Huh? Did I read that right?
Yes, yes, you did!
You see to be honest I would much rather write about topics that I think my audience would like to read but then I get questions like this, and I am like, maybe this is what people actually want to hear about so why not go ahead and tackle it.
One of the questions that came through to my blog was: Can Caucasians with Straight Hair Get “kinky” hair?
First of all, I would prefer to use the word ‘transform’ very loosely so I did not get too hung up on it. With regards to the question, I get it, we all love big hair regardless of what race we are and at times a woman might want some big kinky fresh to death hair.
Coupled with the fact that afro textured hair is ‘trending’ now for some races and a very real phenomenon for the black race, we can understand the interest.
Before I answer the question, just know that my assumption is that Caucasian women just want to mimic the look of Afro textured hair as a style option. If you remove the politics from it all the answer is easy and all based on technicalities and styling.
What then is my response: My answer is yes, and here are three ways that one can ‘transform’ their naturally straight hair into kinky afro hair.
1. Back combing
One way a white or non-Black person can get kinky* hair is to do back combing. Back combing is when you comb your hair starting from the tips and working your way down to the roots.
Doing this will raise the cuticles of the hair shaft, creating frizz, which will allow the hair to “stand”, thus, resulting in big voluminous hair.
Frequent back combing can damage the hair shaft, due to the fact that the cuticles are being forced to open up. Damaged cuticles can result in the weakening of the hair strands which can lead to dryness and breakage.
2. “foil braid-out”
The second way that someone with straight hair can get big voluminous hair is to do a foil braid out. This style can be created by wrapping small sections of damp hair around folded aluminum foil. For a more detailed tutorial on how to get this look, check out the video below by Eskimohair
3. Get an Asian perm
Have you ever seen an Asian person with what seems like a TWA? An Asian perm is when straight silky Asian hair is converted into kinky* coils, sort of a reverse relaxer treatment. The Asian perm is all the rage in Japan, though you can also see a similar hairstyle in other parts of Asia.
Interesting huh?
This post first appeared on Coils & Glory
Rachel Dolezal did it, ???
Those are wigs and weaves though, not her real hair.
It doesn’t matter, she was able to fool people for years, also she rock all those styles.
But the article isn’t about weaves and wigs. It’s about them wanting to all of a sudden have our hair texture on their heads when a few years ago our hair was ugly. Another form of appropriation.
I quoted my original comment so you can see my opinions. Yes, what you said is mostly unfortunately true. But there ARE a few people like me, who never thought your hair was ugly. I’ve always admired it and thought it was thick gorgeous, and I love the amazing braided African American hairstyles and I thought it was all pretty cool! Course it wouldn’t look as good on me : ( And you know what? Those racists missed out on some pretty nice styles! I just happened to be thinking ’bout this during a time when many idiots who have been being sick racists think it’s “cool” now because some stupid ignorant celebrity claimed they “invented it”. And you know what? Tell them they should shut up! Complete idiotic racist idiots. You know what? That is sad and sick. But I just want to remind you there are a few white people who just always thought it looked gorgeous and didn’t care.
-keep being naturally gorgeous of course naturally you are! \(。♥‿♥。)/
” You know I’m white, and it’s not necessarily political to want African american hairstyles. I’ve always thought african americans coily hair was beautiful!! and really admired the intricate braiding! Unfortunately there are many cultural idiots who only want it because it’s cool now, because some ignorant celebrity wore it. No, that celebrity did not make that up. Yes, It’s genius, and african americans have been doing it for years. And the fact that people shamed African American hair/and hairstyles before was a sick, pathetic, racist trick to keep you down and undermine you. I don’t agree with it. If they can’t even except your well done and taken care of natural hair their racist, manipulating, ignorant, snobs and should honestly get reported to the company! So a note to all you trend crazy ignorants, remember where it came from, and if you are one of those people who has been more racist you better remember what you did, and forget it!
– Keep on being stunningly beautiful Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ”
I read the article lady, I’m not American but I know history. It just hair, there’s nothing to be angry about.
I’m sick of white people trying to colonize everything we have ??? dam can we have something for ourselves
If they like it why not, hair styles goes beyond culture.
Black People have done it with the perm, bleaching their hair, hell their face too.
So I think the proper thing to say is love yourself…the way you are. I know God doesn’t make mistakes…
It’s not the same don’t compare black people perming their hair with this. It’s. A psychological thing. Our ancestors were told their hair was ugly and if you spend more than 400 hundred years being told you’re shit your brain internalizes it. They didn’t do it before slavery
I think she meant well, but you’re definitely right!
If we straighten our hair or some blonde their hair !! Then let them wear their hair kinky !! Hair is just hair !! #askrachel
I will say nothing more then lol yall said it?????
I take it as a complement
I guess, but they definitely can’t carry it off like we do 😉
Why does everything have to be a black and white thing. Hair is hair who tf cares. A style is a style and it doesnt belong to any specific person gender or race.
Style and texture are different. I believe texture does belong to certain races because not all people have it.
Also what others are saying is it’s just like braids, we are ghetto ratchets when we start a trend, weave for explain has been joked on and called names since the beginning until ‘extensions was all of a sudden cool’
Yea. It’s really sad.
I understand where both of you coming from though
It’s been done before. Some people want a kinky hair look. They did it in the 1970’s.
