that was formed specifically to help black entrepreneurs open a beauty supply store. I wish I remembered the name. I hope they are successful in breaking through the monopoly the Koreans have in the hair import business.
cause black folks aren’t thinking !
They’re thrown to work in black communities and we always give our money back to Chinese stores, beauty stores, ect you would never see those in a suburban neighborhood
I wish there was a list and I sure would. If there is one for Houston, TX someone PM me please.
I used to work for a hair care company and HATED every minute of having to go into the majority of these local beauty supply stores. In my opinion, the reason why they own the majority of these stores is because sadly they are more organized and have the means to strongly persuade other distributors to only work with them. I have actually been behind the scenes to their warehouse distribution centers (this is where they shop for stock in order to fill their beauty supply stores) and I believe it is implied rule that they only sell to each other. If a Korean business owner (I know this to be true especially in Atlanta and Chicago) does not receive the go ahead from one of the many established Korean Business Associations to open up a beauty shop in a particular area they will make that person’s life very hard. They have their own code of conduct that they follow and it is almost impossible to break their rules.
In my opinion, we need to start being more upset with the manufacturers of various brands that make it harder for us to truly thrive and offer more competitive pricing. Everyone seems to be complaining that the black owned hair stores are higher, but this is the reason why. Those store owners are often times forced to sell products at a higher price because they can’t get the deals the Korean owners do. I’m fortunate enough to live by a Target, Ulta, TJMaxx or shop online for what I need in addition to attending and buying products at black hair events (that’s when I really stock up!). In my opinion, until we stand up to the manufacturers I don’t foresee their being a resolution to this issue.
In my area they block out the blacks from getting supplies ; sometimes I think it would be nice to boycott them because it’s manly us using these products. The man who has a store here the charge him more so get his supplies also…. Not rite!
They are smarter now … They hire blk people to work In the stores to help you now
Yea, but we know who’s behind the register and who’s reaping the monetary benefits.
I’ve tried to support the black owned, however, if I’m greeted with a sour look, ur personal phone calld take priority over assisting ur costumers, & ur prices are not competitive …then I go elsewhere. Not all should be painted w/ the same brush, but I’m only speaking based on my experiences.
WOW!!!! LETS NOT JUST TALK ABOUT IT LETS BE ABOUT IT. I live IN NJ A KOREAN, HAIR STORE IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER FROM WHERE I LIVE, IM WILLING TO BOYCOTT. But the problem is there are no black own beauty stores around.. So until one comes I can shop walmart.
Koreans, Chinese ect. Have been making money off black people for years. We by there chicken wings/ other food by the massive and hair supply.
They study are needs then supply it.
Why? Because we are busy being consumers, rather than PRODUCERS…
No! Too expensive
Korean ppl treat us just as bad if not worse… And we still shop in there stores
I try to go to health food stores or chain store for the most part.
Toni Daley is doing a sister owned black owned movement. I know for me after doing a little research I was really taken back about how many black owned businesses were right around the corner that I had never heard of.I dont rather is it a lack of advertisement or not enough ppl spreading the word.
Get it cheaper and sell it cheaper. My husband is Laos and we have 2 stores.
I don’t know of any black owned beauty supply shops in my neighborhood…I prefer Walmart over the Korean stores…better prices and you can shop without feeling like you are being watched…
Oh no, Walmart is just as bad as the Koreans,they haven’t given some of their employees raises in nine years
I hate to say it.. But, I don’t knw any black owned & operated hair supply stores..
This makes me more determined to open my store
Yes but they don’t always have everything you need…I just go where the product is to purchase. ..
Yeah, & Sunny(black man owner) married to the Asian Woman!
It would be nice if this was plausable. I personally don’t know where any are and as Larianna James mentioned, quite often when you go in the black owned business they don’t greet you, act like they are doing you a favor being there and more often than not their prices are higher. There are some uncouth Asians as well but for the most part they at least pretend to appreciate you coming in their store…ijs, speaking from my own experiences! I am truly, truly annoyed when you go in a store and they are on the phone and don’t even attempt to acknowledge you…oops you just lost a sale cuz I’m outta here!!!
