The other day my friend who is still relaxed said to me “Is it me or did natural hair just burst on the scene like all of a sudden?! Maybe I was living in a bubble perhaps, but one day long straight relaxed hair was the big style of choice the next thing I know everyone was embracing their natural hair, and it appeared to happen overnight!”
I was a little put off by her statement because to me, natural hair has been around for years but I understood where she was coming from.
Secretly I think she wants natural hair inwardly but is still a little hesitant about rocking her natural hair the way she is seeing others rock it. I personally have not had it easy either and just recently decided to tackle natural hair and embrace my natural hair journey. I wanted to assure my friend that natural hair isn’t going anywhere and gave her all the reasons why it is here to stay!
Let’s be honest, life isn’t valued nearly as much when we aren’t free to be exactly who God created us to be. I strive everyday to live a true and authentic life.
Does wearing your hair relaxed make you fake or not free… absolutely not! But hear me out. Although I was hesitant slightly about returning natural, as soon as I big chopped I instantly was greeted with such freedom to express myself just the way I wanted and in my own way.
I know longer have to get a relaxer but I am blessed with the opportunity to play around with products and tools to help best describe who I am and watch my hair take notice and follow. There is nothing more rewarding than being truly set free from all labels and create your own path your way.
Rewarding Journey
I had no idea when I returned natural how exciting and fulfilling my natural hair journey would be. I have had so much fun getting to know my curls and what makes them thrive.
I feel such a sense of accomplishment when I’m able to successfully find a regimen or product that was designed for my hair.
I even have had a unique appreciation for things that haven’t gone my way and having to fall and get back up and try again. We aren’t truly living to our full potential if we aren’t willing to stretch ourselves and trying something new.