Ha Ha! I’ve always loved 70s style! : )
Huh that’s old news I guess they forgot the 60s and 70s
I don’t see why they would want to! Lol I love my kinky hair but if i was given straight easy to do hair I wouldn’t complain
Why wouldn’t they??? I feel like we’re made to not love ourselves!! A lot of other people want to do and be how. And look how! Now I know there’s things each race that we have taken on and stuff but many things that are specific to black people are taken in by others in a major way!! These same things are the things we despise on ourselves ?? it’s sad real sad but I can see why they would want or would like to have my hair because I love it x
My hair is kinky and it’s not hard to take care of I do what the white girls do everyday in the shower I put conditioner in and de tangle it then put in my leave in comb it and let it air dry lol ride with my windows down to dry it keeps it moisturizer and I have no problems the problem was when I was doing to much to it one hairdresser who has amazing long natural hair told me that when you do too much to it that’s when you mess up when I quit messing with it it stopped breaking and its growing out really fast yeah you can roll up natural hair and twist it out I just like the way my hair naturally is so I don’t do that kinda stuff often natural hair is easy keep it moisturizer and de tangle often when you de tangle often less hair comes out I always comb it out with a clean comb so I can count the hairs that comb out
All these things are true. I’m simply saying easy hair isn’t a bad choice either. We are so wrapped in being proud we can’t see the forrest from the trees.
It doesn’t mean we don’t love ourselves because we would rather have easier to maintain hair. People want what they don’t have. White ppl want kinky hair, straight hair ppl want curly hair, curly hair wants straight and the list goes on.
Yea. I’m white and I think African American hair is beautiful, but hey, I am lucky. : )
It’s just another fad for them by fall it will be something else
Well black girls always are putting in wavy straight weave so what’s the difference?
They have always had nappy, kinky hair. If the don’t wash or brush their hair. Watch how fast it tangles up like the weave at the store. They were cave people dreads.
People here comparing black girls wearing weaves. Let’s not forget those things are the damages of Slavery. Our ancestors didn’t do it before they were brought to this land. It’s a psychological issue. Even within the black community you can still see it people always comparing who was the best hair who is the lightest. All are the collateral damages of being oppressed for more than 400 years
Hairstyles go beyond culture, honestly if slavery didn’t exist women would want to try something different with their hair
Black hair has never gone beyond culture. It is our culture. It affects your day to day life and it is one of the few things that are the same no matter where you go thru-out the diaspora. How dare you try and take that away?
I know that I was talking exclusive about weaves and perming the hair since it’s the excuse everyone use to attack black woman
Not really sure why they’d want it. ..but. ..why not?
I believe so but not like ours just like however many relaxers we get it wont be like their’s. .
Some things that matter to some. Your people are being killed like flies and you worry about hair? Wow
Yes a perm can do it, some hair are to thin and need texture….doesn’t have to be white wanting to be black or when a black person wears weave or a blonde color that they wanna be white smh yall annoying with that ish, I like changing it up and with my green and purple hair who I’m trying to be? Nobody but myself. Hair is hair as long as it looks good I won’t hate on that lady
i couldnt agree more with you
I do not see the issue besides their hair grows faster and the world associates beauty with straight hair. Just watch African movies then you are done beauty is associated with weaves etc. So let the girl be
No. I don’t care what they do to get that look, it’s still not the same. Their texture is different. As much as they ridicule us, why?
This post is disgusting. You literally equated black hair to frizz and back combing and some bullshit curly stuff. No, white people cannot “transform” their hair into black hair. It’s a texture only black people have and cannot be achieved with your bullshit ways, unless you get some hair transplant crap it’s not happening. This post is pretty much condoning cultural appropriation. Listen there are 100% african people with blonde hair, it is in the black genome. Along with blue eyes and red hair. Blonde hair has never been an exclusive to white people trait so don’t compare it to what this post is doing. As for perms and straightening products and weaves, black traits have been shunned in society to a point where black people have been ingrained to believe their hair is inferior and they must make their hair socially acceptable. Don’t compare the years of self hate black women are taught to white people trying to be “trendy” with the same hair we are mocked and shamed for. Weaves are done in tribes in Africa for centuries so I’m not touching that. Black hair is a huge part of our culture. It is very important and engrained within our very lives. Hair braiding, fros, weaves, and dreading it’s a huge part of our day to day lives. How could it not be a part of our culture?
You know I’m white, and it’s not necessarily political to want African american hairstyles. I’ve always thought african americans coily hair was beautiful!! and really admired the intricate braiding! Unfortunately there are many cultural idiots who only want it because it’s cool now, because some ignorant celebrity wore it. No, that celebrity did not make that up. Yes, It’s genius, and african americans have been doing it for years. And the fact that people shamed African American hair/and hairstyles before was a sick, pathetic, racist trick to keep you down and undermine you. I don’t agree with it. If they can’t even except your well done and taken care of natural hair their racist, manipulating, ignorant, snobs and should honestly get reported to the company! So a note to all you trend crazy ignorants, remember where it came from, and if you are one of those people who has been more racist you better remember what you did, and forget it!
– Keep on being stunningly beautiful Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
A whole lot of teasing
No Becky…NO!!.. your hair can’t DEFY GRAVITY…that’s ????black peoples MAGIC..????
we are more than our hair and skin……….we cant see the brain from the forehead
They want to be black….without the struggle… What else do they want?
There are lots of white people with our texture of hair. I just wish some were smarter, it really hurts my brain.
Yes simply artificially change the curl pattern…that is the one thing that changes the hairs appearance…
Hi Adeola Adegbus. I just wanted to thank you for this article. I have always loved afros and have seriously, respecfully, wondered if it was ever an option. Thank you for your explanation.
-Sincerely, Devin C.