The last one I saw got broken into a few weeks after smh
from what i learned about this is black owned beauty supplies stores have to pay for their products up front and other owners can pay for there’s later
Where r they located?
We have to understand there is a system set in place to keep us from rising and that includes Nubian ownership of businesses. We have been historically taught (if you call maiming, torturing and beating the life out of us “teaching”) to never rely on Self, but to go to an outside authority for our needs. It is no accident that We own less than 5% of the wealth in this country. It was NEVER because we are inept, lazy or inherently worthless. It is because of the systematic destruction of the Nubian self-worth. If you don’t feel good about self and your abilities, how in the world are you going to create something? As far as the Koreans go, they have been taught (as all other cultures that benefit from our dollars) that we are consumers and not creators. They’re also our very aware of our self-hate. Why else would We spend billions of dollars to look like the very people who despise us? I believe We will rise again (the Awakening is only just beginning) but it will happen for all of Us when we admit that our cultural story of slavery continues to debilitate us now, accept that truth, quit being embarrassed and ashamed about what was done to us and get on with the healing. It’s time We woke up to our true status in this country. If you can’t face the light of truth you will never get out the darkness of falsehood. In the name of all Our ancestors: Blessings to Us ALL.
Tue talk sister. The first step is becoming conscious of what’s really going on, seeing the bigger picture, and a desire for better treatment. I hope there is a mass movement of coming together and supporting each other more. There seems to be less focus on community and more focus on self (which I am so guilty of doing). That the only thing that used to be on my mind when going to hair shop/beauty supply store was getting a product that was affordable that worked okaish in my hair- thought they were good at time but now that I am getting to know what really works well in my hair I know better. Getting my weave so that I could look good and presentable- that I wouldn’t notice one of the Asian workers strategically position at the corner of the store staring at me the whole time I was in the shop, another worker would usually come up to me and say hello darling what do you need, just looking would be my reply. Their eyes would be constantly burning a hole in my back until I got to the counter. When I started to become more increasingly aware of this every time I went into the stores I would get angrier and angrier. Why should I put up with that sort of treatment, what does that say about how I feel about myself and how I think I deserve to be treated if I am willing to tolerate such B.S, my money was good enough for them to take so why wasn’t I being treated and all the other black women in the shop being treated like valuable customers.
There are some valid points about some black owned stores, such as not having very good customer service and having an ‘attitude’, however this is not the case in all black owned stores. I have been in some and the women that worked there were very pleasant and I love being able to ask the opinion of another black woman on what hair would suit me best and for her to actually spend time to look and to give me her honest opinion or whether she has used a particular product in her hair. It may be slightly more costly but the more support you give increases their ability to get a foothold in the hair industry market and to get wholesale discounts like the Asians do. Also showing support to your fellow sisters who are selling their products online is another good place to start.
I smiled so widely upon reading your comment in it’s entirety. I’ve been saying this for years. We need to forgive ourselves for what’s been done to us and begin to heal. To say get over it is cruel and dismissive. We’ve experienced real trauma here. But we are continuing that trauma towards each other now and only we can stop it, change ourselves. We have a right to exist in this world like anyone else and need to come to the feeling within ourselves that that is the case instead of living out our lives like we need to apologize for living/existing. I believe in ‘diversity’ and being apart of a global village and appreciating that as we all need each other. No one ethnicity has everything. But we need to believe we are equal as well to anyone else, not hanging on the crumbs of other peoples while being spit on in the face.
They get PAID by the government to come here and own businesses smh…We can’t even get a loan.
True but at least you know not every black owned business treats their customers badly. It seems some may have one experience or just hear about a bad experience and lump all black owned businesses to be the same way.
Without a doubt!
Wow, i keep hearing this. The lengths some will go to keep us from rising.
Was that one experience or 20. Not all stores are going to be the same.
