Naturalista’s know that we often break up the week according to what styles we are doing. This means a typical week might start with wash day on Sunday, our hair will usually hold up till about Thursday, then we might start itching for a rework of what we would call and ‘old style’.
This isn’t typical for every naturalista but for some of us, that week which I just described is real! In this post I wanted to share a few examples of styles you can use when you are ready to re-work an old style.
Your orginal style could have been a wash and go, a fly twist out or braid out, or any sort of loose style your may have decided to do at the start of the week.
My go to styles for mid week is typically a bun, but some naturals end up adding perm rods* into the mix for a fabulous twist out or braid and curl style.
Here are 3 styles you can do towards the end of the week to start your weekend.
1. A sleek bun
This is my fave because it is easy to do, great for the weekend and it keeps old hair out of my face and off of my clothing.
2. Perm rod set
This style is a little bit more involved, the most important thing is getting your hair moisturized and detangled so that the style can look amazing.
3. Braid and curl
This is another naturalista favorite and if you plan to do this style the most important thing is to get your hair as moisturized as possible so that your style looks healthy once you are done.
At this point I must note that if your hair is just way too dry for just a re-work just take the opportunity to do a cowash* if your hair needs it.
Comment below and let us know what styles you like to do on ‘old hair’?