When I saw this video I absolutely had to share, BlackOnyx of Alikay Naturals is my boo from long time even though she has no idea. Her little gummie bear is way too cute for words, and we thought her tutorial was awesome because you hardly find videos on hair care for boys.
I was especially grateful because I have a little boy and for awhile I had no idea what to do with his growing curly, kinky* hair. Obviously Blackonyx does not have that problem, because she came up with the cutest mohawk with a very descriptive video on how to acheive it.
The thing about boys is that you are almost inclined not to do as much on their hair because they are not girls, but hair is hair right? We don’t usually take our toddlers to the barbershop, so you might have some hair you will need to work with to make sure the hair stays healthy.
Personally my one and a half year old cannot handle long hair, he would literally pull it out of his scalp and laugh hysterically. It worried me for a bit but then I came up with the perfect solution. I told his dad, lets cut his hair, I didn’t want to but I didn’t want him yanking it either, so we got some hair scissors and his dad gave him a little fro that wasn’t as interesting as his big one so he left it alone.
If your little guy’s hair is longer like Landon’s hair then you will find your self with an arsenal of products that you use to take care of it so that it remains healthy and taking care of it is a breeze for you and for him.
We recommend, shampoos that do not have sulfates, a great conditioner, a leave in conditioner* and an oil to seal in the moisture so that his hair does not get dry. Kids do not need a bunch of harsh products for their hair and they run around so much, caring for it just needs to be simple.
Check out Landon’s Frohawk, we think he looks mighty spiffy!
lol that looks ridiculous
What the what? Lol
it would’ve been better, in my opinion, to let the little boy rock an afro or cornrows. I don’t find frohawks, mo-hawks or any kind of hawks cute on little boys. Just doesn’t make sense to me
This is lazy, could’ve been done better
Why not cut the little boy’s hair in a Mohawk. Taper the side and keep the Mohawk short. Jeez some of these parent walk around with boy’s hair looking like they are girls.
All I can do is laugh. Lol
Boys shouldn’t have long hair….cut this mess off.