Sharon Williams-Lester yeah but the prices seem to better and black owned beauty supply houses seem to be hard to find.
i have seen signs of saying black owned and go in it is koreans running it
Oh! Did I mention, the nails, eye lashes, and pedie…geesh! They know we like wearing the weave or a wig….
I counted up the cost for my eye lashes, nails, and pedi, by the way none which is healthy for you, The nails damage your natural nail and the eyelashes pulls your own eyelashes out and the stone the use on your feet only makes your heel dry and even more Rough. All that money can be saved in an acct if we learn to stop giving it away… Especially in times like these with the economy being so bad. Not saying don’t treat yourself but one must ask, what do you need more when you, retire???? Money and all your debt being paid off before retirement or you need eyelashes , nails and beauty
So they can retire, with lush and all the money they have saved from us. Truth be told we all see it but fail to change. IJS
The five i been to did,I’m not saying all do Sabrina Richmond Perkins,im stating my experience with the ones i dealt with!!!
SUGGESTION: We may not be able to find many Black beauty supply stores on land (brick and mortar) but there are quite a few of them to be found online. In cyberspace, you can compare prices and shipping costs!
well said its not about the owner but his/her ability to run a business.
because they know where to get the supplies real cheap which is in their home town
I do seek out beauty supply.stores, but owners are getting hip to that. They hire black workers and managers, so it looks black owned. Then one day, you go in and there’s an Asian in the back.
I don’t patronize none of them, I have to much self respect to tolerate mistreatment from any ethnicity, a lot of black folks act like they still have a slave mentality…I say to black people who want open a hair supply; it can be done!!! Put/Keep God first and he’ll put the right people in your path, But beware of the crabs in the barrel and don’t compromise with them, You will not miss their patronage….I promise you….:)
I was a cosmetologist for 10 years, and even now I have never completely severed ties with the cosmetology community. When I was a haircare specialist, my colleagues and I ordered from local Black owned beauty supply stores as much as we could. However they were not nearby, so we had to have items delivered; in our area there were no Black owned suppliers, and this was when Sally had just opened in our areas, and they did not carry much for Black or ethnic hair care. The only places left in a pinch were Asian beauty suppliers. Now, the Black owned ones have disappeared, and although Sally has stepped up their game, they are still lacking-why would anyone spend $50 on extension hair in limited selection when they could spend $20 and get exactly what they want? Part of why Black customers patronize Asian suppliers is because there are all that is nearby and convenient, and the other part, especially prevalent in the current economy, is the almighty dollar. Black owned suppliers do charge more for the same items. In some cases it may be the higher cost to obtain them and in some cases they could price a little lower but don’t want to shrink their margins to compete, and they price themselves right out of business. There is likely something to the lack of bank loan support as well, but from what I have learned both while I was a cosmetologist and later in my banking career, is that they often have family support and Asian investors who are more than willing to give them a start-often they don’t come to a bank until much later when they want to expand their business or renovate. Sadly not many Black family members and community leaders want to take a chance on supporting a black business-they don’t trust that they will receive a return on their investment. Until that changes, Asian suppliers will outnumber Black suppliers.
Please, i’m begging you. DONT DO IT, DONT MAKE ME TELL YOU.
I don’t shop in these Korean beauty supply stores. They treat us like crap and think we’re all thieves…so why do people still shop with them? I haven’t in over 7years and they’ll never get another penny from me.
I am looking into owning my own beauty supply store. If you can give me pointers, I guarantee you I will open one and it will have employees that are bother courteous and skillful.
if I do find one it’s good but I mostly run into chines or Vietnamese or some other kind of oriental store
you guys come on god never pic and choose to blessed you and it takes hard work and determination whats yours is yours forever god bless usa
NOT entirely true. We as a race have gotten entirely too LAZY and will not open a book to read and research government aids/grants if our lives depended upon it. Women especially minority women… there are grants and funds available to start businesses, non profit & profit. Some of which you don’t even have to pay back! We shouldn’t be complaining about “foreigners” we SHOULD be complaining about ourselves. Do the research… I’ve recently discovered some government aids that will help me so, it’s there. we just gotta quit pointing the envious finger at others because there are 3 more pointing back at us.
Black Owned-
Because blacks always try to over charge there own people.
Yes. More so black owned natural haired beauty products…e.g. Alikay Naturals and more
I’d like to know if there are any black owned beauty supply stores in the Atlanta Georgia area
The only one I know of is in the Food Court in Green briar Mall.
Totally agree with Monique Jones…they over charge and won’t give their ‘own kind’ a break or a deal to help build their clientele. They don’t know how to win us over…too busy trying to get rich off of us…Smh
No money.
I don’t seek them out but I patronize them
^^ we want more!
Asians got the hook up on the product that blacks seek but don’t need…
Nope… went in one and it was overly priced. But I don’t spend money in stores whose employees have no common courtesy either in the Atlanta area that is a BOB
Most not all but most of the black owned hair shops I’ve been to the workers can’t stop their phone conversation long enough to help you they see you walk in the door instead of asking if you need help they wait till you find them.and don’t ask to see more than a couple packs of hair they act like they’re’s a couple Chinese/Korean stores where i live that once you start coming frequently they give you discounts and throw little extras in the bag.
good points!
And when you go into a Korean beauty supply store…they watch you like a hawk because they swear all black people steal!
This is so true. I started my business as a black hair care product distributor and could not even get one of the black owned beauty supply stores to work with me. The black owned salons will buy product for their personal use but wont carry my products to retail to their customers.I try to educate them by pointing out that you loose up to 71% potential profits by not carrying product in your salon. Plus they are spending an average of $75 a week running to the Korean owned stores. It’s not the Koreans fault. It appears that some black people don’t have a mind for business or a sense of community.
I think you raise some VERY valid points! Often I’ve seen us have a business idea, but not get the business know how and wherewithal to run that business. We think just because Aunt Mary can throw down in the kitchen she should run a restaurant. We want to make money but not learn how or put in the sweat equity to make it work! I’ve gone into our businesses that don’t have that today or have only 3 of something. Go to school and learn about business, connect with the SBA and network and find a successful mentor! You ever notice how certain communities support their own, but they do it because their own have a good product, prices and business mindset! Best of luck to you!
Try G’Natural Products. Order from a local distributor or online. If the product is not in your area then become a distributor. Send me a Email for samples [email protected] . This company is black owned and has helped me start my own business. It is a black owned company and everyone who has sampled the product has placed an order.
I find that the black stores prices are to high and have less variety.
I have yet to find a black owned beauty store in London. Could anyone enlighten me if they know of one.
This is one reason why i plead to u black women so start going naturally.. U think customer service and paying cheap for hair is going to help out black communities.. These asians are making shit load a money from our communities. but still you will never find one going to our black business.. Wake up Black Women!!!
Braun Shuga yea we get lazy to educate our selves but never lazy to twerk and be all up in the club acting like we got money.. please… another excuse is what we need, why not start some sort of organization to educate these ppl who don’t know. The Jews and asians do it.. Why Cant us black ppl.. Try another excuse.
I haven’t seen any black owned
Some of these comments are blowing my mind. Crabs in a barrel! God forbid we (Black people) should support our own community. Ever stop to think that those Black businesses can’t afford to “hook you up” with a discount until you put your dollars into their business? I’ve never heard anybody trying to ask “Ming Lee” for a hook-up, and their prices aren’t that cheap. I’ve seen outrageous mark-ups in Korean BSS’s, but nobody throws a fit about that. Half the products in a BSS are made by Black businesses, but you’d rather rob them of a few pennies than buy them in a Black store. Try investing in your own people instead of slamming them down, and the story just might change. Otherwise, you don’t get to complain about how everybody else treats the Black community.
Marie Bush! Take that “hook a nigga up mentality” back to the Asian owned beauty suppliers…bet you won’t, cuz they’ll cuss yo ass out in their language & English…you’re the type of customer no business owner wants to do business with, although every business should run specials/have sales…that’s why most demographics don’t like serving really poor urban areas…they leave that to asians and the Arabs to sell that China made/watered down Shit that’s expired, but they slap new dates on them…#whysomeofusdontresearchshit..
EBONY did an article on this just a few years ago. I will try to find the link and post it. It was an eye opening story and there were a myriad of reasons that I never suspected.
I live in London the ones I have gone into are very expensive and end up closing down after a few months.
i don’t know of any blacked owned beauty shops in my area. I live in an are that used to have 1 just one place in a 50 mile radius where you could buy black hair products. When a new shop opened (by an Asian family) we were thrilled. they carried so many more varieties and listened when you asked for other products, hired black sales associates and were nice. I do live in Southern MD. and we tend to be nice anyways but still. When Kmart, Wal-mart, Target, and the major drug stores started carrying Black hair products it was fantastic as well. They all tend to carry the same popular brands. They of course do not sell wigs or weave. I think like every other type of business, there maybe some black owned out there but they are few and far between unless you live in a metropolitan are with a lot of black people. I would love too be able to find some black owned business other than a restaurant, barbershop, and hair salon. The beauty shop one is a mystery tough since it’s a guaranteed money maker. The black hair salons and barbershops sell products but just like any hair salon the products costs way more when you buy them at a salon then in a regular store.
Great article, we’ll said. We do need to support our black people, the beauty industry is hard on we blacks, I agree with everything you all said, won’t say much But I own my own black own beauty supply at 27yrs of age, it’s not your typical Korean store, it’s very upscale. I sell our product and knowledgable about them cos of course I use them. Lol. Am here in Smyrna GA. I am on IG as we’ll jobelbeauty Virginia hair n beauty supply. It was not a great journey I got turned down million times but at the end am coming through.
There are so many reasons
I saw a documentary that spoke about how Koreans have a race advantage over blacks in beauty supply chains because everything is written in their language, they counterfeit a lot if brands and they knowingly set up in our communities to extort our dollars. They can sell an item for $1 because they get it for $0.15…. Blacks get it for $1 and have to sell it for $2-3 just to make a profit. SO WHERE DO WE SPEND OUR MONEY??? EXACTLY!
There is one black owned bss in my area but its expensive my olive oil relaxer is $8.99 there but only $6 at the asian owned one. In my case its the prices.
That’s because they have a home court advantage. Those buyer catalogs are not in English so we need a middle man.
That is not true
Okay my comment has been censored. Nevermind.
Too many people afraid of the truth.
Because they have so much stuff!! It’s like going to Disney world for the first time. Lol
i agree and the black owned ones never seem to have what I’m looking for
I do….but there’s few…. I’m sick of being followed around the store
exactly how the hell you going to make a store for black women and treat them like criminals.
For me it’s a price issue. Every black owned beauty supply store in my area is at least 2$ more than the Koreans. I would love to fully support black owned hair stores but I am always looking for the better bargain.
I support black owned products
They have more connections,and you best believe their supply`s also comes from another Korean.they keep their money circulating within,black people can’t seem to do that.
Cuz nobody wanna lend a black man money…
It’s because they got ahead of the game and put a monopoly on the business overall. I want to support black owned businesses too and I do as often as possible but what I noticed is that most of their prices are always or majority the time higher, which causes me to go other places more often to stay in my budget.
Awareness is everything !
I have come across several black owed business and have utilized them. The Korean stores are more like local delicatessens to me. If I need some really quick I’ll go in.
I love that you wrote on this because it’s all true, what’s funny to me is that sistas want that discounted price but will go to nail shops and pay over 100 dollars to have nails and feet done! !! But wont complain about how much it costs but complain about 2 dollars more? ??? Im confused, there are no more black wall streets and we had air ports and bus stations and business because we were willing to pay that 2 dollars. Not that is wrong with finding the bargain, but id rather pay for the quality of my product and know im supporting my people rather than other’s people.
Well for me I wouldn’t mind a black owned beauty supply, if the prices were comparable. I also don’t mind paying a lil but more, but why if the product and quality is the same
Am sorry but I would not want to pay extra for anything but $2 more is nothing but to a lot of people it’s a lot. Nobody no matter what race likes to pay extra when they could get it got cheap. I am a woman on a budget
It’s always a black thing,
Why don’t we just fund American stores instead of feeding these immigrants? That’s the bigger issue here..
I’ve never been to a black owned beauty supply store in 32 years of life. But hey as long they got what I want, I’m not complaining.
From what I read years ago, (in Ebony if I’m not mistaken), the suppliers are all in Asia and many refuse to do business with Black vendors, or charge them higher prices.
And I can’t even remember ever seeing a Black owned BSS.
I can’t be angry at the Asians for sticking together and helping their own.
And even though I only use the BSS for skin care products and rarely go., I have never been followed or treated rudely.
And that’s the issue. They take your money, but would not be seen with you outside of their store. Imo, they don’t care what they sell you. A lot of the products that you think you’re getting has been watered down or a completely different product. But keep on saving those 2 dollars. That mentality will continue to keep them ahead of us.
Stop buying that infested hair. It killing you. Wear your hair.
Funny how some people complains about these shops, the rudeness etc when 99% of those products are made in Asian. As African who shops at these Asian shops I would advice my fellow black business owners to take some interest in Asian culture,learn the language (even few communication skills) AND travel to Asia a bit more so that you get better insight about their products and create contacts. Believe me with that they would even be able to sale them at the same price or even £1-2/£ cheaper rather than trying to milk out your own kind or play the race card when business doesn’t run smoothly.
About them following customers in the shop do you blame them when some women acts ratchet/ghetto even nasty just because some of those Asians don’t know our needs or speak English? Act with dignity especially if you are going to wear their hair on your head and buy their products so the average normal black women doesn’t have to deal with that type discrimination.
Well said
Racism among other things : they like to sell hair to their own people –and they even have a beauty association (Kaba -Korean Beauty Associate something like that) basically they stick together
Nesha Battle Misha Pool Kay Sweetp
Also this is why I went natural : Also its a Movie about the Racism Korean businesses to towards African Americans trying to get in the industy.. I cant find it right now but when I do I will post it.
Well for one not every black entrepreneur wants to go into the beauty supply business.
I do not think Asian ppl automaticly get loans over black ppl. They have better business plans at times and can show how their business will be successful.
It is not OUR HAIR that they profit from. It is our need to sew, glue, tape or wrap another race of ppl’s hair on our heads(whether that’s self hate Idk).
It’s because we take every dime we can scrape up to their nail salons so they can infect and damage our nails.
We make them rich because they have better access to the races of ppl who’s hair we want on our heads. So they can sell it to us at a higher price and sell other things we actually need at a lower price than a black store would be able to.
Yes, black owned is more expensive.
These people study us extensively and almost exclusively open there beauty supplies and markets in out neighborhoods. We are a divided people and so we do not see the importance of supporting our own and therefore stay in poverty.
The black owned beauty supplies that I have ever went to were twice as high. So I do not have a problem buying from a Korean owned beauty supply.
Everything is NOT a race issue.
Everything always the sisters fault
The one thing no other race can take from us black people worldwide is the ability to do our hair. We dominate that business and we will always dominate that business aspect of the hair industry.
very interesting post
For me it’s simple. Black owned beauty supply stores are more expensive and they don’t seem to have the same variety of products as an Asian owned beauty supply store.
Reagan signed an agreement to allow Asians to be the importers of hair.
There used to be a black owned beauty supply out here in Berkeley ca. We shopped there all the time. They had variety & comparable prices. I miss that store.
Is this even a real question Joel Burnt Lemon Cray
I died
Can we please take a minute to remember “Napz n’ Twistz”
This is why we can’t even have nice things
Joel Burnt Lemon Cray Omg stop the madness. Lol
I saw a show done on having black own hair stores was ran out of business . I really wish I could think of the name of the show . One of the main reasons was , that they have this great big warehouse , where they store all the hair products , but the big kicker is that , they won’t sale to black own business . The other thing is that , their products are not really good one , they are mostly remakes of the real black products , including curling irons , and such . They have even mixed hairs , and other weaves . They nothing about the black woman , but they want our money . What really piss me off , is that they don’t do returns . I was I had money to start a small store , it doesn’t have to be big .
I haven’t been in any in decades . not I’m anti Korean. nothing in there beneficial worth my money. . more against Sallys than anything else. would be more pro black if they charged fair price for quality.
also have to watch so called Dominican products as well. they do have their own lines. many they sell us from the salons etc aren’t quality and no better than leave in creams. we get from walmart and drug stores etc. They want to charge us like its a salon exclusive products. example. Sedal its only $3 . So don’t get tricked into buying what seem exotic but really a familiar brand .under different name over here or discontinued in the states. overpriced junk with mineral oil or Vaseline .
Sadly they follow you around the store too.
Because they do better business. They’re polite, professional, and treat their sell their items reasonably. I know that there are good Black-owned hair stores out there, but they automatically receive the short end of the stick because of negative connotations
Pattie Armstead yes!!!! Every damn thing you read these days is made into a race issue. Its annoying and I’m seriously OVER IT! You want racism to end than stop talking about it. Stop referring to people as the white girl, the dark girl, the black owned shop the korean owned shop ect…
I haven’t been to a beauty supply shop in years since I went natural. I will say this the black owned shops I went to were more expensive and didnt have the extensive selection that the asians stores had.
They saw a market and capitalized on it. Most immigrants do. We should do the same!
Why does everything have to be about race. ..? =_=; I go to this beauty supply over that one because this one is cheaper. Who cares if Koreans run it or black people do. That doesn’t mean I’m supporting one over the other, ffs I’m just trying to get some weave. No one “follows me around the stOre” either :/
I go to any beauty supply store black owned and Korean owned when looking for good hsir products. I walk around first to see which stores are cheaper. Depending on the product it’s the same price in both Korean and black owned stores. But I do agree with those trying to stretch a buck and trying to get a good deal
Carla Jai Ollison & Michael Gaskins super proud of y’all !
Ever heard the phrase “crabs in a bucket”? That’s my impression of the black community in general… like the lady noted below, “we” (generally) seem to resent success of the average black person, and will do “nothing” to aid the next brother and sister. But will willingly throw not only our cash but our confidence and support at non-blacks. As a group, “we” (generally) carry the same negative view of black people that american society carries … that “we”, “our products”, “our skill and talents” and especially “our intelligence” is sub-par – less than that of non-blacks OR low- or bad-quality. Case in point, I am an attorney and I (and also my black colleagues) have had black clients tell me/us that they were going to hire a jewish or white attorney. (I have even seen this in media conversations with black people). It’s sad that we as a group carry, on some level, the same low opinion of ourselves as a group that society does. It doesn’t help that some of us who try don’t seem to have proper training or, as in the case of the few black shops Ive visited, sufficient funding (or something). Thus they can turn out like a small black owned grocery store I visited once. It had hardly any goods on the shelves and alot of what was offered was super old, covered in dust or not the latest trend … and the shop wSnt exactly clean. Also, there is a distinct lack of communal feeling/identity in the economical sense, I feel. (Which is Im sure, one of the lasting vestiges of slavery. By constantly separating families, groups so they could not ban together with a common village identity and revolt on a large scale (see Haiti, for example), slaveowners destroyed or severely crippled slaves. So, decades later, while we identify with each other as “blacks”, we dont identify with each other as “the black community – as a powerful whole.) Further, pitting slaves against each other for survival…and favor of the slaveowning set, decades later we still seem to be out for the individual- ourselves – and not our group. I dont know what the entire solution is … but at a minimum we need to take a page from so many other groups and 1. Pool resources ($, expertise and human capital), 2. Patronize and support our own before all others, AND 3. equally important- we need to have faith in each other.
I try by best to seek and find black hair salons, Black own resturants, and more
Besides supremacy issues blk ppl still have to fight against today…the Korea stores seem to have a bigger variety, I would have to drive at least 1hr away to get to a blk owned beauty supply store that would have everything I needed and a good selection of options too! It’s sad…